Part 103: WP System
This ended up being larger than I thought, so I'll just make it its own post..png)
I've run out of things to say about FMW1's game mechanics, so let's move on to the sequel! As I've mentioned previously, FMW2 is a dramatic improvement over FMW1 in just about every possible way. There are three aspects in particular I want to focus on though, and I'll start with WP.
Let's start by reviewing the WP system in FMW1. At the end of every chapter you get 10 or 15 WP (or 0 if you Game Overed), and you can spend it on a character of your choice in the intermission screens. At each WP level (20, 60, and 110 WP), units will learn special skills that for the most part range from

Now for FMW2. WP is still earned and spent the same way, but the results are completely different. First off, there are five levels now, at 30, 80, 140, 210, and 280 WP. Each level increases your character's maximum Power by 5,
and gives them an upgrade in every single attribute. Did I mention that the game will always start you off at 225 WP (the max you can get in FMW1)? Because it does. FMW2's WP system can let you make any character in the game an unstoppable goddess of destruction, and at the same time it also lets you use any team you want. If you immediately spend all of your WP on Reimu or Marisa, they'll become so ridiculous they can carry even the crappiest characters through the game.
What happened to the WP skills though?
They're now earned through level up, a much better decision in my opinion. They've all also been greatly improved, so you actually want to use them now! Here's a list of all the FMW1 characters':
Reimu Hakurei posted:
- Youkai Buster Lvl 1: All Youkai enemies take +10% damage.
- Youkai Buster Lvl 2: All Youkai enemies take +20% damage. (Level 35, replaces Lvl 1)
- Duplex Barrier: At the cost of 10 MP per use, all damage received reduced by 500. (Level 15)
- Instinct: -10% Hit Rate, +20% Critical rate. (Level 18)
Marisa Kirisame posted:
- Danmaku Power Lvl 1: The next attack costs 30% more MP and does 15% more damage. Consumable, 3 uses.
- Danmaku Power Lvl 2: The next attack costs 60% more MP and does 25% more damage. Consumable, 2 uses. (Level 17)
- Hard Worker: Marisa gains 20% more experience.
- Magic Thruster Lvl 1: For 10 MP, Hit/Evasion rates +15% for a turn. Consumable, 3 uses.
- Magic Thruster Lvl 2: For 20 MP, Hit/Evasion rates +20% for a turn. Consumable, 3 uses. (Level 34)
- Speed Star: Movement +1, Evasion rate while Unfocused +15%. (Level 25)
- Enhanced Barrier Lvl 1: Changes Magic Barrier to Magic Barrier+. Barrier blocks 300 more Laser damage. (Level 20)
- Enhanced Barrier Lvl 2: Changes Magic Barrier to Magic Barrier+. Barrier blocks 550 more Laser damage. (Level 30, replaces Lvl 1)
Keine Kamishirasawa posted:
- Teacher Lvl 1: Surrounding units get 10% more EXP.
- Teacher Lvl 2: Surrounding units get 20% more EXP. (Level 27, replaces Lvl 1)
- Charge: Focused Movement +1. (Level 16)
- Meddler Lvl 1: Gives Keine a Support with a certain FMW2 unit. (learned when said unit joins)
- Meddler Lvl 2: Increases the effect of the Support. (Level 23, replaces Lvl 1)
Nitori Kawashiro posted:
- Extending Arm +: Can use items after moving. (The regular Extending Arm is always on)
- Candid Friend: Faith's SP cost reduced to 40.
- Supporter: Hit Rate +20% while Support Attacking.
- Optical Camouflage: Gain the ability Optic Camouflage. 25% chance of avoiding attacks, costs 10 MP per use.
- Big Backpack: Nitori gains one more item slot. (Level 29)

Alice Margatroid posted:
- Hourai Doll: For 25 MP, a Hourai Doll that knows Support Defend can be created in a panel next to Alice. Consumable, 3 uses.
- Shanghai Doll: For 40 MP, a Shanghai Doll that knows Support Attack can be created in a panel next to Alice. Consumable, 2 uses. (Level 15)
- Danmaku Brains: Critical Hit damage +10%. (Level 20)
- Enhanced Barrier Lvl 1: Changes Magic Barrier to Magic Barrier+. Barrier blocks 300 more Laser damage. (Level 18)
- Enhanced Barrier Lvl 2: Changes Magic Barrier to Magic Barrier+. Barrier blocks 550 more Laser damage. (Level 20, replaces Lvl 1)
Speaking of Marisa and Alice, if you carry over a Marisa route save from FMW1, the Marisa/Alice Support will come with it (if you got it), and can optionally boosted to +15% Hit/Evade. Amusingly, that makes them the best Support pair in the game since they can reach that without needing a skill.
Youmu Konpaku posted:
- Sword Arm: At 130+ Power, +50% chance of activating Parry.
- Ghostly Wheel of Pain: Gain the ability Ghost Half. At 130+ Power, 25% chance of avoiding attacks.
- Lotus Stance Cut: Focused Movement -1, Damage +10%.
Rumia posted:
- Amplified Shade Lvl 1: Barrier blocks 500 more Laser damage.
- Amplified Shade Lvl 2: Barrier blocks 1000 more Laser damage. (Level 20, replaces Lvl 1)
- Amplified Shade Lvl 3: Barrier blocks 1500 more Laser damage. (Level ??, replaces Lvl 2)
- Darkness: An attacked enemy will have -20% Hit rate for a turn. Consumable, 3 uses.
- Night Lvl 1: The panels around Rumia are considered Night terrain. (Level 24)
- Night Lvl 2: Panels in a 2 panel radius from Rumia are considered Night terrain. (Level ?, replaces Lvl 1)
- Night Lvl 3: Panels in a 3 panel radius from Rumia are considered Night terrain. (Level ?, replaces Lvl 2)
Night is a really cool skill, though I've never tested to see if Rumia's panel is also considered Night terrain. Amplified Shade makes Laser damage even more ineffectual against Rumia, and Darkness is... kind of useless actually.
Daiyousei posted:
- Purity Lvl 1: Reduce MP cost of Heal and increase effects by 10%.
- Purity Lvl 2: Reduce MP cost of Heal and increase effects by 15%. (Level 17, replaces Lvl 1)
- Purity Lvl 3: Reduce MP cost of Heal and increase effects by 20%. (Level 29, replaces Lvl 2)
- Healer: Increases effect of Trust by 500. (Level 11)
- Best Friend Lvl 1: Gives Dai a Support with Cirno.
- Best Friend Lvl 2: Enhances the effect of the Support. (Level 19, replaces Lvl 1)
- Best Friend Lvl 3: Enhances the effect of the Support. (Level 33, replaces Lvl 2)
- Go for it! Lvl 1: All Stats +5. (Level 19)
- Go for it! Lvl 2: All Stats +15. (Level 29, replaces Lvl 1)

Cirno posted:
- Freeze: An attacked enemy will have -25% Evasion rate for a turn. Consumable, 3 uses.
- Dual Fairies Lvl 1: Gives Cirno a Support with Dai.
- Dual Fairies Lvl 2: Enhances the effect of the Support. (Level 26, replaces Lvl 1)
- Ice Power Lvl 1: Changes Ice Barrier to Ice Barrier+. Laser damage below 1500 is nullified.
- Ice Power Lvl 2: Changes Ice Barrier to Ice Barrier+. Laser damage below 1700 damage is nullified. (Level 29, replaces Lvl 1)
- Burning Ice: Ignore Size differences when calculating damage. (Level 22)
The other two things I want to talk about (skills and the new Cost system) will be saved for future updates.