Part 60: Stratum 3: Silhouettes
There are some things in this world too horrible to bear.- unknown
The End of Everything
After todays journey I think I can see the darkness were searching for looming in the distance.
Video- Silhouettes

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Ally Team:
Were using the same team we did last time, well use them unless we have some specific reason to leave slots for Majin (which we will later).
Enemy Team:
The same group we had last time on this map, three Unseelies, three Ocenyx, two each of Lapis Sylph, Cephalocthon, and Aquila. Individually easy, but ridiculous numbers.

Were going to use the same basic strategy we used when we did this with Olifen. Were going to push forward into this crossroad and hold it until we need to move to find new Majin to kill. Our melee group isnt as solid but weve got such crazy magic support from Thage that it doesnt matter at all.
Tactical Objectives:
- Capture Majin, well need them for a later map

Im not like the Majin weve killed.

I thought all the Majin wanted Izel reborn, though?

We get started by pushing Raki up far enough to ensure the near Ocenyx will move up at us. Getting one of these twelve enemies down immediately is a huge bonus.

Meanwhile the Majin do what they do when they all have buffs, they throw buffs around like crazy. This does suck a bit because most of them end up with Magus Def for the first bit of the map as a result. That Ocenyx nearby does indeed run in, and we barrage it from full to Overkilled with laughable ease, and even get Raki into position to lure the next one in during the capture. My defensive line on the main front will be Raki and Ares, and on the mini-front with the Aquila and Unseelie Ill have Alexei block. We land a Bleed on the Ocenyx on the main front with Ares, a good start.

I have Thage throw a Malus I at the Ocenyx, its got a Magus Def so I wont be able to Overkill it at its current health level. Ill probably play Thages Tale again before the end to get her to level 30, I should see how quickly I can finish these maps if I dont give a damn about Overkills because I have plenty of opportunities to just get regular kills here.

We start attacking the advancing Aquila on the mini-front now. After an arrow from Retica and a brutal Fracturing spear strike from Alexei its not looking so good. We take the Ocenyx on the main front down to near death between hitting it and the Bleed, which leads to it running away and getting cured. Its place is taken by the other Aquila, which catches the same Malus I to the face when Thages turn comes up.

Tell me where the Majin with the scythe is. Where is he!?

I get started on the Unseelie on the mini-front, its a sword Unseelie so it actually needs to be tanked here. We weaken the Aquila there a bit more, then Alexei knocks it down with his big hammer. That hammer from the refugee is totally broken, its almost as good as the upgrade I could buy him at this point. I then move Alexei over to stand in the way of that Unseelie.

Arent you throwing your life away just to get revenge?

Ill do whatever it takes.

We keep throwing stuff at the Aquila on the main front, I want to get it low enough that it will run because that wastes heals on the Majins side and gets me more experience in the long run. It does, so I turn all my attention to the Unseelie thats all up in my shit. I want to try and set up a Combo against it so I can get experience for people not named Thage, but thats tricky honestly.

Unseelies got a Salva buff, which sucks because it means it gets enough health back each turn to make it scary to try and Overkill it after. The Aquila we hurt on the other front got healed and came back, which is fine long run because it just lets us beat it up again. Ares even levels up from it, getting Dual Attack. I do some quick math and determine that Unseelie is still low enough to fall to a Malusphere, so I send it to the infinite abyss.

The Lapis Sylph that was healing earlier has been inching closer, and decided to rush in and cast on Retica at this point. Im actually pretty happy with that, because it lets me mob it a lot earlier than I might otherwise get to. I notice Irina can level from capturing the bound Aquila from earlier, so she does. Alexei gets the Unseelie just in case one of the Majin from above decides to start running at that front again. We get the injured Ocenyx from earlier back on the main front, and the Aquila there decides to bug out rather than die horribly. We start pounding Ocenyx and force it to flee as well, and Lapis Sylph joins it after another cast at Retica. This is the perfect time to start pushing our front, so I do with an attack on the Lapis Sylph by Ares. Aquila returns to try and hit her, and unfortunately she gets Frozen by the Cephalocthon. Aquilas return was a bit premature, though, because without any healing it easily falls to a spell from Thage, who levels up.

Thage is now S rank with Earth, which makes that Terra III we just got for her ridiculous. To prevent Releases we grab the Aquila up. Im desperately trying to keep Ares alive, but with everything focusing on her its a losing battle probably. I just keep weakening everything I can, trying to set up a takedown on things. Yuri levels up from a heal, getting her Divinus. With the Majin bunched up to attack Raki and Ares, I manage to Overkill the Lapis Sylph and nearly take down a second, fresh Ocenyx that just joined the party with a single Malusphere. I then Lead Raki to capture the Sylph quickly before its fast approaching friend can do anything about it. Alexeis almost back at the front lines, which is good because every single Majin in the world is about to go for Ares. My only ways to save her would have gotten Yuri killed, so I dont feel too bad. We do land a Bleed on the new Ocenyx, every status that the Unseelies have to cure instead of doing something damaging is great. Thage does one better, Fracturing the Unseelie thats shooting at us with her Terra III. In the melee of the next few turns, Raki levels up.

Steel Roar is a super-strong Slash attack that is Rakis unique move. Also note how crazy resistant to Slash Raki is. We just keep trading blows with the Majin and landing status effects when we can now, the goal is to wear down their resources so we can blow them all up.

Speaking of destruction, I get the other Lapis Sylph nicely weakened for Malusphere-ing and then set up a Combo against the Ocenyx. It then has to go spoil it all by dying to a Counter from Raki. Luckily, its buddy comes in and manages not to get Countered, so I blow it up instead. Then I blow up Lapis Sylph with Thage, because thats the best way. Now its time to move on to the remaining Majin up here. Cephalocthon has been deserving it for a while, so after a few quick attacks to weaken it I finish it with some Pyro magic from Thage.

You cant prevent her from achieving her goal.

Im impressed that the developers knew this would take so damn long that they still had talk stuff coded in this far out. Anyway the currently Fractured Unseelie restores itself, but its too little too late and it falls to a Combo from Alexei and Irina. Alexei levels up and gets the awesome Reinforce passive out of it. This makes him take less damage from Critical hits. Now Ive just got another Unseelie and a Cephalocthon a million miles away to deal with.

I keep doing what I can to try and capture the last Unseelie, Ive got two but three is more than that.

I annoyingly fail to Overkill the thing by like six hit points when I do eventually Combo it with Raki and Thage, because it has a stupidly huge pool of Overkill HP and I got greedy. Retica levels up while were messing around getting to the Cephalocthon, though, which is nice. Speaking of the Cephalocthon long story short I decide to dick around and hit it with a Steel Roar and manage to drop the ball on the Overkill even with it at 13 because Rakis just not that brutal as a Windrunner. But really this went pretty well, everyone leveled up and we got a whole bunch of awesome Majin that we might just need VERY soon.
Battle Result:
Thage 22->23
Raki 16->17
Retica 15->16
Alexei 17->18
Yuri 11->12
Irina 13->14
Ares 14->15
Unseelie Lv 19 x 2
Ocenyx Lv 18 x 2
Aquila Lv 16 x 2
Lapis Sylph Lv 17 x 2
Cephalochton Lv 17 x 1
Ive been curious as to whats motivating Retica to continue, so I asked.
Video- Silhouettes Lead Out

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Why do you want the Eternal Poison so much?

Youre willing to hurt yourself willing to risk your life all for the sake of others?

I want the Eternal Poison, so I can get revenge
But Im not doing this all for someone else.
He just sort of kept going after answering the question, though.

All those people who say they like helping others, its ultimately just for themselves.
Being nice, giving charity, helping people... I mean, isnt it just another way of making OURSELVES feel good?
We do it for glory, we do it to be rewarded in the afterlife And its always for ourselves. Were selfish.
But I think thats also one of mans best traits because you know, if we ALL did it, the world would be happier.
Despite the selfish intention, the dream of all mankind helping each other Supporting each other
Maybe Im wrong, but to me, its a beautiful thing, selfishness and all.

Even with that selfish act, you saved my life

Unlike him I dont have some selfish reason.

My dream is to destroy everything.

If I told you everything, itd be too much for you.

*pant pant pant *
(Ugh, Im becoming more unreliable to the others, in my condition )
Itd really just be cruel to tell the kid the whole story, especially given that he could die horribly at any time.

Basil: Retica hasnt been looking very health of late
I do hope youre not pushing yourselves too hard.
The Count would be most displeased if he found our his guests were ill.
Please take care, and remember to get plenty of rest.
I think that thief was hitting on me earlier. When the everything destroying starts hes early on the list.

Leon: Ive especially noticed all the pretty girls, hehehe
I like Nena! Shes real classy and has such an innocent face.
Ares is just plain stunning! You think shed be into a younger guy like me?
Huh!? Were the same age!? She seems so mature but I like that!
I love how Vivian looks in her uniform! She can order me around anytime!
Irinas tough I bet shes a challenge! And Yuris so cute and quirky!
So many girls! And of course, theres you You might be my favorite of all!
I cant say Id considered Muses question at all.

Muse: Komori seems like a really great guy, but he has a kid already
And I think Velnors really cute! I wonder if Im into younger guys?
What!? Hes older? Thats a surprise!
Alexei acts very macho, but I think he has a kind heart.
Stein is so cool and handsome! I love how I cant tell what hes thinking!
Which one do you like best?
Anyway I think the Count is making fun of me.

Perhaps it was only natural that you chose the light then Hahaha
I talked with Shivan and confirmed my suspicion that it was time to switch to the darkness if we were to find this Majin.

Shivan: Something foul is creeping just over the horizon, but it cannot yet be seen.
Through powers of the mind, the lock can be broken, its form made visible.
That guy we saved earlier was a bit weird.

Ducalius: On sunny days like this, my little friends here also get excited.
Im sorry if theyre being too noisy.

Ducalius: Im glad you share my appreciation for the finer things in life.
Anyways, Id love to talk, but its time for me and my friends to move on.
Thage; You have somewhere you need to go?
Ducalius: I must go wherever people are in need of my help
Before I leave, though, I want you to have these.

Feinnes Notes: Hallowed is still great, not sure who can use it best though honestly.
Ducalius: Thanks for saving my little friends.

Ducalius: I wish you a long life filled with happiness.

Anyway I expect things are about to get a lot more eventful.
- recovered text fragments