Part 65: Stratum 4: Sovereign Boss: ???
A minority of scholars suggest that the troubles in Valdia actually date back much earlier than the appearance of Besek, though poor record-keeping make it hard to establish the source.- excerpt, The Fall of Valdia
Eternal Poison
I never thought Id be here again.
Video- Sovereign Lead In

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Or that the Eternal Poison would be in this accursed place.

The power I desire is finally mine.

And of course, HEd have to be here too.


Why are you here?

Ore are you using Princess Lenarshe to resurrect Izel?

What an idiot.

Youre wrong
And once I destroy this world, it wont matter WHOS in control of it.
Stop this ritual and hand over the Eternal Poison.

Begone, false shadow of the past.
The real Thage was a useless being that was not fit to be a vessel for Izel.
How dare you intrude upon my ritual and bring that librum here!

Ill show you whats become of me since I was discarded.
This is Besek, and only the strong survive.

I will not be defeated by that useless book!
You can entertain me until the ritual is complete.
Prepare to die!
And Ive already died once, I have no intention of doing so again.
Video- Sovereign

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Ally Team:
Our mercenary team is solid enough that theres no real need to start any Majin.
Enemy Team:
King Valdus is joined this time by two Garuda, two Unseelie, two Lapis Slyph, and two Chiroptera. This is one of the harsher Majin groups weve seen here, but theyre mostly vulnerable to Darkness so in practice theyre easy as hell. Lets look at Thages version of the King.

This King Valdus is a Fire and Light attacker. Its only really vulnerable to Water and Pierce but it takes normal damage from Darkness, which weve got kind of a lot of. If wed been the Fire class this would be tricky but were not so its not.

I deploy on the right instead of the left this time, I want to hit the side with the Garudas first because fuck Garudas.
Tactical Objectives:
- Regicide

It has been a well-guarded secret for centuries
Valdias king must possess the blood of the Majin.
Only one with such power is fit to ascend the throne!

Youre not as fit to be King as you think.
Youve thrown away whats left of your humanity.
We start pushing up towards the first Garuda, we want to lure it in so we can pound it into the ground like a railroad spike.

Its time for someone to take you off your throne.
We get some buffs thrown out, and the Garuda obligingly runs in and tries to hit Raki. For once its not Garuda whos dodging like a little bitch, though, and Raki avoids its attack.

You are my master, and I devote my power to you.
We start throwing some attacks at the Garuda now, Dark magic is great against it so itll be pretty easy to Overkill if I want to.

The Throne of Valdia hides many secrets from its people.

I weaken the Garuda down to near death with a Malus I now, Im going to fry it next time Thage gets to act.

If this is my last battle, so be it.
Garuda doesnt end up healing itself, which is nice, it just wastes its time hitting Ares and then moves out of my way to try and flank us or some damn stupid thing like that. Its not going to live very long so who cares what it does? Slightly more worrying is the Unseelie coming in from the north, but its not a real threat all alone.

My most powerful skill will shatter it to pieces!
A Malus IV sends the Garuda packing with ease, and we Lead Raki to capture it after. Then we get started on the Unseelie as well, since its at my lines. The Lapis Sylphs from the center have been drifting towards us, and they get close enough to hit Alexei with an Aerosphere. They also annoyingly buff the King with Salva. Ive already got a plan for them, though. Before we get to that, Alexei cracks the bones of the Unseelie and I try to set up a Combo to bring it down. It just HAS to move, though, ruining my efforts. The Lapis Sylphs moved right next to each other, so Thage goes over and kills them both instantly with a Malusphere. I then Lead Raki to hit the Unseelie with an Aero to bring it a bit lower for Alexeis next turn. Thage was put in a slightly dangerous position when she killed the Sylphs and does take an arrow from the other Unseelie now, but the damage is honestly laughable. Alexei tees off on the Fractured Unseelie, easily Overkilling it and getting a level.

Oh how I wish I could keep mercenary levels between runs, because damn Alexeis hardcore. Theres a Chiroptera coming as well, and I send Raki to run over and Bleed it before it can do something lame like try to reach Thage.

Thage throws some magic at the Unseelie who shot her then pulls back to safety. It ends up shooting at Yuri instead of her, which is what Id expect and isnt a real problem.

We bleed the Chiroptera down quickly with an attack from Raki and its own efforts, then Thage lays it low with that Meta III I got a while ago just sort of because. I start sending Alexei up to try and lure in the Garuda near the King away from him. Right after that, though, I realize Raki can just engage it now and just run him up and hit it hard and fast. A Dual Attack followed by a Malusphere kills it before it can even react and gets Thage a level.

Weve not quite gotten another S rank this level but I kind of suspect well see one in Wind or Water by 30. Our backfield keeps attacking the Unseelie, and King Valdus starts the show with a Sacraspire on Raki. By the way, this version of King Valdus is also special in that he actually has an operatic intro like a normal Majin. His color scheme also makes it a lot easier to see that hes a horrible Gigeresque nightmare with dragon mouths for hands. Im trying to get Thage into melee to break his aura, but he keeps running away. In the meantime, we land a Bleed on the Unseelie, sealing its fate. It gets cut down, and in a totally unconnected note Yuri levels up, getting Prayer II almost too late to use it. Our aggression does put Thage briefly in danger again, the last Chiroptera moves up from behind the King and hits her. Still, were in a perfect position now to strike back and hard.

Anyway Raki runs over and tears the crap out of the Chiroptera, Thage goes and breaks Valdus Aura with a Last Rites, and then Alexei shatters any hope of the Chiroptera being a threat with a Fracture Attack. Retica puts it out of its misery right after. Now that the king is all alone, I pour everything Ive got at him. Malusphere tears through him like a hot knife through butter, and we also get Retica a level.

Your selfishness will be the end of you!
To be classy I finish the job with a Last Rites from Thage. All in all the easiest final map so far, because Thages party is mega badass.

I must complete the ritual.

What did YOU see in the darkness?
Thage, you are not the vessel for Izels rebirth.
You are a thief, and I will kill you.

I was that queen, in another life.
Before the darkness.

I can see now. I can see the truth
But those golden eyes staring from the darkness
Battle Result:
Thage 26->27
Retica 17->18
Alexei 19->20
Yuri 14->15
Unseelie Lv 19 x 1
Chiroptera Lv 20 x 1
Garuda Lv 20 x 1
I almost wonder what he understood at the end. No way of knowing now, though.
Video- Sovereign Lead Out

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His dream of conquering Besek was not meant to be.

(But we may never know what truth he discovered as he was dying )

Does all power corrupt?
Thats why the Stag Domain lives separate from Valdia
A selfish king, and a tyrannical church ! The whole Valdian Kingdom is nothing but corruption!
Its important to cut off stupid rants before they can really get started.

The Eternal Poison was my one reason to keep on going.
I was determined to get my hands on it, even if it meant stealing it from you.

And I probably cant do anything about the Oath you put on me, right ?
*sigh * I dont think I have much time left here, anyhow
Ill have just long enough to see what you do next

What about this woman?
I guess we also saved the princess or whatever. Not that I was intending to do so.

You can try to kill me if you want.

I thought we would be done here when we stopped the ritual and captured the Poison, but Besek seems to have other ideas.

The whole castle began to come down.

(The tale should end there )
(But this is Besek )
Why cant things ever go smoothly for once?
- recovered text fragments
Video- Credit Roll Thage

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