Part 5: Arena Fight
Part 5: Arena FightThis video introduces the Replica Soldiers to FEAR 2, they're really just clones who are being bossed around by a psychic commander and don't really differentiate from the security guys we've been fighting up until now. They use the same AI, have around the same damage model and have a few basic designs, so there's not much they add gameplay wise. The big difference is armament. The Replicas all carry Assault Rifles, Automatic Shotguns or special weapons. They also happen to show up along with several new grenade types, all of which are pretty damn useful, with the proximity mine being one of my favorites just because you can really mess with people in the right spots with them. This episode runs a bit longer than most others (and I went through again to make sure I didn't have any episode breaks in it I forgot about), but it's worth it because we finally get out of the hospital/complex we spent four episodes on. Truthfully, this is the longest we'll spend in a single location for some time, most parts of the game are a bit more varied over longer periods of time.