Part 47: Stratum 1: Omens Part 1
When it proved impossible to destroy, the Silver Wolf was sealed away for all time.- excerpt, Legend Cycles of the Ancients
The Calling
It seems were finally making some progress.

It seems is already feeling the pressure of this place.
Video- Omens Lead In

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You werent planning on escaping again, were you?

The air in Besek is full of magic energy, and the human body cant handle it.
You might feel a little weaker from the pressure, and your breath will slow.
But dont worry, kid, youll be fine.

(Ugh Im not fine at all!)
Theres no time to waste, though.
Video- Omens Part 1

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Ally Team:
We added Yuri to the team, she brings more healing and some potentially powerful Light attacks. Honestly, our team is seriously brutal and were going to hammer these Majin into the ground like railroad spikes.
Enemy Team:
Were up against a lot of very familiar Majin here, there are two of the mid-level Caprus, an Exo Machina, an Aquamote, two Dawnwalkers, and two Velox. Weve seen them all before, and most of them are either vulnerable to Fire or Darkness so Thage can omnom them all pretty much.

We deploy simply with our toughest characters up front to take the hits. Were going to push forward and just slug things out with the Majin, weve got a huge power advantage.
Tactical Objectives:
- Crush the Majin

I opened the door and found a wolf inside before
I wonder whats behind the door this time.

Raki starts us out by moving up a bit and casting on the near Exo Machina. We then start pushing the group up a bit to get ready to mash it and the Caprus thats coming.

We get started on the incoming Majin now. Exo Machina moves up and hits Raki, which is just fine really because it sets us up nicely to combo it down. Alexei moves up to its side to do just that.

Now I get Raki set up to be the other part of the combo. I want to use him instead of Thage even though Thage would actually do more damage thanks to the Strike vulnerability because I can just have her capture immediately after this way.

We tear the Exo Machina up just as we expected to, and grabbed it up right after. It puts Thage up forward a bit, but shes within the Aegis of Rakis Martyr skill. This immediately saves her from being hit by the near Caprus spear attack.

How interesting
The Caprus has put himself in a great position to be taken out so its time to get started on that. The left Dawnwalker moves up and casts, which is fine really. We whack the Caprus with Alexei and then burn it to ash with Thages almighty power. Then we can lead Raki to capture it, getting it out of the way. This lets Komori run up and whack the Dawnwalker, getting a level in the process.

Komori gets Fortify this time, which is a really great buff. Itd be better if we could actually hit Thage with it but it does make all of our front line that much tougher and is coming from a hybrid fighter and not a straight caster.

The Velox comes up and shoots Komori, which is fine because its not Thage. Im not sure how Martyr interacts with arrows, since Raki doesnt take the blow. It does take the Dawnwalkers attack, though. Meanwhile the other Dawnwalker comes in and casts on Alexei, which hurts but hes a big boy. He lumbers over to it and nearly kills it in one blow, exactly the result Id want. Raki casts on the Dawnwalker near him, meanwhile, getting a level in the process.

Then Thage blasts the Dawnwalker straight to hell with a Malus. Now weve got the Velox and a new Caprus on this front and the Dawnwalker over by Alexei. Retica and Yuri throw stuff onto the Velox and then Alexei clocks the Dawnwalker he hit before and knocks it out of the park. He gets a level out of this. Raki then Bleeds the Caprus, which is a great start on it. Velox will be our next victim, though, falling to Thages fire magic. She levels up, once again getting a huge benefit from it.

Thage gets Malus II here, giving her a big stick to hit anything vulnerable to Darkness with. The Aquamote has moved up meanwhile, which was a terrible mistake for it. Raki leaves it nearly dead with a single bite and then I blow it up with Thages new Malus II skill, which is powerful enough to trash it even without a weakness. Caprus is at low health, so I get Raki and Retica lined up for a good old-fashioned combo.

The combo goes off without a hitch, which gets Retica a level. Not much to say about his level, hes still a bit off of coming into his own. Weve got one more Velox, which falls to a bite from Raki and a spell from Thage. And thats all she wrote.
Battle Result:
Thage 8->9
Raki 7->8
Retica 5->6
Komori 5->6
Alexei 6->7
Exo Machina Lv 5 x 1
Aquamote Lv 6 x 1
Dawnwalker Lv 6 x 2
Velox Lv 6 x 2
Caprus Lv 7 x 2
Anyway the Guardian decided to stop napping and show itself.

Sort of ironic what was behind the door.

Man, I love when a sacrifice comes here on its own.

Hand the librum over, so I can destroy it!

Ill trap you in this librum. Maybe then youll shut up.

It doesnt matter how much they talk, these Majin are all trash.
- recovered text fragment