These are the Consequences of our Actions.Let's Play Exile 3 - Ruined World

What is Exile 3?
Exile 3 (or E3, not to be confused with the Video Game Convention) is the final part of the Exile series. Developed and published by Jeff Vogel of Spiderweb Software in 1997, this game refines the Ultima-inspired elements into its final form before the series was rebooted as Avernum. In many ways it is better than its predecessors, but on the other hand, it is also a step back.
What is the Plot?
Several years have passed since the events of Exile 2. The Empire and Exile are in a state of cease-fire, yet there has been no contact since the end of the war. Exile and their Vahnatai allies are rebuilding their respective nations when a new series of caverns is discovered.
Except these caves connect directly to the surface.
Exile quickly establishes Fort Emergence to defend this location, and prepares to send out a scouting party to determine the current status of the Empire and the surface. The first such party vanished shortly after arriving on the surface, their reports indicating that things were in horrible condition.
Now, a second party is being prepared, to succeed where the first one failed.
How will the LP work?
Much like my two previous Exile LPs (Exile 1, and Exile 2), this will be a screenshot narrative LP. Nakar's Ultima LP is a source of inspiration, and I intend to honour that work.
Once again, Art will be returning as my lead protagonist, while the other five members of the party will be submitted and voted upon by the thread as I did in my previous LPs. Please see the Character Creation post for more details.
How do I get Exile?
Given that it is almost 20 years old, Vogel has released the Exile trilogy as Freeware. It may be downloaded from their website here. However, I am using a 32-bit virtual machine to run this game as it cannot even be installed properly on more modern systems.
If you are using a Macintosh computer, there is a wrapper here that you can use to run the game properly.
Audience Participation
I will try to ask the thread about major decisions, but in the end, I will try to get everything done. This won't be a 100% completion LP, the game is far too massive for that. Naturally, I will pay attention to what people say, and the suggestions they make.
Other Links
The Encyclopedia Ermariana is a Wiki for Exile and Avernum, and the primary resource I've been using for helping develop the background.
Table of Contents
Act 0 - The Party and Upper Exile (1)- Update 01 - Fort Emergence
- Update 02 - Character Creation
- Update 02A- Potential PCs
- Update 03 - The Party and the Portal Town
- Update 04 - The Goblin Tunnels (1)
- Update 05 - The Slimes of Krizsan
- Update 06 - The Goblin Tunnels (2), the Wolf Pit and the Bandit Hideout
- Update 07 - Jordan's Tower
- Update 08 - Delan and Silvar
- Update 09 - Colchis and the Slime Pit
- Update 10 - Reports and the Tower of the Magi
- Update 11 - Gihkra and Erika's Tower (1)
- Update 12 - Guhkbar's Pit, Delis and Pergies
- Update 13 - The Isolated Hut and Farport
- Update 14 - Port Townsend, Point of Contemplation and Southpoint Lighthouse
- Update 15 - Shayder
- Update 15A- The Church of Anama and Shayder Sewers
- Update 16 - Hectar, Northpoint Lighthouse, Fenris Port
- Update 17 - Kuper and Kneece
- Update 18 - Bavner and the Friendly, Happy Spiders
- Update 19 - Something Awful vs The Anama
- Update 20A- The Happy, Friendly Roaches and the Filth Factory (1)
- Update 20B- The Filth Factory (2)
- Update 21 - Joining the Anama, The Inn of Blades, and Reports
- Update 22A- The Great Map Update (1)
- Update 22B- Things Missed in Upper Exile and Krizsan Province
- Update 22C- Things Missed on the Isle of Bigail
- Update 23 - New Cotra
- Update 24 - New Formello and the Murder Cave
- Update 25 - Bolton and the Wolfrider Warren
- Update 26 - Libras and the Lost Isle
- Update 27 - Golddale, the Golddale Mines and the Ursagi Lair
- Update 28 - Dryad Grove, Storm Port and the Fiery Lair
- Update 29 - The Tomb of Vahkohs and Gebra
- Update 30 - Porter's Rest, Gorst and Gidrik
- Update 31 - Shari(a)mik
- Update 32 - Angel's Rest, Aminro, Softport, the House on the Hill and Adobe Hut
- Update 33 - Troglodyte Temple
- Update 34 - Castle Troglo (1) and Under Troglo (1)
- Update 35 - The Karnold Great Map Update
- Update 36 - Lorelei (1)
- Update 36A- Lorelei (2)
- Update 37 - Dellston and the Caves of the Giants (1)
- Update 38 - The Caves of the Giants (2) and the Shaman's Caves
- Update 39 - The Giant's Forge and the Isolated Inn
- Update 40 - The Concealed Tunnel and the Barrier Cavern
- Update 41 - The Cult of the Sacred Object
- Update 42 - Upper Exile, Erika's Tower and the Islands of South West Valorim
- Update 43 - The Woodsy Tower
- Update 44 - Under Troglo and Castle Troglo (2)
- Update 45 - Lennus and Squiggus
- Update 46 - Marish and the Chasm of Screams
- Update 47 - Calloc and the Dragon Lairs
- Update 48 - Hawke's Manse and Malloc
- Update 49 - Moon, Bremerton, Bengaro, Poulsbo
- Update 50 - Appleton, Spineride and Mernia
- Update 51 - Gale
- Update 52 - Greendale and Tevrono
- Update 53 - Approach to the Golem Spire
- Update 54 - The Tower of Shifting Floors (1)
- Update 55 - The Tower of Shifting Floors (2)
- Update 56 - Fallout (1)
- Update 57 - Fallout (2)
- Update 58 - Stealing from Earnest and A Fine Suit of Armor
- Update 59 - A Circle and a Nice (Cross)Bow
- Update 60 - A Cool Drink
- Update 61 - Dorngas and Wainscotting
- Update 62 - Vahnatai Ruins and Erox
- Update 63 - A Sharp Stick, and a Long Walk
- Update 64 - A Nice Ring
- Update 65 - Wandering North
- Update 66 - Blackcrag Fortress
- Update 67 - Empress Prazac, First of her Name
- Update 68 - The Towns of Footracer Province
- Update 69 - The Keep of Tinraya, Under Tinraya and the Great Circle
- Update 70 - Thefts, Training and The Tower of Magi (Final)
- Update 71 - The New Factory, the Walls, and Bon-Ihrno
- Update 72 - The Keep of Rentar-Ihrno
- Update 73 - Epilogue
Fan Art and Commentary from the Thread
The artist on deviantArt known as Sir Tiefling did this piece after I won an "Inspire Me!" competition with Art's story:

(click for full view on dA)
SA poster "Jamie the D" gave us this, in response to update 10 - and Art's reaction therein:

During a discussion on multi-tiled monsters, this exchange made me laugh:
MagusofStars posted:
FWIW, whether a monster is only one tile or multiple tiles isn't completely correlated to strength - A multiple tile monster is usually pretty strong, but some of the nastiest monsters in the game are single sprite.
The Lone Badger posted:
Like Art.