Part 64: Stratum 3: Anathema Part 2 Boss: King Bellion
In Besek only the strong survive and only the strongest rule. This is the only law of that grim realm.- excerpt, Legends of Besek, Vol I
March of the Dark Queen
Its almost disappointing how weak he was.
Video- Anathema Part 2

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Ally Team:
I use my awesome solid mercenary team, no point breaking up a good thing now. I could do this map entirely with the people Im forced to use now I guess but I wouldnt be able to capture the King like that.
Enemy Team:
The enemy group is just like the one we saw in Ashleys Tale, two each of Scytodida, Chiroptera, Aquamote, and Zerda are joined by King Bellion, who Ill take a second look at here.

Standard caveats apply to King Bellion, he always Counters and has reasonably powerful Earth and Fire magic. Hes surprisingly vulnerable to Physical status, but his defense and resistances to physical damage types can make him hard to capture if hes not Fractured.

I carefully deploy to allow myself to totally avoid the majority of the Majin on this map. I dont care about the experience I lose at this point, I can easily complete the game at the levels Im at.
Tactical Objectives:
- Kill stuff, maybe capture the King.

Here is a shot from my efforts to push forward. The goal is to NOT get a Chiroptera from behind, which would waste a lot of time. I do attract the attention of the near Aquamote, Chiroptera, and Zerda, but thats fine. The near Chiroptera does a brain-bendingly stupid thing and tries to fly all the way around to get me from behind, which is going to allow me to confuse and delay it later by moving at all.

What about destruction for the sake of destruction?
We get everyone pulled forward and indeed do avoid any aggression from the Chiroptera behind us. Now its time to strike and strike hard.

We get started on the Aquamote and Zerda now, we need to get through them as quickly as possible.

We blast the Zerda with a Malusphere, which already takes it down to the sort of health we want it to be at to Overkill it.

We get a good shot in on the Zerda, and it responds by Bleeding Ares. More annoyingly, the Aquamote Freezes Raki. I cure these status effects and get ready to dish out some brutal loving on both the current Majin and the Chiroptera, who is finally making its way back to its starting position. Ares Bleeds the bat, then Thage smokes the Zerda with a Malusphere. We then Lead Raki and Alexei against the Aquamote, which takes it down to ten health.

Only the most powerful Light spell will break it.
Weve got that covered, though, I gave Thage a Sacrasphere cast just for this occasion. We keep weakening Chiroptera, and Aquamote heals itself. Chiroptera strikes back, and healing Ares back up gets Irina a level.

Starfire is Irinas special attack, its like a Shortbow version of Wisp Raid. Rather than Combo the Aquamote I just attack it with Alexei and Raki to bring it down low again, then blow it up with a Pyro II. Because Chiropteras a spoil sport who just had to evade Alexeis killing hammer strike from behind, I Combo it down with Ares and Thage, getting Thage a level.

Thage has gone up to A in Light now too, because shes overpowered as hell. Now we start getting ready to move on to the King.

Youll be safe from the destruction.
I try to see if Light Attack can break the Aura, but its not enough so instead I get ready to bring Thage into range.

We have a mission, and youre in our way.
Sacrasphere does what Light Attack couldnt, and the fight is on. Raki immediately gets us going with a successful Bleed Attack, which is going to make him lose a whopping 150 HP every time he moves or acts. Just for jokes I drop a Starfire onto him with Irina, because while hes Bleeding everything is awesome. Ares stabs him too, but hes not beaten yet, especially with an Aquamote coming up as well.

The King blasts Ares hard with a Terra III. Raki gets started on the Aquamote with a Dual Attack, and Thage swaps the Kings Bleed for a Fracture with Terra III now that hes below 500. The Aquamote doesnt heal, but it does annoy the hell out of me by finishing Ares off. We get revenge by blowing it up with Thages fire magic.

We keep weakening the King, and get Alexei into position for a Combo since hes got our highest attack power. Now lets finish the job.

Thage and Alexei brutalize him and leave him Bound to the floor. Raki levels up from the capture.

The Throne of God awaits you. You have shown your power.

And I dont answer to higher powers.

Battle Result:
Thage 25->26
Raki 19->20
Irina 15->16
King Bellion Lv 23 x 1
Aquamote Lv 19 x 1
Chiroptera Lv 20 x 1
Zerda Lv 19 x 1
Now that weve reached the end, it is time to reappraise the usefulness of one of my companions.
Video- Anathema Lead Out

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Thage, dont listen to what he says.
Hes only planning on making YOU Izel.

Even if we reach the end of Besek, theres no guarantee well get the Eternal Poison!

Thage, Im here to help you achieve your goals!
I think the time for silly games is over, though.

Im sorry. You two fighting is amusing me, though.

But I couldnt make it here without his guidance.
His power and wisdom where useful to me. Thats all.

He used me as well, so its a fair exchange.

Raki, Im sorry, but I wont be the Izel you wished me to be.
You can leave if you want, or you can stay with me until the end.
Its your decision.
But I should warn you, if you decide not to follow me, Ill add you to my librum.

And this could only turn out one way.

However, even if I reach the end of Besek, their plan will fail.
I cannot become Izel.
Cognosce Ranunculus.
Domina iam sum.
Do you understand now?

Thage, I accept you as my master once again. I will continue to serve under you.

(I suppose this is my fate, after all )
I dont expect well be back to Isapolis again after today.

I dont know that I should reveal my sources to you
But you should know, much uncertainty lies ahead
Will you be able to obtain what your heart desires most?
Ha, reveal his sources.

Muse: Thats crazy! Well, good luck out there!
Come back soon, so I can perform a victory dance for you, okay?
Take care!
Still, this was an amusing little place he created.

Basil: Are you heading out of town again?
For one so young, you are extremely committed!
Count Duphaston told me he was very impressed with you.
Please dont let me delay you from your mission. Off you go, now! Good luck!
Id ask him what this was all about, but of course he would lie.

Shivan: Yet I cannot see what lies beyond it
Could the end also mean the beginning?
So instead we do the only thing we can.

Leon: Are you Are you leaving town again?
I heard that the deeper you get into Besek, the tougher it is.
Please come back to me! And dont let your pretty face get scratched!
We set out for the Throne of God. The Eternal Poison will be mine, no matter the cost.
- recovered text fragments