Part 36: Lorraine Part 6: 1600-1650
Lorraine Part 6: 1600-1650
In the early 1600s, Holland begins restricting Lorrainian access to their trading centers. This act increases tension between the two countries as Lorraine has grown accustomed to trading unhindered in Antwerp for over a century.

Charles IV dies from a sudden illness in 1606 and arministration of the Kingdom is handed to a regency council until his son is of age.

Norway, a large Protestant nation, offers an alliance to the Kingdom of Lorraine. After much deliberation, the regency council accepts the offer and strengthens ties between the two countries.

The construction of a war college is completed in Lothringen. Lorraine's great military minds will instruct young, intelligent nobles here, helping to pass some of the lessons of war on to new generations.

An alliance is arranged with the Kingdom of Orleans. Following France's disintegration, a great deal of fighting occurred between the breakaway states. Orleans has proven to be the victor in the initial struggles. They ally with Norway as well, creating a triple alliance between three strong Protestant Kingdoms.

Nicolas II comes of age and is crowned King of Lorrainein 1613. He is both a skilled commander and a clever negotiator. His younger years were spent split between the war college in Lothringen and at court, mingling with emissaries of Norway and Orleans.

Nicolas does however struggle with his managerial duties. The Swiss and the Lombards still do things somewhat differently than the northern Lorrainians who have been integrated with the kingdom for a greater length of time. Dealing with these different cultures, laws, and customs is a stumbling point for Nicolas.

Nicolas simply relies moreso on his advisors for his administrative duties. In the following years, Flanders is annexed and integrated directly into the Kingdom.

Fernand Fent, an expert strategist and instructor at the Lothringen War College, is assigned an advisory post to the King.

New foundries and weapon manufactories are constructed near rich mining complexes across the country. This large capacity for ironworking gives Lorraine an advantage in developing new types of weaponry.

Castille falls and their territories is divided between the kingdoms of Aragon and Portugal. Border wars break out between the two large kingdoms as each side claims rights to the conquered lands.

Fernand Fent excells in his advisory post and his suggested policies help cultivate a talented officer pool.

Lorraine declares a war against the small Imperial state of Modena, citing claims on the province of Parma. Modena petitions the Emperor for Aid, but Austria refrains from lending assistance.

Nicolas II de Metz takes command of the Lorrainian army and marches straight through Modena's countryside, destroying their army on the path to their capital. The unlucky little nation is no match for Lorraine without the Holy Roman Emperor's aid.

The war is short, and Parma is ceded to Lorraine in peace negotiations.

Holland's erratic behavior regarding Lorrainian access to their markets draws Nicolas II's ire in time. A war is declared with the intention of bringing the economic center of Antwerp under Lorrainian control.

Austria is unwilling to sit idly by and watch another Imperial state crumble. They enter the war against Lorraine along with several other member states.

A call of arms is issued to Lorraine's allies, and they each come to our aid.

Outside of Mantua, Nicolas II commands an allied army against Imperial troops and succeeds in a stunning victory. This trend continues as Nicolas' regiments meet Austrian troops in the Tirol bottleneck zone again and again, with more victories than losses.

As Austrian forces begin to thin, Orleans swarms through the Austrian countryside, laying siege to every village, city, and fortress they see.

Holland surrenders, and the ports of Antwerp and Zeeland are seized from their control.

Orleans proves to be a tremendous help by occupying the majority of the Austrian alliance while Lorrainian troops hunt down their armies.

Peace is made with Austria, but the Emperor is forced to give up even more Imperial territory. Both Tirol and Mantua are ceded to Lorraine.

Nicolas II succumbs to wounds suffered in battle at the age of 28, and his younger brother Joseph I is crowned King.

Lorraine's army tradition soars between the combination of a skilled sergeant major in the king's court, the new war college at Lothringen, and the large wars fought in recent memory. The rating hovers around this high value with all of our modifiers, and Lorraine will be able to commission talented generals exactly when it needs them.

Norway seeks aid against a Pommeranian alliance, and Lorraine answers the call.

A new commander of the army is appointed to lead the war effort. General Charles Alexandre Krogloth is arguably the most talented general Lorraine has ever seen. His forces completely surround and destroy the Thuringian army outside of Nassau.

Once Thuringia's armies fall and General Krogloth advances inland, they quickly agree to a peace and cede the province of Berg.

Cologne falls as well, and the province of Koln is seized.

Utrecht collapses under Lorrainian assault and is forced to surrender the majority of their continental territory.

Austria, who had taken command of the Pommeranian war, is once again broken in the vicinity of Tirol. As the counterattack into Austrian territory begins, they agree to a peace. Lorraine comes out of the war with several new territories added to its northern borders.
Lorraine in 1650