Part 64: Chapter 1S: The Moon, the Sun, and the Servant - Part 2

And why Elly was at Kourindou in chapter 3M.



You're a topic behind.


I wonder if this means that Sakuya hid as soon as Yuuka showed up.


I don't think that's the problem Sakuya has.

Music: Dark Clouds


Yuuka walks away.


Sakuya leaves too.


She was pretty blunt about not having a real reason to stay back in the main story. How'd you miss that?

Meiling leaves as well.

Patchouli makes her exit.

There isn't much to do in the intermission menu in this route since Sakuya will be the only unit ever in here.
All I can do is give her some WP and some sake I start with. She wasn't even in chapter 1S so she couldn't get any Graze, and I don't have enough points to boost her Mobility yet.
Sakuya Izayoi
Initial Stats - Level 20 Stats
Personality: Strong-willed (Hit: +1 Power, Evade: +1 Power, Kill: +5 Power, Get Hit: +1 Power, Ally Killed: +1 Power)
Character Skill: Elegant (Prevents enemy critical hits), Parry Lvl 2-3 [Levels up at level 18]
Character Ability: Private Square P (50% chance of dodging any attack)
WP Bonus: Knife Collect (The next attack will not consume ammo.)
Spirits: Strike [20 SP], Focus [15 SP]
For the purposes of this route, Sakuya starts with everything she ever needs. Which is good because she's probably not going to get anything else. There's really nothing else to say.
In FMW2, Sakuya was greatly reworked. Her movelist was fleshed out (and became almost entirely ammo-based), her spirits changed around a bit (she starts with Devote), Private Square was nerfed (it no longer evades Graze damage and the activation rate plummeted), and perhaps most importantly she doesn't join at the very end of the game. Much like how Youmu is kind of a retooled Marisa, Sakuya is what you get if Reimu gave up her ridiculous mobility for some higher damage and a few nifty tricks.
Remilia Scarlet
Initial Stats - Level 20 Stats
Personality: Big-shot (Hit: +1 Power, Miss: +2 Power, Kill: +6 Power, Get Hit: +1 Power, Ally Killed: +1 Power)
Character Abilities: HP Regen (M), MP Regen (M) (Regain 20% of HP/MP at the beginning of each turn)
Spirits: Accel [15 SP], Sense [20 SP], Spirit [40 SP]
Remilia exists to be overpowered as hell, and she does so with gusto. A shame she's only playable in chapter 1S.
Remilia isn't a playable character in FMW2. She'll probably show up for FMW3 though.
Patchouli Knowledge
Initial Stats - Level 20 Stats
Personality: Calm (Hit: +2 Power, Evade: +2 Power, Kill: +4 Power)
Character Skill: Magician Lvl 4
Character Ability: Magic Barrier + (Reduces Laser damage by [800 + (Magician level x 100)]. Costs 10 MP per use.)
Spirits: Focus [15 SP], Snipe (Increase Range of all attacks by 2. Does not work on 1 Range moves or Map attacks.) [20 SP], Strike [20 SP]
Patchouli is the classic RPG mage; she's just as powerful as she is squishy and slow. Her inability to use most of her attacks post-movement really hamstrings her, but she barely needs to move in the chapters you get to use her in so who cares?
Like the rest of the non-Scarlet SDM crew, Patchouli was revamped for FMW2. She still lacks solid post-movement moves, but she's the only character in the game to get Hit and Away (if you haven't moved a character yet when they attack, they can move after attacking) so she can get around that. It means ignoring all of the other fun WP skills though. I'm sure she's alright, but I've never seriously used her since Marisa and Alice (who are a single character as far as I'm concerned) exist. So I asked Ryza, and he said she was thoroughly mediocre and kind of hard to keep alive until she learns Guard.
Initial Stats - Level 20 Stats
Personality: Strong-willed (Hit: +1 Power, Evade: +1 Power, Kill: +5 Power, Get Hit: +1 Power, Ally Killed: +1 Power)
Character Ability: Renew (Restore MP to an adjacent ally. Costs MP, and targeted ally loses 10 Power)
Spirits: Devote (Restores 40 MP to an ally of your choice) [25 SP], Gain [20 SP], Focus [15 SP]
Koakuma kind of just exists in FMW1. She has a utility role, but you don't need it.
But in FMW2, Koakuma ties with Dai for most useful support character since one of her WP skills lets her use Replenish after moving. Practically an I Win button as long as she's alive.
Next time on Fantasy Maiden Wars E Gaiden: The Wavering Luna Dial
Another day in the Scarlet Devil Mansion is welcomed by the sound of an explosion. A visitor who doesn't take no for an answer sends a jolt through Sakuya's heart. With Sakuya unable to decide where she belongs, Patchouli decides to throw her own two cents in...
"Whether you wish to remain here or leave is entirely your decision. Choose the way you wish to live."