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The Let's Play Archive

Fallout 2

by Breetai

Part 6

Uggie monstor no eat Trogg, but he no nice to Trogg neither. Him see makeup on Trogg face and growl at Trogg, call Trogg stoopid salver. Trogg no likey uggie monstor.

Trogg am happy though. Trogg am make hisself useful! Trogg am find job, picking up floorcandy. Silly bossman tell Trogg just throw floorcandy away, but Trogg eat all delicious floorcandy. Later on, silly boss find out, and tell Trogg he no can move floorcandy no more, but Trogg no care. Trogg am full to tippy-top!

Trogg am like this village so much. Me am find many places have very tasty armcandy and braincandy! Trogg am in candytown!

Trogg then am decide to explore more. This village am have many different people. There am some smelly, rotty people who yell at Trogg...

There am smart-looking people who yell at Trogg and poke him and make him do tests with notpuppy...

Trogg no good at Es.

There am also normal people who like Trogg! They say Trogg am special! Trogg am agree!

Trogg am see scary-looking hole in wall. Trogg am go explore, but hole am uckiest thing. Trogg no can breathe proper. Trogg meet funny shouty man, but then Trogg leave because Trogg feel dizzy.



Trogg am then meet big uggie man who think he am strongest. Him no strongest, Trogg am strongest! Trogg am show him!


Trogg got boo-boo. Trogg also got nightmares. Forever.

Trogg no likey big uggie man, so Trogg play trick. Trogg tell uggie man Trogg give him massage, but Trogg am really take big shiny than that uggie man use on Trogg last night. Now uggie man can no hurt Trogg no more!


Trogg am then see strangest thing Trogg am ever see. Trogg see big plant, but big plant am talk to Trogg! Big plant am nice to Trogg, so Trogg am help plant.

Trogg am use plant help to beat notpuppy. So this is how it feel beat brain with brain instead beat brain with stick. Silly notpuppy am attack Trogg, but Trogg am mighty! Trogg kill notpuppy, and take its shiny eyes!

Trogg am happy, so Trogg to talk to friend plant. Friend plant am happy too, but then friend plant am say something strange...

Trogg am very confuse. Big plant is Trogg friend, and Trogg must help, because that am what friends are for. But what Trogg use get blood? Maybe.....

No. That am just mean.

Trogg am know! Trogg no like big uggies, and Trogg no like people here in village!

You am big person! That am mean you have big guts! Guts full of BLOOD!



Oooh, shiny!


Bodies go in dirt. Blood come out bodies. Blood go in dirt. Dirt go in bigplant. Bigplant grow. Trogg happy!

Trogg friend am happy too! Goodbye, bigplant!

Now Trogg am go on new adventure. Where will Trogg go?

Ooohhh.... This village am SHINY!