Part 55: Into the Depths of Maddening Darkness - Part 1

I wonder where Akyu even heard about those two, since they weren't even in Gensokyo until recently. Did Reimu, Marisa, Alice, and Keine just get really smashed and blab all about them at the end of the incident party?


Anyways, plot.

Sakuya flies off.

Something critical to take from this is that Remilia's order to kill Flandre was a total kneejerk reaction.

Remilia's relationship with Flandre is very complicated, mostly because the original game gives absolutely no reason as to why Flandre was sealed. There are quite a few fan explanations, but the general consensus is that it wasn't because Remilia hated or feared her sister. FMW's own theory, which Yuuka just touched on, is of the same mold, and I'd like for you all to keep that in mind while you read the dialogue in chapters 14 and 15.

I like to think that this line is why Nitori builds a giant water cannon in between FMW1 and FMW2.

Reimu's intuition isn't just limited to finding things.

The screen shakes.

There's a brief fade to black here.

Let's go back few minutes in time to Marisa's side of the story.



Another tremor. This is the one Reimu's group felt.


Time for the routes to join up again! Yup, the route split was only one chapter long.


That's not what you said at the end of Chapter 13R.



Kind of an odd thing to say considering she heard Flandre's chat with Patchouli. But I guess Marisa has odd standards as to what a bad person is like.

Yet another tremor.

Music: As Time Stands Still
For this chapter, you want a main strike force and two groups branching off to the sides. Marisa, Alice, Keine, and Nitori will be the former, and Reimu/Rumia and Youmu/Cirno the latter.


Of course she doesn't.


Another tremor hits.

Hey Patchouli.
I don't think you quite get what it means for the SDM to open up to the rest of Gensokyo.

It means you can't just shoo "outsiders" away from your secrets, because guess what?


Gensokyo's residents really don't like being told to

Also, I really like how Alice and Keine, the two most rational members of the team, are the ones to object to Patchouli.


I guess you all could gather around and have a peaceful tal- hahaha no I can't even finish that sentence.

Silent Selene has two main fields, but the thinner one will be the field you'll be dealing with the most since Patchouli will not move.
Speaking of Patchouli, she's simultaneously been buffed and nerfed.
Chapter 9 posted:
Statistically speaking, Patchouli's EX[tra Stage] incarnation is much more deadly, with a higher Range stat and another level in Magician making her do even more damage.
Practically speaking though, she's got a big hole in her defenses. She has absolutely no way to counter 1 range attacks, so the obvious strategy here is to gang up on her from close range. Sanbondo actually expects you to do this and included a counter measure (spoilers Patchouli has more than one spell), but it isn't enough to make the fight any harder.
In a way, this entire stage is just Chapter 9 mkII. Once you make it through the danmaku, it's a breeze. The only issue is that the chapter is essentially on a time limit, and you'll see why soon.
You can land in this chapter if you want, but there are some obstacles all over the place so I wouldn't really recommend it. It's not like the MP drain from flight is really an issue anyways.
Proto Malice Cannon is going to be a key part of my strategy here, so Marisa and Alice are going to be staying close together.
Reimu and Youmu will eventually be handling the sides, but right now I'm just moving them north. Next turn they'll take a corner though.
At first, the grimoires seem just as harmless as they were five chapters ago.
Then they put up their danmaku fields. These things are huge, give some noticable debuffs (-13% Defense, -22% Evasion, -1.20 Move), and if you were for some reason not already Focused they can stack with Silent Selene's field to slow your advance down even further.
The grimoires themselves still suck at least.
These fairy maids on the side will also be throwing up some danmaku. They're not even close to being a threat though.
Now that it's my phase again, priority one is to eliminate this guy. Marisa's group needs to stay as mobile as possible.
Youmu and Nitori (who I had cast Guard) weaken it,
and Reimu finishes. She needs around five more kills for Unfocused Lvl 5, so I might as well start now.
With their way free I had Alice take a shot at this grimoire to build up Power quickly,
but this happened. On a 16%.
Marisa's assault on the leftmost grimoire is more successful.
She even gets a level! Just one more till Magician Lvl 3.
Cirno finishes what Alice started, and my turn ends.
Well, my turn ends right after I bemoan the fact that I moved Dai earlier. You should make it a principle to move your healers last in case of bad luck.
At the beginning of turn 2's enemy phase, the door shakes again.

Reimu was totally just snoozing through Marisa's argument with Patchouli.


I had intended for Patchouli to target Reimu (that's why I had Nitori cast Guard), but Alice's mishap has screwed that plan over. I'm glad she managed to dodge this attack at least.
The maids will move, and Rumia's going to help weaken them for Reimu. Cirno will be playing a similar role for Youmu.
Hopefully they won't both be killed due to their low Skill.
Or bad luck. (This was another 16%.)
On Normal, the bats won't move until their second turn. They'll also go straight for the grimoires near Patchouli, so consider letting them live for a bit.
The bats themselves are probably why this chapter is "timed". They'll be spawning in every four turns or so, so if you weren't limited by Patchouli's spellcard time limit you could theoretically have access to infinite Graze, Points, and experience.
Reimu and Youmu begin the assault. Note that Youmu went straight for the maid holding a bomb.
Youmu got a critical, so I already have access to it too!
I'll wait a turn to use it though, since Dai needs to do some healing. I usually have her be my bomb user, since -10 Power is nothing to her.
Speaking of healing, Rumia pops a Vigor,
then heads north. Silent Selene isn't a Laser attack so Rumia can't totally shut Patchouli down, but she can at least attract attention.
Meanwhile, Alice casts Focus and attacks a grimoire. I'm leaving her exposed by not just sticking her next to Keine, but I think she'll be safe.
Marisa and Alice will be the main attackers in the center team, so I'm trying to build up their Power whenever I can.
Patchouli went straight for Alice. And you know what? I'm actually fine with these odds.

Proto Malice will be doing a steady 5000 damage a turn for only 30 MP. And it can only grow stronger from there as Marisa and Alice's Power builds.

Speaking of that, Alice's +2 to Power whenever she dodges? Very handy. With her Calm personality, higher weapon damage, and sky-high Skill, Alice is the much better candidate for initiating Proto Malice. This synergizes very well with Master Spark + Shanghai Doll, since you want Marisa to start that one.
And of course, since it's so cheap I can spam it all I want. Overkill? Who cares!
Also Youmu and Reimu are still kicking ass on the sides.
That's one agile bat.
The second bat also attacked this grimoire, and killed it with a critical.
Dai bombs,
and Nitori casts Guard again and attacks.
god damn it nitori
Alice's follow up hits at least, but its damage is reduced by 1500 since
Patchouli EX's Magic Barrier+ reduces Laser damage instead of nullifying it. This is another reason you should use Proto Malice for this fight.
Rumia finishes off a maid for Reimu and gets a level,
and Cirno follows suit, though she didn't quite get a level.
I'll let Cirno handle the last maid on the right. Youmu needs to get in position for the next wave of bats.
On the other side of the screen, Reimu teaches this maid the pain of Shotgunning.
And in the center, the Proto Malice barrage continues.

I have Keine heal Alice to full before her attack though, just in case.
I should be able to take her down next turn.
Two more bats spawn in,
and Patchouli continues to attack Alice. This time she's got a Support Defense though, so I don't care.
The bats will suicide into Patchouli as soon as they can.
They can't do anything to her, but she can easily overkill them. This makes getting the Bonus much easier, since the bats also count as enemies you must defeat.
Youmu takes down a bat to the side,
and I stupidly have Keine waste her turn.

Oh well, I'll just use the opportunity to rearrange everyone. I want Cirno to finish off the fairy on the bottom right before I continue.
Keine couldn't care less about Silent Selene.
And Cirno gets a lucky critical back on this side of the map.
Cirno and Youmu team up and take down the final enemy.
And Keine slashes away the last bits of Patchouli's first health bar.
She gets a level and just enough Graze to purchase Berserk Lvl 2 as a prize.


Royal Flare is kind of a piss off. It's -2.80 to Unfocused Move and -1.00 to Focused Move, making getting into Patchouli's blind spot a lot harder. The field's small enough to almost totally remove with a single bomb though, so if you still had one it's no problem.
What is a problem is the fact that it's a Map Attack. It always only targets from around the unit at the center of the danmaku field, so if you're not confident that you can take her down fast you can always move there. Note that she can change who's at the center though.
Everyone's HP levels are pretty high right now though, so I'm not too worried.


Someone's a Sailor Moon fan.

Daiyousei joins in on the fun because why not?
In hindsight I should have had her heal Nitori first. Oh well, Nitori cast Guard, she should be okay.

Finally, the Proto Malice train keeps on chugging along.
A single Proto Malice critical is worth two shots.

I normally have Youmu finish off Patchouli now, but I guess I started this spell too early. Oh well, I have a better person in mind to get the kill.
Nitori's probably screwed, but everyone else should be able to survive Royal Flare.
More bats. This'll force me to wait another turn while I take them down.
Oh, how nice. Patchouli moved the field to center on Nitori, now she'll li- wait a minute, is Dai in range?
In hindsight, that earlier Tackle was really dumb of me. Dai takes 6318 damage and dies.

Reimu one shots a bat,
And everyone else heals up and goes into the safe spot.
Patchouli moves the safe spot to Keine. Marisa and Alice had Alert and Focus on though, so they didn't care.
The last bat suicides itself.
One last Proto Malice drops Patchouli to critical health,
and Reimu winds up for the kill.

Luck costs so much SP for a good reason. Look how many more Points I have to spend now!


A common fan theory is that prior to the events of EoSD, the SDM was metaphorically frozen in time. For centuries, Remilia, Meiling, Patchouli, and Sakuya just kept doing what they were doing, never changing, never even considering that change might happen. Sakuya kept on working for Remilia, never wondering if there was anything else she could do. Meiling stood right by the gate, never questioning if what her superiors were doing was right. Patchouli just spent the years in the libary, maintaining the seal and never realizing that Flandre could stabilize. And Remilia... well, the game will go over her mindset later.
Where I'm going with this is that while the rest of the SDM didn't change, Flandre did. Who knows if she was really a threat before being sealed, but after centuries of imprisonment she became one. It's ironic that an incarnation of chaos and destruction is the ultimate result of the SDM's years of rigid order, but that's exactly what happened. And while the SDM wants to just leave her behind and move on, the rest of Gensokyo doesn't agree. It's actually incredibly fitting that Marisa is the one spearheading the effort to free Flandre, since her very presence is a symbol of how Gensokyo itself has changed, but I'm starting to get into a tangent to an already

A massive tremor starts up and keeps on going for the rest of the cutscene.


Thanks to Mikkey for his replay of EoSD Extra.
New Attacks