Part 68: Chapter 3S: The Knife on her Palm - Part 2


Your plan was to attack Flandre. How is that better?

Relaxing in Gensokyo = stabbing things to death with throwing knives.



Sakuya leaves.



It's almost like people not immediately resorting to extreme measures is something new in Flandre's life!

The screen shakes a bit.

Remilia would kill to be in your position though.
The last meaningful intermission screen of the game, and there's barely anything I can do in it.
Sakuya gets the same boost as last time.
She also learns P-Hit because I don't need Unfocused Movement.
Initial Stats - Level 20 Stats
Personality: Resolute (Hit: +2 Power, Miss: -1 Power, Kill: +5 Power, Get Hit: +2 Power)
Character Skill: Support Defend Lvl 1
Spirits: Guts [40 SP], Guard [20 SP], Strike [20 SP]
In FMW1, Meiling is a solid tank. Statistically speaking she's better than Keine and Nitori, but you only get her for Chapter 3S, which doesn't exactly showcase her capabilities.
In FMW2, Meiling is straight up the best tank in the game. Not only does she naturally have the highest Armor and Defense, but she also joins very early (possibly with an upgrade in everything), starts with Support Defense, gets an excellent selection of WP Skills, and has a (mutual!) +10% Support with Sakuya. Hell, with the exception of Keine's support capabilities, she's literally every other tank in the game rolled into one. Her only flaw is her low movement, but that's easy to fix.
Initial Stats - Level 20 Stats
Personality: Resolute (Hit: +2 Power, Miss: -1 Power, Kill: +5 Power, Get Hit: +2 Power)
Character Skill: Parry Lvl 2-3 [Levels up at level 20]
Character Abilities: HP Regen (M), MP Regen (M)
Spirits: Fury [20 SP], Strike [20 SP]
Flandre's damage output is completely absurd, and it's a real shame she's locked to only using Laevateinn. I guess And Then Will There Be None? would have been a little screwy to implement, but they could have at least thrown in her other moves. Either way, she can still kill everything in Chapter 3S in one hit, which is more than Remilia could say in 1S.
Flandre isn't playable in the sequel.
The dramatic conclusion of FMW E Gaiden: The Perfect and Elegant Maid
Sakuya takes Meiling's advice and goes out for a walk. All she expected was a change of pace, but instead she meets a casual shinigami and battles vengeful spirits. Emotion stirs in Sakuya's chest as the shinigami tells the history of the vengeful spirits...
"My name is Sakuya Izayoi, and I am a maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion."