The Let's Play Archive


by Lazyfire

Part 33: SnakeFist vs. Archie

Blind Sally posted:

Kinda like how Star Trek films alternate between "good" and "bad" depending on whether they are even or odd, the third film in a SnakeFist franchise tends to be the worst.

It even applies to the comics!

You ever picked up "Snakefist Meets Archie"?

Issue one, surprisingly not crap.

Issue two actually sells the premise, blending high stakes counterterrorism and Riverdale based hijinks like they were made for each other.

Issue four is just amazing. Great carnage, some real laughs, all plot threads dealt with. Really brings it all home.

Then there's issue three.

Delayed for a year, new fill in artists on every page that make you wish you were reading Liefeld's Snakefist 'Ongoing' (Only one issue ever published, and thank heaven for that.), the reveal that Jughead was behind everything, the weird censoring...

And the bit with Weatherbee's severed head? Just way over the top.

I think they even removed it from the trades.