Part 44: Venice Part 8: Would Anime Still Exist Today if Veni (1672-1711)
Venice Part 8: Would Anime Still Exist Today if Veni (1672-1711)
A portion of the Japanese occupying force was lost during the last war when sent to siege a distant castle and overwhelmed by a Minamoto counterattack. With the Venetian hold on Japanese territory still tenuous, new regiments must be mustered in distant South Africa.

Venice's naval presence is so large by this point that organizing a small transport of soldiers is a trivial matter, though.

Doge Lomellini suddenly passes away, and the council hastily elects a well known Venetian diplomat to fill his position. His lack of leadership qualities soon become apparent.

The occupying forces in Japan make another push forward by seizing the island of Shikoku. Venetian control of the seas will prevent any attempts to reclaim it.

Burgundy comes under fierce attack by Bavaria, but stubbornly stands on their own despite steadily losing ground.

Venice takes the initiative and declares war on Bavaria in order to aid Burgundy. Bohemia answers the call to arms and joins Venice in its endeavor.

Just as Venetian troops begin arriving at the Burgundian front, our ally loses its nerve and signs for peace with Bavaria. If only they held out a few more months, they could have avoided defeat.

With Burgundy suddenly out of the war, the combined forces of Bavaria, the Holy Roman Emperor of Hesse, and a half dozen allied imperial states descend on Bohemia. The sudden strike overwhelms the Bohemian armies, and Venice's main forces are still across Europe marching back from Burgundy.

In order to avoid a more substantial defeat of our eastern ally, we sign peace with the Emperor before Bohemian cities can be occupied. The military leaders of Venice consider the results of these military actions to be a severe disappointment and put a number of reforms into action. The size of Venice's main armies are increased by several additional regiments each, with a focus on modern artillery replacing a former heavy reliance on cavalry.

In 1680, Doge San Paulo loses re-election to a young bureaucrat named Domenico Erizzo. Domenico is a descendant of the famous former Doge Jacopo Erizzo, and much like his ancestor he is talented in a broad range of subjects.

Doge Erizzo sees to the annexation of Venice's vassal of Naples. The men and the wealth of the southern Peninsula will be needed to bolster defenses against a dangerous Bavaria.

On the other side of the Mediterranean, the Sultan of Morocco becomes the senior partner in a personal union with the Mamluks.

Venice continues to ride the wave of nationalism and annexes Islamic Sardinia, bringing the Italian people there back under the control of a Catholic Italian power.

The relations between Bavaria and the Holy Roman Emperor in Hesse break down over the succession of Holland. The two go to war over the Dutch Throne, and in the end neither of them win when a Dutch nobleman takes power.

Another offensive in Japan results in an expansion of the occupation in central Honshu.

The final Italian state to not owe allegiance in some way to Venice is vassalized, putting all of the Italian people under the control of the Venetian Doge.

Burgundy expands their European base of power by bringing Provence and most of Avignon under their control.

The conquest of Japan continues with a large push into western Honshu in 1703.

Savoy is annexed in 1706, further centralizing the power of the Italian people under Venice.

In 1708, Bavaria begins tampering in the politics of the nations within Venice's sphere of influence in northern Germany. This gives Doge Erizzo all of the cause he needs to bring war against the Bavarians.

Venice can't claim to have a more disciplined or better lead army than Bavaria, but it can certainly claim to have more cannons. The booming industry and economy in Venice has allowed for the production of so much modern weaponry. More than the Bavarians can handle, in fact.

For the first time, a war with Bavaria doesn't get bogged down in the mountains of Styria. Venetian forces push through into Bavarian land, pummeling their forces and laying siege to cities.

In 1711, Bavaria is forced to accept terms and relinquish their control over Lorraine and Styria. Hopefully, they've learned not to involve themselves in the affairs of our allies and interests.
There are a few pending issues that must be decided by the voting council. They will be up for review later tonight.