Part 37: Humans and Youkai - Part 1c
So on the second attempt, I was much more lucky. Shield Defense straight up never triggered while I was unloading finishers,
and Keine didn't get killed this time.
I hoped to finish Yuuka off with a bomb, but it turns out I was remembering wrong when I said she flees at 9500 HP. She flees at 7500.
Thus began a struggle to inflict that last thousand damage. Reimu managed to survive Flower Shooting but triggered Shield Defense,
and Marisa thought about using Master Spark but decided against it since triggering the event would be the exact opposite of helpful. She needs to save it for Sakuya, anyways.
So instead Marisa tried Magic Missile, only to get punked by Copy Images.
In the end, Alice saved the day.
She had to cast Focus to not get murdered by Graze damage though.


And so she leaves, giving no reward whatsoever.
Oh well, time to finish off Sakuya.
Unfortunately, Nitori can only cover Alice and Youmu right now. Someone is going to die enemy phase.
...Or not.

It feels really weird having good luck.
Next turn Nitori casts her last Guard, then finishes off Sakuya with Alice's help.
You've already seen Killing Doll's pre-activation spiel so I'll skip it.
Killing Doll has two fields, the main... cross thing, and an outline of a square around Sakuya. Try and stay close to Sakuya so you're not in the range of the attack, which is pretty painful.
The Danmaku effect is pretty plain, and honestly shouldn't affect battles that much unless you're totally out of SP.
I'd like to have team crippled not attack until Dai can heal them,
So Youmu does the honors. She is going to be spamming the Focus spirit like crazy to make up for not being next to Nitori.
Meditation Slash's damage is a bit low since Youmu's Power isn't that high thanks to sitting out the fight with Yuuka.
Now that I think about it, I suppose it'd be on-topic to post the video Mudspike made of a 3D Sakuya vs Youmu fight. Warning, j-pop.
Welp. Bye-bye Reimu.
Reimu did more damage than any other character to Yuuka, so I'm happy with her performance this chapter.
...Maybe I should give her a third Mobility upgrade.

First thing I do next turn is set up Master Spark + Shanghai Doll.
Then Cirno and Rumia attack,
with Rumia coming out pretty worse for wear.
Youmu's second slash goes just as well as the first.
Is the game taking mercy on me? Seriously, Sakuya is making some astoundingly dumb decisions.
Remember how Sakuya was saying Youmu would never be able to hit her?

Poor Youmu. Both of the people she's dueled so far have only referred to half of who she is.

Yeah, she was born on the moon.
...I'm only half-joking, that's legitimately one of the possibilities for Sakuya's (very vague) backstory.


I was going to try and capture this spell in one turn,
but Marisa was too close to use Master Spark so I had to move her and Alice back.
So instead I arrange everyone liable to get hit by Sakuya's World around Nitori, then have Rumia hit Sakuya with her WP skill. After casting Vigor twice and blowing all her SP, anyways.
Turns out Rumia does have a smell for Sakuya after all! Steel bars. Also wow, how the hell did Rumia avoid an 83%?
Also I was wrong about 10 being the lowest displayable damage. Though now I have no idea why Cirno took 0 damage earlier.
Now that I think about it, I really should have had Cirno attack before Rumia. Than Youmu would have even better dodge rates.
Support Defend and Sakuya's World do not get along.

Was legitimately expecting Sakuya to get a critical and murder Nitori, what with her having 23 more Skill and Sakuya's World giving a +20% to crit rate.
Also this might be low enough for Marisa to nuke Sakuya.
Before I blast Sakuya, however, I'd like to take the time to look at her final attack. Amusingly, even though it stops time it is not more accurate than Fantasy Seal. Also she can't use it if she's being Support Defended, which seems like an oddly specific property...
Oh well who cares. I have Keine next to Marisa so she can get some extra experience.
Darn, not enough.
I'll just let Youmu do it then.
Oh are you kidding m-

You know what? I'm fine with this.
Nitori gets the kill. I'd say she deserves it.

Sakuya drops a second Firefly Gem, so now both Reimu and Marisa can deal with the Night.

Everyone leaves.

The stage ends before Sakuya can finish her thought.
Big thanks to Mikkey, whose replay of EoSD Stage 5 I used to make the Sakuya video. Really should have done it myself, but I suck too much at Killing Doll and really do not feel like replaying the entire stage over and over again until I get it. Especially not after snoozing through all of Touhou 4 for the Yuuka video.
Sakuya Izayoi
Yuuka Kazami