Part 66: Stratum 1: Mercy
However, the Tale of Rondemion did not end with his mutually destructive battle with Morpheus. Even after his reported death, sightings of the Hero were reported wherever the Majins depravations went unchecked.- excerpt, The Saga of Rondemion

Old Battles
Besek has returned.
Video- Rondemion Lead In

Click For Video

Its finally time to end this.

There are more complications than Id like, though.

Theyre shields used by Stag soldiers in battle.
Hmph, to think Besek would recreate this place, just for me
Looks like Beseks got a plan in store for us.

Eriel, get back.

I should help him Oh, the librum
And of course the Majin are everywhere.
Video- Mercy

Click For Video with Commentary

Ally Team:
Lets start by taking a look at the big man himself.

Rondemion is pretty awesome. Hes got the melee power of a big guy without the cripplingly low speed and terrible magic vulnerabilities. He starts out in Mail armor, but well probably give him Leather by the end and use accessories to buoy his physical resistances. Whenever you need things hit super hard Rondemion will be there to send them straight back where they came from.
We also start with two mercenaries, Velnor and Komori. Velnor brings archery and Mental status curing, and Komori brings healing and offensive magic. Its a solid team, but were still outnumbered more than two to one so we cant just try to smash our way through.
Enemy Team:
So yeah, there are seven Majin on the map. There are two Caprus, two Apis, two Exo Machina, and a Nightwalker. The big threats are being Feared by the Nightwalkers Malus I or having to fight more than one melee Majin at once. We get a lot of healing items, dont be shy about using them if you need it to survive.

I want to push towards the right instead of forward, its very easy to end up against three Majin at once if I go forward and thats probably a game over.
Tactical Objectives:
- Kill everything
- Dont die

We push to the right as fast as we can, we lead with Rondemion because hes rock hard. The Caprus on the right moves up and ineffectually flails at him for minor damage.

Komori gets a swing in on the Caprus for a lot of damage, and now its time to flex our muscles.

Rondemion shreds the Caprus with his Greatsword, leaving Velnor to capture it. By the way, unlike other stories when we capture Majin its Eriel with the Librum, not our Main Character.

We have several slow turns of advance on the next Majin, an Exo Machina. The pavises are no obstacle at all to Komoris Earth magic nor Velnors arrows and we quickly weaken it quite a lot and draw it towards our party. Komori throws another spell at it to bring it down into Overkill range, but were going to take this one more slowly.

I then pull Rondemion back one space, I want to get experience on my mercs so I need to use Combos when it makes sense.

Exo Machina moves in and hits Komori, then gets smashed down by a Combo. Once again Velnor gets the capture, I want him to get easy experience. We push a bit farther forward, which ends up pulling in the Nightwalker. It casts on Velnor, which is damaging but survivable for him. Komori runs up and lands a brutal mace strike on it, though it attracts an Apis when he does it. The attack from the Apis gets Komori a level, though it doesnt get him any new skills. Since everything is perfectly lined up, I finish the Nightwalker with a Combo from Rondemion and Velnor, which gets Rondemion a level.

Rondemion gains Terra II here, which lets him Fracture things. Its pretty awesome. Velnor then captures the Nightwalker, getting him a level as well. Komori heals himself and moves up to the Apis, who bypasses him and attacks Velnor instead.

Rondemion runs up and slashes the Apis, which sets Velnor up for an arrow shot that finishes the job. Komori heals Velnor up a bit then moves over towards the nearby chest, which when we reach it on his next action contains a Medicine. We then move up towards the next Apis, which engages and stings at Komori. We hit the Apis with a Terra II, Fracturing it, and then hit it with a Terra I from Komori as well. We take advantage of the odd behavior of Majin while Fractured, it cant hurt anyone so it just doesnt move at all. This lets us set up a Combo on it with Rondemion and Velnor, who levels up after we capture it.

Im much stronger than you.

We slowly push up so we get the first strike on the Exo Machina, and we open up with a Terra II. After a bit more work on it a second Terra II Overkills it, which gets Rondemion another level.

Nothing new, but he does get more and more brutal each level. Anyway, we grab the chest, which has the Bleed/Fracture curing item Bandage, and then we set up a devastating Combo that Overkills the last Caprus and gets Komori a level, which gets him Fortify. Map over.
Battle Result:
Rondemion 5->7
Komori 3->5
Velnor 3->5
Caprus Lv 2 x 2
Apis Lv 3 x 2
Nightwalker Lv 4 x 1
Exo Machina Lv 5 x 2
Even more inconvenient, there was someone injured on the battlefield.
Video- Mercy Lead Out

Click For Video

If I were truly strong, I wouldnt be here right now
Why did you follow me onto the battlefield?

If youre going to get yourself into trouble, I can just leave you here.

Uh, Rondemion? I just found someone that was brought here by the Majin.

How long do you think itll take to head back to town from here?

It turned out there was a solution, though.

I would love to continue our conversation, but perhaps we should relocate ourselves. This place is ghastly.
Follow me. Ill take you to a safer place.

I dont trust this Count guy as far as Eriel could throw him but we might as well take advantage of his facilities.

Hes got those weird little Koona bears to act as scouts.

Toma: Anook deen uoy! Suoregnad Beseks.
Seems this whole town was just drawn into Besek.

Muse: My, my, youre a handsome man!
Im Muse and Im a dancer.
Will you come watch me dance at my next show? Id be so happy if you did.
Oh, and I want to hear some interesting stories next time!
I got a chance to talk with one of the mercenaries whod joined up with me earlier.

Komori: What a funny coincidence that you have the same name as the Legendary Hero.
Im here with my adopted daughter, Nena. She has a vendetta against Majin.
Also managed to hire some more help. There was a Knight, a big fellow who calls himself the Beast General.

Alexei: Are you traveling further into Besek as well?
Ah, my friend! Lets have a contest and see who can slay more Majin!
Hahahahaha! Those Majin dont stand a chance against us!
There was also a woman named Ares who seemed almost a bit too excited to be going into battle.

Ares: You here for adventure? Youre just like me, huh? You need that sense of danger
Need another sword?
Thanks, this is gonna be fun.
The woman we saved in Besek was in no shape to travel.

Whatre you doing in a place like this?
And all alone, too.
Amelie: Well, um


You must have your reasons.
I cant let you go back in there. Youll get yourself killed.
You should stay here for a while and think things over.
Amelie: Youre probably right
Were heading back out to Besek soon. Ive waited too long to finally finish this.
- unknown