Part 29: The Ottomans Part 6: 1635-1714
The Ottomans Part 6: 1635-1714
Castille has been growing in strength while we've focused on expansion in the east and domestic matters. Our new focus for the foreseeable future will be to chip away at their power in Iberia while adding to the strength of Granada. A strong, free Granada will be a good ally to have in western Europe.

War is declared on Castille, and Netherlands and Naples come to their aid. Our new Navy will be put to the test.

Naples and The Netherlands immediately suffer some losses. Their fleets retreat to port with a portion of their forces being sent to the bottom of the sea or captured as prizes.

Our larger navies deploy our landing forces in Granada, and they launch themselves into combat.

Castille engages our ships with a large mixed naval force and suffers a catastrophic defeat.

Our armies inflict punishing losses on the main Castillian armies outside of Toledo and Madrid.

The remnants of the Castillian navy leave port and break for the Atlantic Ocean, but they are intercepted and annihilated.

Two provinces are demanded from Castille in peace negotiations. Clerics are sent to begin converting the population before we transfer ownership to Granada.

Some time later, Morocco initiates a war against Castille. We take the opportunity to declare another war of our own against them.

Castille masses dozens of cavalry with no infantry support in Toledo, and we wipe them out.

A British navy arrives to support Castille, but is sunk by our forces. They manage to land troops in Iberia first, though.

The war situation quickly gets out of hand. One of our armies is evacuated to Tangiers, the other is wiped out.

We admit defeat, and the war comes to an end.

Austria loses the crown of the HRE to Brandenburg after maintaining an unbroken line of Austrian emperors for 200 years.

Our land tech level reaches 34. I've been focusing all of our research into land tech for some time, and this puts us ahead of everyone in military tactics for a short time. We should take advantage of this.

The remains of Hungary are our first target. They are quickly occupied and annexed.

War with Austria comes next. Historically, The Ottomans were stopped at Vienna multiple times. We'll do better than that.

In fact, we occupy the city relatively quickly. Austrian forces try to take it back several times, but they are repelled.

Victory is claimed in the war against Austria, and several provinces are seized.

Ottoman armies stay lined up along our border with Austria, ready to attack again as soon as the truce is over. It's not very subtle, but it works.

Another war against war of imperialism is declared against Castille.

An army is wiped out by the Castillians. Our experiment with mixed armies including artillery in Iberia has been somewhat unimpressive so far. We simply get flanked into oblivion with this sort of setup against the larger Castillian forces. A new army is formed to replace them, this time consisting of only infantry and cavalry.

Once both armies are back in Iberia and up to full strength, we are able to turn the tide around and completely rout every local Castillian army that poses a real threat.

Soon after, we claim victory and demand the territories surrounding Castille's capital.

Castille changes their capital to a coastal province in response to this isolation we imposed on them.

Aragon accidentally ends up in a war against us, and we are more than happy to annex them as a result.

Our ruler dies during the war with Aragon, leaving a young child behind as his heir. A regency council is formed to administer over the kingdom until our heir comes of age, but after around 10 prosperous years of peace, one of our regents becomes ambitious and attempts to install himself as king. Our loyalist factions protect our heir and unseat the usurper.

Shortly after, Ibrahim I comes of age and takes his rightful place on the throne.

Ibrahim's first order of business is to continue his father's work in Iberia. Yet another war of Imperialism is declared against Castille.

Castille's ability to put up a decent fight in Iberia is fading rapidly. More land is taken from Castille in the peace settlement, and after tending to these territories with missionaries they are transferred to Granada. With the majority of southern Iberia under the control of Granada, our ruler decides that it is time to unleash Granada from its vassal status and give them the freedom to expand as they wish.

Granada's first action as an independent nation is to declare war against a small Portuguese revolt that broke away from Castille in the north. We join to aid them.

They succeed without our help, and add another territory to their domain.

Granada in 1714 is a powerful force in Western Europe. It will be interesting to see how they will expand over the next century.

Morocco falls as Granada rises. They are torn to shreds by rebels, revolutions, and invasions. I'm uncertain how we should approach this. Do we vassalize the weakened Morocco and actively help them regain their lost possessions? Do we revoke our ties with them and expand into the region ourselves? Or perhaps just ignore it?

Oddly enough, Bar has become one of the largest nations in France and western Germany.

Sweden, Russia, and Bohemia dominate eastern Europe.

Our position is strong in 1714. Our infrastructure has seen a great deal of development in recent years. Masses of troops wait to strike on the border with Austria. Our war galleon navies return to Thrace to be decommissioned as new squadrons of modern ships of the line are produced to replace them.
The world in 1714