Part 97: New Music in Sakuya's Route
It's time to wrap up the music comments with the last two songs:quote:
36. Price of Life
Original - Higan Retour ~ Riverside View
SRW Original - Beat and Beat (SRW Original Generations)
Source - Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Author - ZUN
Arranger - cobu
This is Komachi's theme. To me, Komachi is a cool and stylish character, so I tried to make it in the style of a certain OG character with a bit of dance mixed in... Where did the original song go, I wonder.
There's a certain Komachi "Angel!!" part in there, I wonder whether people know about what or where it is?
The song title is the exact name of one of her spellcards. No fancy wordplay here.
Namtab posted:
While this does have a smooth, catchy feel to it, it unfortunately pales in comparison to the original. For what is the last character of the game this is disappointingly lacking in tension.

59. The Opened Prison and Heart
Original - Flowering Night
Source - Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Author - ZUN
Arranger - cobu
The ED theme for Sakuya's route. I referenced a certain Duo-man named Cobu... like me, for this arrange.
When you first played through FMW, did you feel that Sakuya was quite cold and harsh? That's what I felt myself. I made this arrange using the theme of the changes that Sakuya would go through in FMW E. From the change in her face portrait upon clearing her route to this, I would be glad if you all could see these changes too.
If you're reading this entry, you must've played through the game fully. Thank you very much for your hard work. With FMW E, the incident may be resolved, but there are still many things left unsettled. The story is just beginning, mm?
I also hope to see this story through with my BGMs as it rises to its climax, so let's meet again at the next battle for Reimu and the rest...
Namtab posted:
Credits music, nice enough.
There's a bunch of Glossary entries left, but I'd rather not just dump all of them (and I don't want to transcribe it all either). Just look at these pictures and pick anything that looks interesting.
And just for fun, here's the Spellcards menu Namtab mentioned way back on the first page. It's supposed to record how many times you've captured a specific spellcard, but the english patch bugged it so 100% completion is impossible. Good thing it's not needed!