The Let's Play Archive


by Lazyfire

Part 6: The Streets

Part 6: The Streets

After liberating ourselves from the Harbinger facility we need to meet up with Griffin and Stokes, whom have also escaped but are stuck in different areas. This episode sees us engaging in urban combat against both Armacham and Replica forces who are trying something or other, I can't really make sense of why they are where they are fighting over destroyed buildings and sending in giant mechs.

Speaking of, Mechs are a pretty rare sight in the game for the most part, but they serve as boss battles sort of like the one in the previous episode. There's another "boss" type enemy introduced in this episode, and I'll let the thread decide how those things came about. Really, by the end of this episode we've seen all but two enemy types in the entire game. Like I've said before, this isn't a game that throws a ton of enemy types or weapons at you. The phrase "Inch deep, mile wide" is one of those things I've assigned to a lot of games with RPG elements and large armories but not much interesting in terms of gameplay, FEAR 2 is deeper than it is wide. You have access to all Becket's abilities by the start of the second level and most weapons have been introduced by the fifth. By limiting things the game opens up a lot of options for how you play it rather than requiring you to use a single gun for certain spots. Case in point: rocket launcher sniper fight.