Part 59: Scarlets - Part 1b
My redo of the chapter went a heck of a lot less smoothly. Basically nobody got criticals, everybody kept getting hit, people kept missing 90% odds... stuff like that. Reimu, Marisa, Dai, Alice, and Youmu are now almost totally out of SP, and meanwhile Cirno (who was supposed to be my bait) never even got attacked..png)
On the other hand, I successfully activated Four of a Kind on my phase so it went pretty well. Master Spark + Shanghai Doll, Fantasy Seal, and Meditation Slash + Three Treasures crippled Flandre (since nobody got a critical), and Alice finished with a Doll Placement.


Rumia doesn't pull any punches.

The field's turned black.

Welcome to Flandre's map attack. Its range of effect?
The entire screen.
The way the spell works is that if there are any player units outside the little safe area come enemy phase,
Flandre attacks.
Only the people outside the safe area will be hit though.
And once enemy phase ends, the safe spot will be moved.
So on the player phase you'll have to move everyone to the new location. Repeat until the spell ends.
Couple of things to note about this spell: first off, it is entirely static. Where it starts depends on where you defeated Four of a Kind, but where the safe spot moves after that is hard coded. On Normal, it'll go northwest, southwest, southeast, and finally east.
Second, this spell more than any other changes depending on the difficulty since the amount of turns it lasts is extended. Easy has it only four turns long, Normal five turns, Hard six turns, and Lunatic seven turns. Oh, and on Lunatic Flandre will cast Strike every time. And believe it or not, you actually kind of want her to do that.
Third, the screen may be pitch black but the map is still the same. Right above my units is the north wall, so I actually can't put anybody in half of the safespot. But Cirno still has all of her Grits so I can kick her out and have Reimu take her spot.
Finally, you might think you could give yourself a breather on this spell by Bombing the danmaku. That'll increase the size of the safe spot and give you room to breath right? Nope. It'll work for similar spells in the sequel, but in this game all you'll do is waste a bomb.
The key to getting through this card as painlessly as possible is to move the units in the back first so the front units don't take their spots.
If you run into the situation where you can't get to the safe spot, and you're not playing on Lunatic, just cast a defensive Spirit and Focus. Flandre can actually miss, so you can try running around Unfocused if you want, but it's safer to just take the Graze damage.
And if you have a unit who both can't reach the safe spot and is out of SP, have them Focus anyways and get ready to heal them. And Then Will There Be None? is a ranged attack, so it won't hurt that much all things considered.
Oh, and if you know where the next safe spot is going to be just move the less lucky characters in position to go there.
Alice took a hit, Sakuya dodged like a pro. I'm pretty sure Private Square can activate on this spell, so if you have Sakuya at 120 Power consider letting her give up her spot to other people.
Dai uses her last Trust on Alice,
and then heals Keine since she's the unlucky unit this turn.
Since I don't have Purity on this save file, Dai's MP is getting low. You can get around this by just having her land. In fact, I would recommend having most of your characters land for the duration of this spell so they can regenerate 50 MP by the end.
You can't actually get hurt on the final turn, since as soon as the enemy phase starts the spell will be broken.
Also I wouldn't bother moving people to the safe zone like I did here,
because Flandre will always respawn at the center of the map.


I love how Alice is more exasperated at that than Flandre trying to kill her.




Since it's enemy phase, Flandre gets a free attack.
I tried to record it, but Youmu didn't feel like dying.
The strategy for Ripples of 495 Years is simple.
Bomb the danmaku with your least useful character,
then attack, attack, attack!

You can't time this spell out and Flandre's regenerating 5200 HP a turn. Either dump everything you have left into one huge salvo of finishers and take her down in one turn or slowly lose a battle of attrition.

Note that if you try attacking Flandre during this phase with someone new, she won't actually speak with them. She's beyond words at this point.
So this is where all the criticals went.
Also, believe it or not,
but Q.E.D. doesn't hurt that much without its danmaku effect.
It's not even Flandre's strongest move; that title belongs to Four of a Kind. It does have a frankly ridiculous range for a melee move though, so that's a plus for it.
I'm not actually going to do this, but I might as well post her dialogue anyways.

Now was there anyone else I haven't shown the boss conversation for?
Oh right. Nitori has Guard cast, so I'm actually going to let her try to attack.

Nitori also got a level.

Ehhh, I don't want to risk it.
I'll just have Cirno finally do something instead.
Obviously that wasn't enough, so it's Rumia's turn. She has Darkness Lvl 1 on too so she can make things easier for Youmu.
Rumia's got some crazy dance moves. how the hell did she dodge a 96%
Here goes Youmu. Can she dodge a 13%?
Yes, actually! I was honestly expecting her to die, so this is a pleasant surprise.
Alice is right.
Music: Sealing Charm, Blessed Light
It's time to end this.
Watch Reimu resolve this incident too!
Just one level away from Shrine Maiden Lvl 4.

I kind of wonder if the English patch changed the item drop on purpose to make the boss easier.

Who responds to this question depends on whose route you're on.
Reimu's Route posted:
You underestimated us. I'm really good at pattern-making games. Now calm down and talk this over with your elder sister.
...We can't talk. She hates me, and I hate her too...
It isn't that simple. There are tons of humans and youkai outside, and all of them are complex people. Or at least, more complex than you think.
It's simple. You can't get the right answer from your proof. The last one didn't hang herself. The real song wasn't like that.
...The real song...?
She got married and then there were none. She didn't hang herself, she got married. Someone will come to pick you up and take you away from here. Though I guess you're a vampire, so I dunno who will come.
Both of these endings are based off the victory dialogue in EoSD's Extra stage, by the way.

Look who conveniently showed up after the fight finished.



Sakuya and Flandre leave.

It probably didn't help that every time you saw her you tried to seal her.


And then my game crashed, just like the first time I ever beat this game.

Once again, thanks to Mikkey for his replay of EoSD Extra.
Flandre Scarlet All Attacks

Way to be an asshole Patchouli.