Part 70: Valley: Stray Boss: Count Duphaston
Reports from the inside suggest that a town was consumed by Besek during its appearance, kept safe by a mysterious aristocrat.- excerpt, The Fall of Valida
An Aristocrat of Strength and Beauty
When we returned to Besek, we found ourselves in some strange space with no way out.
Video- Stray Lead In

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Why would this be here ?

We had an unwelcome guest. It seems Eriel didnt so much borrow that librum from the Count.

Im here to recover my librum.

I need this book
I cant find the Eternal Poison without it!

Please return the book to me, and all will be forgiven.

He wanted a fight, and I had no problem giving it to him.
Video- Stray

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Ally Team:
Our team this time was Yuri, Komori, Vivian, Velnor, Nena, and Alexei. This gives us a solid all-around team able to deal with whatever the enemys going to throw at us.
Enemy Team:
So, we dont have any of the Priests, Priestesses, or Acolytes were used to. On this map we fight the Count, the three Koona mercenaries, and four Caprus. Lets start by looking at the Koona.

Ossa of the Koona is a spear attacker with some weak Earth magic. Hes vulnerable to everything, though his raw defenses arent incredibly weak. Just hit him with anything and hell fall down eventually.

Pata and his darling little crossbow provide the Koonas ranged support. Hes vulnerable to everything, just like Ossa, so knock him down with whatever.

Toma is the close up Koona, and hes also got weak Fire magic. Just like the other Koona hes pretty vulnerable to everything so we can pretty much throw anything we want at him and expect it to work pretty well.

The Count is a hell of a lot scarier than his Koona buddies. Hes got more attack than anyone on our team save Rondemion, very strong Air magic, can heal, and hes got a devastating melee special, Grand Design. Hes mainly vulnerable to melee attacks, though his Magic Defense isnt incredibly high so magic is a viable choice.

We go for an aggressive deployment, nothing but the Count is a real threat so Im going to push hard and fast to butcher everything.
Tactical Objectives:
- Get lots of levels for mercenaries

If you have it in you, come on!
Rondemion starts the show with a Terra II on Ossa of the Koona, who starts right in our faces. We throw some buffs out and manage an arrow shot on a Caprus near to our right as well. Ossa comes in and casts on Vivian to no real effect, so I start rolling my own casters into position to hit him. Since were about to get some negative attention from the Caprus, Rondemion shifts over and blocks its path, weakening it a bit with a spell.

And protecting a criminal is quite a crime in itself
We start casting on Ossa with Vivian. The Caprus attacks Rondemion then tries to flank around our lines, and Ossa casts on Nena. We reply with a Malus from Nena, taking it down to near death. Alexei moves to block off the Caprus, which attracts Patas attention and gets him shot with a darling little crossbow bolt.

Ill miss them when I cut out your tongue!
Rondemion hits Pata with a spell as he moves in to cage the Caprus up. We want to try and set up a good Combo to take it down and also get weaker people experience.

I never wouldve dreamed Id be facing the Great Hero!

Komori gets the first level of the map after a spear strike from a Caprus. We then send him over to whack Pata, though he doesnt do that much damage. Yuri finishes Ossa off with a Sacra, and the Caprus falls soon after to a Combo from Nena and Rondemion.

Pata falls soon after to a chain of spells from Vivian, Komori, and Nena, who gains a level. Now we start pushing forward, our next fight will be with three Caprus at once.

Against a kid who can barely even lift his sword?
We push up far enough to lure the Caprus in, theyre easy to defeat so Im not concerned about having a few of them at the same time.

I wont stop a battle until Ive won.
The right Caprus has put itself into a bad position, and we make it pay with a Fracture Attack from Alexei followed by an arrow from Velnor that leaves it nearly dead. Rondemion pushes forward and hits the middle Caprus hard with a spell, and when it moves in to attack Vivian manages to land a Sleep on it. The left one comes in as well, and Rondemion casts on it too. Im concerned about killing these things with one sword swing is the thing. Yuri throws a Sacra into the weakened Caprus, taking it down to single digits. Im doing so well, actually, that I send Velnor to shoot at Toma of the Koona, which provokes him to run up and cast on Alexei. Nena throws a Malus at him which Fears him, making him pretty much useless. Vivian then wakes the sleeping Caprus up with some offensive magic that weakens it further. She then gets a level from a spear strike.

Nothing new from Vivian, but its been a while since we had an image so there you go. Rondemion levels right after from a different spear strike. Alexei Fractures the already Feared Toma, adding injury to insult. He even gets a level from it. The level train chugs along, with Yuri getting a level from finishing off the injured Caprus with a Sacra II. Velnor and Rondemion drop the Fractured Caprus with a Combo, getting Velnor a level as well. The last Caprus falls to Vivians Meta I spell.

But I think youll find youre mistaken quite soon.
The last Koona is dropped by a Nena/Alexei Combo. We now start scooping up Majin and advance a bit to get the Count to engage. He obliges us by nearly killing Alexei with an Aero I, because the Count is a badass. We start throwing magic into him, even managing to Fracture him with a Terra II. While I could have just taken him down, I want to get the experience for someone who could really use it. Vivian pays the price, falling to a Grand Design that did terrible damage even with the Fracture. I dont manage to get a Combo together on the Count and end up just finishing him off with Nenas magic, getting her a second level. Map over.

You truly are the Hero of Legend.

Battle Result:
Rondemion 12->13
Alexei 7->8
Komori 7->8
Vivian 6->7
Yuri 7->8
Velnor 8->9
Nena 5->7
Caprus Lv 7 x 4
We won, but it just added more complications.
Video- Stray Lead Out

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However, I wont withdraw so hastily.
I shall be your traveling companion and ensure the safety of my librum.

Just then, Besek began to shake and make a strange noise.

Thats how it tells us we may proceed deeper into the next Stratum.

But here, only Besek itself is in command over the appearance of things.

Miss Eriel, would you care to take the lead?

The Count wanted to share some ridiculous theory.

If that girls known the secret of the librum and has been using it all along

She only wants the Eternal Poison to rebuild her village and bring the villagers back.

At least the Counts not totally useless.

I wont be a burden. After all, I was able to hold my own against you.

Feinnes Notes:
And heres the Count. Hes basically like awesome Komori, hes a hybrid melee/caster with a powerful special and healing abilities. We have to use the Count from now on, but hes really more like a special mercenary than a story character because we dont get to keep his level between runs.
It seems the second Stratum is larger than the first.

Vivian: It is up to you to choose which path you will take.
Stein noticed something, but the situation might actually be stranger than he thinks.

Stein: Camellia, the machine at the Traviata House, is an ancient relic.
Apparently, our ancestors used it to combat the Majin.
But I wonder how Archaya obtained such a rare artifact ?
Im pretty sure Eriel couldnt be Morpheus, anyway.

Yuri: Your little girl Eriel always looks so happy to travel with you!
She talks to people, boosts their morale, and listens to their troubles.
Shes doing so much to help everyone, way more than I am!
I better work harder!
Amelie needs help with something, but I dont think I have time.

Amelie: Eriel told me youre a mercenary.
I was wondering if you could help me

Amelie: I see

Amelie: Ive studied martial arts since I was a child.
But even that wasnt enough in Besek. I was useless

Amelie: Okay
And that talking rabbit remains a talking rabbit.

Kuni: Pft, dont worry about it !
My pops says that worryinll make yer fur fall out!

Kuni: But who cares about all that!
Anyway, buddy, ya have to help me out with somethin.

Kuni: Can ya do somethin about those weird bears livin round here!?

Kuni: They were crowdin me and pullin on my ears! I couldnt get away!
Aaaaaah!!! It was horrible! Ive never been so humiliated in all my life!

Ive not decided which path were going to take yet, its hard to say which might be best.
- unknown