Part 95: New Music in Chapter 10 + 11
Music for Chapters 10 & 11, all at oncequote:
47. Let's Make a Flower of Despair Bloom
Original - Sleeping Terror
Source - Lotus Land Story
Author - ZUN
Arranger - Ibiza
"You'll be making this arrange for Yuukarin!" When I first heard that line, the idea for this arrange immediately came to my mind. Scaaaary!
I noticed during "drinking sessions" with the rest of the staff, I'd go on and on for ages about how I should create a thick and heavy atmosphere for this song. I must be a serious masochist. Or maybe it's the other way around!? Both ways, it's definitely a creepy and frightening theme. It's a very rare style for me to be dabbling into, but if you can sense the dignified, overwhelming pressure from it, I'll be happy enough with that!
48. Beauty of Nature
Original - Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
Source - Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Author - ZUN
Arranger - Ibiza
Ah-ah, now you've done it...! The theme of the flower master, Yuuka Kazami.
I arranged it with emphasis on her brilliance and beauty over the terror and fear she inspires. Actually, out of all the themes in this game, this was the one that had the most retakes... *sweatdrop*. P-Please stop already! Ibiza's remaining lives is already 0!!
There was such sadism involved that it's comparable to the level of Yuukarin herself... An attitude that accepts absolutely no compromises when it comes to one's waifu... I can agree with that.
I kind of like some of the tons of attempts that were discarded. It'll be good if they could be put somewhere.

This is pretty much a dBu mix. Nothing new added except making it a little more complex. Needed more retakes to actually make it at all original imo.
12. Scarlet Pressure
Original - The Young Descendent of Tepes
Source - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Author - ZUN
Arranger - cobu
The map theme for the battle with Remilia. I arranged it in a solemn fashion, with charisma out in full force. With such a resounding pipe organ, there surely aren't any arranges of Tepes as showy as this. It was of course produced with the final stage of a certain Alpha Gaiden in mind.
By the way, the opening musical scale is actually the notes "Re Mi Re Mi Re Mi~". It's for Remilia, after all.
53. Crumbling Silver Knife
Original - The Young Descendent of Tepes
Source - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Author - ZUN
Arranger - Ibiza
She has nothing else left. All she can do is get her revenge, and eviscerate everything that stands in the way of her goal... Her eyes are red!! She's in battle mode!!
Excusing the hurried C-grade movie line I hastily came up with, this is berserk mode Sakuya's theme. The wild beats of the drum, and the wails of the guitar give it a sense of madness. Frantic, desperate, losing herself... There's lots of ways to describe it, but this theme is how my wild ideas thought she would feel during the seriousness of EoSD's stage 6.
I remember her constantly taking out Dai in one shot during the testing phase. Has such a fierce, raging Sakuya been seen before!?

So yeah, quite a frantic mix for the retelling of sakuya as a midboss. You get a strong vibe of her scrambling to protect her master, even while exhausted and knowing she can't win.
54. Emblazoned with an Eternally Young Scarlet
Original - Septette for the Dead Princess
SRW Original - Dark Prison (SRW The Lord of Elemental)
Source - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Author - ZUN
Arranger - Ibiza
The theme of the big boss and the master of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the vampire Remilia Scarlet. The arrange's song title is slightly different from her "Eternally Young Scarlet Moon" title, as an attempt to change the emphasis. After all, the more important bit is not that she's eternally scarlet, but that she's eternally young... Ah, uh, forget what I said.
I was really indecisive on how to arrange such an extremely popular song, but in the end, I just said "to heck with it" and did it my own style, the way I wanted. It's an emphatic theme that, not counting loops, is more than twice as long as most of the other themes. Just as you would expect from the big boss.
This is the song that plays as the biggest scene of the game is played out, and I would be happy if I managed to express her charisma with it.