Part 86: Stratum 4: Sovereign Boss: ???
Heroes get remembered. Legends never die.Hunter and Prey
After so many years, its finally over.

I finally got the chance to make him pay for everything he did.
Video- Sovereign Lead Out

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Or should I be calling you the Hero of Legend now ?

Considering youve deceived your predecessor, the Valdian Knights, the Pope, and even the Majin
You havent changed one bit.

It was worth everything to reach this point.

We finally had him cornered, but then
Then you decided to kill ME along WITH him!

It was a while before I had the strength to get out of bed.
And that was when I learned youd returned and been proclaimed a hero.
Then I learned you told people you burned my body with Morpheuss, so I went into hiding.
Ive spent the past 25 years trying to find meaning for my new life, but now, I guess I shouldnt pass up this opportunity

I shouldve known youd be alive all this time.
You really werent here for Morpheus at all!? You came to Besek for ME!?

I mean if I cared about killing Morpheus I could have done it at any time.

Hope you dont mind, but I brought him here with me.
I knew he was using me to get close to you, same as I was using him
So I decided to play along. Ive known it was him dressed up as the Count since the beginning.

I came because you need to be stopped and Im the only one who can stop you.

The insight to see into your madness!

Allow me to end your life for good, this time! You AND that creature Morpheus!
But there was only one person I wanted dead.
Video- Sovereign

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Ally Team:
Same mercenary team as always. With the exception of some bonus videos of second run stuff this will be their last hurrah, so say goodbye to your favorites.
Enemy Team:
King Valdus is joined by a pretty nasty mix of Majin, a pair each of Garudas, Aquamotes, Unseelie, and Scytodida. Lets look at Rondemions King Valdus.

This one is an Earth and Dark user, and is mainly vulnerable to Strike and Air attacks. His Malusphere is the main threat, we know its power from Thages Tale.

Its like I always deploy on a flank because thats the most logical place to do so on these maps. Crazy right?
Tactical Objectives:
- Regicide

All relics of the past must eventually crumble to dust.

To save you from letting people know your true form
Ill kill you right now!

I start pushing forward towards the near Unseelie. We want to pound every Majin we encounter quickly into the ground, no point wasting time.

Weve got our buffs out and advance towards the Majin. The near Unseelie actually backed up after buffing which keeps us safe for a turn.

You couldnt think of any better last words !?
I push Rondemion up to draw in some Majin, hes so tough theyve got no chance of hurting him even if three come in.

Its a shame we dont get Morpheus in this fight, but well make do. Unseelie drifts right into our trap after a buff, and we pound it to the ground with a greatsword slash followed by the Grand Design. We capture it, sensitive to the fact that the Aquamotes can Release and could come in at any time. Weve advanced far enough for both Garudas to come in, and they hit our lines moderately hard. Theres also an Aquamote coming in, which is more of an issue because of its range and Release. The Garuda on our flank dies a swift and brutal death to Scars of Dis, which Curses it, and a Combo from Alexei and Rondemion. Curse is AMAZING when we land it and combine it with a Combo, by the way, because it basically guarantees both ends are crits. Velnor gets a level from the capture, again were worried about Releases. Weve got both Aquamotes engaged now, so the other Garudas got to go fast.

Heroic Slash is required for this, Grand Design wont do at all sadly. The Count levels from a stab on the Garuda, and since we now actually have both Aquamotes on us and casting it really needs to die.

I shall rule the entire world!
Garuda falls to a brutal attack from Rondemion, and now we get started on the Aquamotes. The one ahead starts Bleeding after Nena hits it with her Aerosphere, and after an arrow from Velnor its pretty much in overkill range. I send the Count over to act as one end of a Combo, because why not.

The Aquamote then gets sliced and diced by a Combo from the Count and Rondemion. The big man levels up, and passes seven-hundred hit points. We quickly capture the Aquamote thats bound and then drop the other with another Combo. Now we retool to charge at the King, and Rondemion of course leads to break the Demon Aura. We pour what we can into him, because the Scytodida behind him is going to give him a chance to run away when it joins the party, which it does as soon as its turn comes up.

Allow me to rid you of your troubles!
The Scytodida needs to die, and even worse it avoids Rondemions attack on it.

We hit it hard with the Grand Design, which wont do much to the King anyway. He throws out a Malusphere at us and runs away, its no big thing really. We swat the bug with a Combo and then start hitting the King with everything weve got. Vivian levels up, she sadly just gets the now-useless Terra III. As we move people to the middle, the Unseelie from the other side starts moving in to engage us as well. Im just planning on delaying it and the other Scytodida while I put Valdus down.

The outcome is never in doubt, though, and King Valdus falls to a Heroic Slash.

Die, Belfour!

Battle Result:
Rondemion 26->27
Garuda Lv 20 x 1
Aquamote Lv 19 x 2
Unseelie Lv 19 x 1
Scytodida Lv 20 x 1
And finally its finished. I dont care what happens next.
Video- Sovereign Lead Out

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I shall try to be the sort of ruler my mother was.

My work here is done.

You Majin arent very smart.

But I guess I underestimated you.
Where will you go now, Hero?

We should get out of here!

Video- Credits, Rondemion Version

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