Part 4: Chapter 1M: Departure - Part 2

Quick primer on Marisa and Rinnosuke's (Kourin's) relationship: Rinnosuke used to work for Marisa's dad, and was kind of her surrogate father/older brother while she was growing up. Eventually he left to set up his own shop (Marisa's nickname for him comes from its name), and where he went was probably a pretty big factor in Marisa's decision to move to the Forest of Magic after running away from her home.

Rinnosuke is very much the epitome of




Kourindou is an "antique" shop that is mostly just Rinnosuke selling all the random stuff he finds lying around. He doesn't get much business though, so everything is exorbitantly expensive.

Rinnosuke's power lets him look at things and know what they're used for. As he bemoans, though, he has no idea how to actually use them.

I bet you all can figure out what this is supposed to be.




Nitori has probably been literally dismantling everything.



Anyone familiar with Touhou probably saw this coming from miles away.

Marisa and Nitori leave.



Now that I've explained the Intermission menu, there's really not much for me to say here.
Thanks to some poor luck, I don't really have much Points to work with. Marisa gets a MP upgrade (something she'll be getting a lot of), and Nitori straight up gets nothing.
Let's talk skills. Both Marisa and Nitori kind of have issues here.
Marisa's problem is that she wants too many things.
As you can see, her attacks are evenly divided between P and non-P. Getting both Focused Movement and Unfocused Movement is way too expensive though, so you'll probably have to make a choice. There's a case for both sides, but generally I get her Unfocused Movement. An increase in Move is never a bad thing, and Magic Missile is Marisa's best move in terms of MP to damage efficiency.
From there, Marisa's skill wishlist is kind of standard. Predict is a huge help, and while P-Hit (+1 Power for hitting something) isn't needed (since Marisa is Strong-willed, she already gets +1 Power for hitting), I think its effects stack with the normal Power gains. It's cheap too, so why not? P-Evade is a definite no-no though; Marisa isn't nearly as dodgy as Reimu, and she shouldn't really be in range of enemy attacks anyways.
I don't consider the next two skills to be very useful, but they're something to consider I guess.
Instinct Dodge (this skill levels up)
This skill isn't bad, but I think it's a waste of Graze. Instinct Dodge's boosts aren't as immediately useful as Berserk's, Predict is a more dependable way to increase Accuracy, and Focusing or Support Defend are good replacements for Evasion. It can help, but I'd rather spend Graze on the bigger skills.
Tipsy (60 Graze)
Tipsy does exactly what it says it does. I personally prefer the P-action skills, but this skill's cheap enough that it's not a terrible idea. Having 105 initial Power also lets a couple units start off with one of their stronger attacks right off the bat instead of having to wait a turn or two.
Nitori's issue is something I bet a lot of SRW units wish they had: she doesn't really need anything. She starts with both Support Attack and Defend, and that's kind of all she needs. I tend to not get that many kills with Nitori anyways, so I never really have that much Graze to spend on her.
If you really want to develop Nitori though, Berserk and Belief are the obvious picks.
Extending Arm and Monster Cucumber are the two attacks Nitori will most often Support Attack with, so pick either Unfocused or Focused Movement. I recommend Unfocused so Nitori can move farther.
P-Damage (60 Graze)
Finally, there's this. It's only ever useful on tanks, and it can quickly turbo charge either Keine or Nitori's Power. As always, though, Graze is in short supply and there are better skills.
The last thing I wanted to note was Nitori's WP screen. As you can see, the second slot is empty. That means that if you spend the necessary 60 WP to get her to WP level 2, you'll get absolutely nothing. Hooray.

Marisa Kirisame
Initial Stats - Level 20 Stats
Personality: Strong-willed (Hit: +1 Power, Evade: +1 Power, Kill: +5 Power, Get Hit: +1 Power, Ally Killed: +1 Power)
Character Skill: Magician Lvl 1-3 (Increases all weapons' Attack by Skill Level x50 and all weapons' Range by [Skill Level x0.25].) [Levels up at levels 8 and 16]
Character Ability: Magic Barrier (Nullifies Laser damage under [1000 + (Magician level x 100)].)
WP Bonus: Danmaku Power Lvl 1-3 (In exchange for costing 20%/40%/60% more MP, for one turn all attacks do 15%/25%/35% more damage. Way too inefficient to actually use, especially since Marisa already has MP problems. Can only be used once a chapter.)
Spirits: Gain [20 SP, Level 1], Accel (+3 Move to the unit's next movement) [15 SP, Level 7], Alert (guaranteed dodge in next battle) [15 SP, Level 10], Valor (next attack does x2 damage) [40 SP, Level 18]
(Marisa is the only unit in this game with Valor, but she'll only have a chance at getting it if you play her story and specifically feed her every single boss with Gain. Or you could Game Over grind, but that's lame.

So who likes gameplay and story integration? Marisa probably doesn't. While Reimu starts with everything she needs to be amazing and only keeps getting better, Marisa starts with a bunch of flaws that she'll slowly overcome across the game. Marisa is almost entirely dependent on MP, nowhere near as dodgy or accurate as Reimu, much more high-maintenance, and desperately needs the Focus spirit. If you devote resources to her you can overcome most of these issues early (MP upgrades can soothe her dependence while Mobility upgrades, skills and a bunch of levels can help her Hit/Evade), but in the end it's easier to have the rest of the army make up for her problems until Marisa gets the things she needs. So while Reimu is off murdering half the screen, Marisa will have to stick near the rest of the group, both for protection and for something else that I don't want to mention yet. She's best at mid-range anyways, so it all works out.
In FMW2, MP is no longer a problem for Marisa (or anyone for that matter), but Marisa's Hit/Evade problems come back with a vengeance. She'll be able to overcome it again, but it's something that'll bog her down for a while.
Depressingly enough, no matter how much effort you put into Marisa, Reimu will still probably be better.
Nitori Kawashiro
Initial Stats - Level 20 Stats
Personality: Strong-willed (Hit: +1 Power, Evade: +1 Power, Kill: +5 Power, Get Hit: +1 Power, Ally Killed: +1 Power)
WP Bonus: Extending Arm/Extending Arm + (Lets her use an item on a unit 1/2 spaces away. If there were more consumable items in the game, this might be situationally useful. I've never needed it though.)
Spirits: Scan [1 SP, Level 1], Guard [20 SP, Level 1], Focus [20 SP, Level 13]
Nitori is straight up the most mediocre character in the game and can best be described as a bargain sale Keine. She is not nearly as sturdy or as strong as Keine, but she can get the job done... as long as you have her cast Guard anyways. Her only advantage over Keine is starting with both Support Attack and Support Defend, giving her a headstart in leveling up Berserk... if she actually gets any Graze that is. There's really not much else to say about Nitori. She's okay, but Keine's just better.
Nitori gets a pretty big upgrade in FMW2, but she's still firmly mediocre at best.
Next time on Fantasy Maiden Wars E: Magicians and Lies
On the search for clues to resolving the incident, Marisa and Nitori paid a visit to the Forest of Magic's puppeteer, Alice Margatroid. But Alice was waiting for them with a barrage of unmerciful attacks. Will the unlucky pair manage to clear up the misunderstanding caused by mischievious fairies!?
"We may look like fairies, but we're actually youkai. The three light... youkai."