Part 1: Day 1 part 1

Clang, a beautiful sound.
No, the sound before me is heavier than steel.
The armor she is wearing is not beautiful at all and as unrefined as the cold night.
The sound wasn't beautiful at all.
It was actually the sound of steel.
It's just that the knight is beautiful enough to turn it into a charming sound like a bell.

From this time forward, my sword shall be with you and your fate shall be with me. Now, our contract is complete."
Yes, the contract has been completed.
When she chose me as her Master
I'm sure I swore to help her too.
The moonlight still lights up the darkness.
As if following the knight's example, the shed again falls silent.
Time has stopped.
The scene lasts less than a second.
I'm sure I'll remember this scene vividly even when I've gone to hell.
The face slightly turned.
The quiet green eyes.
The instant becomes an eternity.
The blue outfit symbolizing her sways in the wind.

The golden hair shines in the moonlight.

No, the other two paths are not named 'Stay' and 'Night'.
Music: Quiet Voice
This is a story from ten years ago.
I'm watching someone I know very well.
A tall man with a deep-featured face, who to my knowledge has never told a joke, is patting my head.
No, that's not quite right.
I guess he doesn't know how much strength to use. So to be more accurate, he's grabbing my head and mashing it around.
I guess that's only to be expected.
After all, that's the first time he's ever patted my head.

I answer the deep voice with a polite "yes".
The man patting my head nods once, lets go, and stands up.

So, that was it.
If I'd known then that it was our final moment together, I would have made him laugh with my best jokes.
I had practiced telling jokes a lot, in hope that I could bring a smile to his grave face.
I guess you could say I was sad that I couldn't tell him any of them.
"Put the Association in your debt by the time you mature. I'll let you decide what to do after that. You should be able to take care of yourself."
Even though he said such things, I guess he was still worried.
He told me about the heirloom jewels, the jewels inherited from the master, and how to manage the basement.
As he was telling me all the things I didn't yet know, I realized even as a child.

He wouldn't be coming back.

The man standing before me was one of them.
He too was in a position to kill or be killed.
He must have known more keenly than I did that his time was near.

Once more,
he patted my head, and left.
That was the end.
That was the last time I saw the man, who entered the Holy Grail war as a master and died. The man who was my teacher as well as my father.

I see him off politely.
I knew I was on the verge of crying, but I shed no tears.
I loved him.
He was a great father and a great magus.
Among magi, there are only obstinate people.
In the whole world, I don't think anyone had a better character than his.
He taught me as a teacher and loved me as a father.
That's why I decided
To choose my path according to what he left me in the end.

In the end, he left me those words as a magus and not as a father.
That is why at that moment, my path was determined.

It's only natural for a student to follow the words of their teacher.
Since then, through many twists and turns I, Tohsaka Rin, have matured.
Music: Stop
It has been ten years since the winter day on which my father went to war.
I haven't exactly been waiting for this moment, but I am excited.
That's only natural.
The event I have never forgotten about is about to start

" Shut up. Stop it."
The sound doesn't stop.
It rings loudly as if I'm an enemy.
" What? Come on, I was up late last night, so "
It should let me sleep in a bit longer.
No, it has to let me sleep in.
I was deciphering my father's will until early this morning, and I've used up too much magical energy.
In other words, my mind and body are dead tired.
"Ah, geez

Brring. Brring. Brring. Brring.
The alarm clock doesn't speak my language.
So why does the ringing sound like it's telling me "You're going to be late"?
" Late Being late is bad "
Though that depends on the situation.
I'm a good student, but maybe I can get to school at the last moment just for today.
" That's right I set the alarm thirty minutes early, so I should be able to sleep for thirty minutes more "

Isn't that strange?
" Set it thirty minutes early ?"
I look at the alarm clock drowsily.
The clock is pointing exactly at seven.
I usually get up at six thirty, so the spare thirty minutes have already been used up.
Oh, why can't I think when I wake up.
" Hm."
I stare at the alarm clock for several seconds.
Shutting it off, I decide to get out of bed.
Music: In the Sunlight

"Heater, heater "
Turning on the heater, I head to the bathroom.
At times like this, living on your own is inconvenient.
If there were someone to wake up before me, the living room would be warm by now.

I tie my ribbon and I'm all ready.
All I have to do is eat breakfast and head out.
Looking at the clock, it's only a bit past seven, and I'm a bit disappointed.
"Man, I guess I don't have to run after all."
Then again, I would never do anything as clumsy as running to school anyway.
It is the custom of the Tohsaka family to act with composure and elegance at all times.
Music: Stop

" Well, it's not something I can brag about."
Actually, I can't speak openly about it at all.

Who on earth can I brag to like that?
Magic is just what it sounds like magic.
I don't care if you get ideas like abracadabra or whatever.
You can just think of us as people who do strange things by casting spells.

Well, we could do that, but we don't bother as it's kind of meaningless.
We're basically heretics who hide ourselves from the world.
We're prohibited from standing out and even if we weren't, we would rather be at home studying magic.
On top of that, the word sorcerer is completely inaccurate.
To be precise, there are only five sorcerers in the world.
Things no one can do, things beyond the ability of modern science The ones who can make such "miracles" are the ones we call sorcerers.
Miracles that can never be achieved, regardless of time or effort those we call sorcery.
Those things that are mysterious, but achievable with time and effort those we call magic.
That's why what I do is called magic rather than sorcery.
It's complicated, but that's how it is, so just accept it.
Well, to be honest, the modern world doesn't recognize the existence of magi.
As we believe, control, and learn things that are immeasurable, our existence is incompatible with the modern world.
Because it's kind of meaningless.
Going to a normal school and becoming a normal adult will bring you far more happiness than studying magic.
Human technology is great.
In the past few hundred years, it has been leading the way ahead of magic.
Nothing is impossible for humans.
The miracles once only possible through magic are now "tools" and not miraculous at all.

Just as there are things possible only through science,
there are also things possible only through magic.
It was the master of the Tohsaka family who said that if science is moving toward the future, magic is moving toward the past.
Something about the past and the future ending up at the same place, everything always running toward the zero point.
Let's put off all these difficult discussions. They should wait until we're old.
We will be by the time you're done yammering.
Music: In the Sunlight

"This thing is a hundred years old after all. It's by far the greatest jewel in the house."
No, that's an understatement. It's much stronger than that.
I found this after decoding Father's will last night. It contains the equivalent of ten years of my magical energy.
There was said to be an heirloom, and this might well be it.

We, the magi of Tohsaka, are skilled at the transformation of power. We put our magical energy into jewels whenever we have free time.
To put it simply, the jewels are bullets and we are the gun.
The only other thing I can say I received from my father is the Magic Crest of the Tohsaka family engraved on my left arm.
In essence, this is the proof of the successor, and it's like a tattoo that condenses all the inherited magic of the Tohsaka family.
" It hasn't started yet, but I guess it doesn't hurt to be careful."
I put the pendant, which can now be said to be my father's memento, into my pocket.
"This is the last resort. Pretty much anything is possible with the magical energy contained in this."
It's seven thirty.
I should get going or I'll be late for school.
Music: Stop

" Well, I don't really care. But not even a stray cat? What's up with that?"
It's like she's arguing with the narrator. ...which is herself.

I look up at the mansion I've grown so accustomed to over the years.
Fuyuki is certainly a strange city with many Western-styled houses on this side of town and an area full of Japanese-styled houses just beyond the intersection.
I guess it's because many foreign families came to live here a long time ago, but even so, I don't see many foreigners around here now.
There's a foreigners' cemetery in the new city across the river, but it only has the graves of the first generation of families.
"Maybe the soil of Japan didn't suit them."
I'll go to the church and ask the priest sometime.
He knows about lots of boring things.

"What's up? It's quieter than usual "
It's especially quiet with no sense of the morning's noisiness.
At seven thirty, the street should be filled with students going to school and people going to work.
" Well, I guess there are days like this."
Perhaps everyone slept in today.
It's unusually cold, so I bet everyone's still wrapped up in their warm beds.

Music: Gentle Everyday

" As I suspected."
With a small sigh, I turn to the girl who addressed me.

"Morning. It really is cold today, huh?"
This girl, speaking so frankly, is Mitsuzuri Ayako.
She's my classmate in class 2-A, and there are a lot of stories about her.
"Good morning, Mitsuzuri-san. Please excuse the abrupt question, but do you know what time it is?"

"Huh? It's almost seven. Are you still asleep?"

She waves her hand in front of me, wondering if I'm alright.
She is one of the few friends who know I am not a morning person.
In other words, she thinks I'm not fully awake yet.
"I guess the clocks at my house were an hour fast. All of them.
Not just my alarm clock, but the wall clocks as well."
Really, just what's going on here?
Did Father arrange for all the clocks to go mad when the pendant was removed from the basement?

"Don't worry, it's nothing. Anyways, are you off to morning practice as usual?"

"Yeah. The archery club has lots of problem students and one good member quit. So I have to get them to look good to attract the new freshmen in April."
"I see. There's always something to worry about, isn't there?"

"You can say that since it's none of your concern. Oh, do you wanna come? The guys will love it if you come and watch."
"But... you know I'm not into guys."


I have three acquaintances in the archery club.
One is Ayako, the person before me right now, and the other two are people I barely talk to.
And for one of those two, the word acquaintance doesn't really suffice.
I became friends with Ayako because I had been watching the archery club from afar.
"All right. I'll go if all I have to do is watch. I have nothing else to do this early anyways."

"Great, let's go right now then."
Music: Stop

"Come on, there's still time before practice, so let's go in and have some tea."
Happy about something, Ayako drags me in by the hand.
It's a bad habit of hers. She talks like a guy when she's expressing her true feelings.

"Well, I'll come straight to the point. How's it going, Tohsaka? Have you found a reliable partner yet?"
Note the suspicious lack of the word 'boyfriend'.
As there's no one else around, Ayako comes straight out and asks me a ridiculous question.
" Huh, that's a really direct way of asking.
Judging from your tone of voice, you've already found yours?"

"No comment. I'm going to keep it a secret until you tell me. So what's going on? Looking at your tired face, I feel like I'm right."
"Another no comment but, you'd probably see through my lies. Unfortunately, not yet on my part.
How about you? I assume you don't have time to take it easy either."

"True, but things aren't looking good for me. I could get one right away, but it's not that kind of matter, you know? Our future depends on this, so I can't just compromise."
"I see. So you don't want to choose hastily and lose to me?"

"Of course not. The important part is making you lose. What I get comes second."
She laughs boldly.

"Yeah. When we first met, I warned you we'd have this kind of relationship."
Yes, she did indeed.
'this kind of relationship' being a 'lesbian' relationship.
I was certainly surprised when at our first meeting, she said "We'll probably end up with a 'kill or be killed' relationship".
Or in other words, "Unless we go all out against each other, we'll never really be friends".
That's... one way to put it.
I agreed with her on that, and that's why we've had a friend-or-foe relationship for two years.
"By the way, why are we talking about this?"

"Why? You're the one who started it, Tohsaka.
You said there's something wrong with a woman never having a boyfriend, so we decided to see which of us could get a boyfriend before the third year."
" Oh yeah. Just tit for tat, I suppose. And did we say the loser would obey the winner for a day?"

"Right. Even kids don't make promises like that nowadays, but it's not like we're sore losers.
Whatever the result, the loser will obediently follow the winner's orders. Just thinking about it gets me excited."
I'm sure it does.
Ayako laughs.
She's so serious about this. Mitsuzuri Ayako is such a difficult person to deal with.
Though, I can't wait to beat Ayako either, so neither of us are people you want to deal with.
"I see. But, Mitsuzuri-san? It's fine to enjoy yourself, but you should take care not to get your objectives wrong. You know that's not the only point of the contest, don't you?"

"I know. I can't call it a complete victory unless I beat you with a relationship you would really be jealous of.
Well, that's the biggest problem for us. No matter how good a guy it is, there's no point if we can't bring ourselves to love him."
Ayako sighs heavily.
To my knowledge, Mitsuzuri Ayako is said to hate men.
Now why would anyone think that?
Rumors are never to be trusted, however. As she suggested this match, rather than hating men, I think she just didn't have a chance.

"Hold it. What do you mean, 'us'?
I'll say it right now, but I'm not cold-hearted like you. I'd have no problem loving a guy."

"Oh, that's a lie. Or you're fooling yourself. There's no way you'd ever be concerned about a guy.
You've never given one good response to any of the confessions made to you. If you had even the slightest interest, you'd think of going out with them. But you keep declining, so it must mean you're not interested in men."
"You're not thinking enough. Couldn't we say I'm declining because I already have someone I like?"

"Wow, that's a good answer. I like that, it's romantic."
For fuck's sake, get a room already.
Ayako nods seriously, not making fun of me.
Her sigh says, "wouldn't it be nice if that was the case."
I really can't keep anything from her.
"You're right, I think so too."
Well, it's exactly as she says.
I know myself how cold I am.
"I admit it. I know nothing when it comes to love and relationships."

"Exactly. You're the one who said we're alike.

Oh, it's almost seven. Let's leave the secret talk there. You never know when someone might walk in on us, and we should act like proper students."
"Well, I never knew you had social manners like that. It was worth getting up early just to hear that."

"Heh, not so much as you. My social manners are nothing compared to yours. You hide yourself so much it almost seems like you're a different person."

Ayako gives an exaggerated sigh.
Both of the teas she made are now empty, and it's my turn to make it.
Music: Tender Scenery

"Oh? But you beat me in lung capacity. And also in weight."

"Ahahaha! All right, I'm three kilograms heavier than you!

Hey, being heavier isn't something to be happy about, you fox!"
Ayako slams on the table.

"Be careful, you might spill the tea, Mitsuzuri-san. You're the captain, so you should treat this place with care."
"Shut up. I'm your rival first and captain of this place second.
Naturally, if there are no members around, I'll go after you."
There's not even any comment I can add anymore. I can just point to a random line, go "heehee, lesbians" and my job is done.
Ayako looks at me with narrowed eyes.
This girl has her own sense of beauty and she always says,
"Beautiful people have to do some kind of martial arts."
She's a bold person experienced in most martial arts.
She joined the archery club with no experience and is now the captain as if it were only natural.
She's probably one of the top three people in the school you should never disobey, regardless of gender.
"Oh, isn't it a problem to claim you're not the captain if there are no members around?"

"Of course not. I'm the captain in name only, so all I can do is keep an eye on the problem members.
There are people better than me, so it's not a very dignified captaincy."
"Really? But Fujimura-Sensei says that your skills are outstanding."

"Ugh Well, if she says so, that gives me some confidence. Yeah, I guess it's no good to think about people who don't come here any more. Yeah, if Fujimura-Sensei said that, I guess I should take being captain more seriously."
"That's right. Speaking of which, it's almost time for the club members to arrive, right? I'll get going but you stay and be a good captain."

"What, you're not going to stay and watch?"
"I wouldn't understand. Watching from a distance is fine, but outsiders shouldn't be in the range, should they?"
Just as I rise, someone enters the range.

"Ah, morning, Matou. You're alone this morning?"

" Yes. I'm sorry I couldn't be of help."

"Nah, it's okay. If he doesn't want to come, there's no point forcing him to."
Ayako addresses the club member who just entered.
"Well, I'll be going. See you later, Mitsuzuri-san."
"Damn, an intruder has interrupted my lesbian flirting. Flee, flee!"

"Yeah, see you later, Tohsaka."
" Thank you for coming, Tohsaka-Senpai."
"Thanks. You take care too, Sakura."
Music: Stop

"Ah, Tohsaka, good morning. I'm lucky to see you so early."
Bad luck. I've run into someone I don't want to see.

"Good morning, Matou-kun. You're early today."
"Of course. As the captain, I have to come early as an example to others."

This smiling guy is Matou Shinji, of class 2-C.
He's the vice-captain of the archery club and owner of the hearts of half the girls in this school.
Kind of an idol, good looking, good grades, sociable, and kind to girls.
It's like they wrote the prologue a few years before the rest of the story and then they forgot to go back and fix it later.
I'm not too well-informed in such areas, so I've only heard all this from my classmates.

"Really? I'm sorry to interrupt your good mood, but you're missing a word, Matou-kun. It's an important word, so I don't think you should forget it."

"Hm? What do you mean missing a word?"
"You're missing the 'vice-' part, vice-captain. You should watch out. It makes no difference whether you're the captain or the vice-captain, but if you put a lot of weight on it, people might think you're concerned about it, right?"

" You're right. I'll be careful from now on. Thank you, Tohsaka."
"I've done nothing to earn your thanks, but I guess it doesn't matter if you think otherwise."
Bidding him goodbye, I leave the range.

"Hold on. You came to watch, right? Then you should stay and watch. You're very welcome here."
"I'd rather not. I don't want to interrupt the morning practice."

"Don't worry about that. If anyone's bothering you, I'll just kick them out, so come in for a while."
"Besides, it's not like I'm interested in archery.
I don't like watching people I don't know practicing."

"What? You didn't have any interest in archery?
Oh, so that's why you were watching us after school."
I don't know what he thinks the reason was, but he's undoubtedly making a big misunderstanding.

"Yeah, our eyes met many times, yours and mine. After I shot, you would always be looking at me, right?
I wanted to call out to you, but it's the rules, you know? We can't raise our voice on the range."

His smile carries a sense of superiority.
"I guess I misunderstood. I thought you liked archery, but you actually have no interest in it, right? So why were you watching the range?"


Oh, I see now.
Yes, the conversation could certainly have been taken that way.
"Can you move away, Matou-kun? I really don't like people coming so close to me."

"Uh? Tohsaka, what?"
"Honestly, it seems you still don't understand.
It's not my style, but I'll put it in terms even you can understand.
Matou-kun, I'm saying that I have even less interest in you than in archery. Frankly, I never even knew you were in the range, and I'm not about to start looking out for you now either."


As if I've angered him, he reaches out for me violently.
I easily avoid it and turn my back on him.

Geez, he really is all show.
If he was just a little bit more mature, he wouldn't be so much trouble for the people around him.
From the back of the school where the archery range is based, I enter the school building.
It's past seven, but I can't see anyone in the hallway.
Music: Gentle Everyday

" Good morning, Fujimura-Sensei."

"Yes, good morning, Tohsaka-san. I'm so happy you greeted me properly."

The strange woman seems to be crying of happiness.
It's hard to believe, but this person of surpassing friendliness and cheerfulness is a teacher at this school.
"Uh, Sensei is there a way to greet you improperly?"

"Of course there is. First years always greet me properly, but the older ones never greet me by my last name. You shouldn't copy their rudeness, okay?"
" I don't really understand, but I won't be rude to you, Sensei."

"Good girl. Oh, I wish everyone was as good as you, Tohsaka-san."
Rin sure knows how to treat a lady.
Fujimura-Sensei waves goodbye and leaves.
Fortunately, she isn't my homeroom teacher.
Fujimura-Sensei teaches English.
She has such a kind face, but she also has a black belt in kendo, and I hear she was respected as the "Tiger of Fuyuki" in her student days.
Though, that's a bit strange.
Wouldn't a tiger normally be feared, not respected?
Apparently in a good mood, Fujimura-Sensei heads for the archery range.
For some reason, she's in charge of the archery club and not the kendo club.

I can see a few students doing club activities outside, but there's no sign of anyone in the school building.
But still
Music: Stop


I bump into someone who greets me rudely.
You know, it's not actually necessary to introduce every single character in the game in the first day.
Music: Gentle Everyday
"Oh, Student President. Are you patrolling the school building this early in the morning? Or perhaps taking care of the club rooms? Not that I care, but you're certainly diligent."

"Huh! What are you planning? What are you doing here? You're not in any clubs."
"I just felt like it. I don't get up early like your family does, Ryudou-kun."

" "
The Student President makes an unhappy face.
For some reason, I seem to be his enemy.
I really don't know why.
Perhaps it's just because I said "skip the temples, they're boring" in a meeting to plan for the field trip.
It's because he's religious so he has a thing against lesbians.

" Let me ask you a question, Tohsaka. Have you been staying at school until late at night recently?"
"Nope. You should know I always go straight home, Ryudou-kun."

"Of course. This is my job, so naturally I know about everyone."
"I see. So you don't even have to ask, right? I don't know why you're asking, but isn't it bad to force student council jobs onto outsiders?
You should collect information on your own. Don't rely on outsiders like me."

"Idiot, how are you an outsider!?
Don't think I don't know how you worked your evil deeds on our Treasurer, you fox!"
"Oh, you misunderstand. I was merely working out how much each club should receive because Mitsuzuri-san asked me to.
I think it's only right for students to take an interest in where their money is going."

" H-How can damaging our Treasurer's psyche enough to keep him off school for a week be 'only right' for any student? As always, I'm amazed by your way of thinking."
"The same to you. You should keep a watch on those under you.
It's not fair to favor the non-sporting clubs."

"I know that. That's why I had intended to deal with the matter myself

A guy appears who I didn't expect to find here.
"Ah, sorry Emiya. I'm the one who asked for help, but it seems like you're doing all the work. Forgive me."
"Don't worry about it. So, where next? There's not much time left."

"Yeah, the AV room is next. It seems it's been working badly for a while, but it finally died."
"It can't be fixed if it's dead. It would be quicker to just buy a new one."
" True, but it'd help if you could take a look at it. It might be dead to my eyes, but only faking it to yours."
"I see. Well, let's take a look."
The Student President leaves with the male student.

My thoughts have stopped at this sudden event.
The guy with wrenches and spanners in hand turns back as if remembering something.

"You're up early, Tohsaka."
And with that, he leaves.
Was that supposed to be a greeting?
The student whom the president called "Emiya" leaves quickly.
Emiya that would be Emiya Shirou, from class 2-C.
" That's fine, but "
How can I put it?
I just think it's hard to tell whether a guy who looks at home holding a wrench is useful or scary.
Music: Stop

Music: Gentle Everyday

Actually, most of the ones who stay are girls.
The cafeteria food is rather roughly made, so girls tend to dislike it and as a result

"Ah, um, Tohsaka-san ! W-Would you like to have lunch with us !?"
Girls end up eating lunch together like this.
I'm going to avoid the easy lesbian comment and instead point out that we really needed even more character introductions. Bonus points if they're throw-away characters we'll never see again after this post (hint: they are).
"Thank you, Saegusa-san, but I'm afraid I'm eating at the cafeteria today. I slept in this morning and didn't have time to make lunch."

"Oh, I see I'm sorry to invite you without realizing that. I guess I'm being a bother."
Saegusa-san looks downcast as if apologizing.
She's one of the calmest in a class full of calm students, and a kind person who cares about me for some reason.
"I don't think so. It just happened that way today, so don't worry about it. Please ask me again tomorrow."
I smile at her from the bottom of my heart.

"Oh, yes. I guess even you sleep in from time to time."
My smile must have relaxed her as she returns it with her own.

Her smile is cute.
Saegusa Yukika-san isn't the most beautiful person, but her smile warms the hearts of everyone around her.
"Yes, that's right. I try not to let it show, but I actually sleep in quite often. I'm not in any clubs because I can't get up in the mornings."

Saegusa-san's expression reveals her surprise.
Her presence really relaxes me, but I can't just have fun talking.
If I keep talking to people like this, I'm bound to reveal my true self.
"Well, I'm off to the cafeteria. Enjoy your lunch, Saegusa-san."

"Yes. You too, Tohsaka-san."
We exchange a warm goodbye and she returns to her group of girls.
It seems she's eating with Makidera-san and Himuro-san.
Oh yeah, Saegusa-san is the manager of the track team.
Makidera and Himuro-san are the track team's hopefuls.
Makidera is a friend I sometimes go window-shopping with, but I don't know Himuro-san that well.
...and by "friend I sometimes go window-shopping with" she means "ex-girlfriend."

"Oh, you were rejected, Yukicchi? Didn't I tell you Tohsaka wouldn't bring lunch? If you want to eat with her, you'll have to make her lunch too."

" Maki, can't we just go to the cafeteria too, then?"
"No way. There isn't enough room in that place for people who bring their own lunches. And even if we did sit with Tohsaka, the men's glares would be annoying as hell.
Like last vacation! We went to hang out together, but she's the only one who got any attention. Don't you just hate people who have to show off their beauty like that?"
Makidera speaks without thinking as the girls surround Saegusa-san's desk.
In contrast to her nasty mouth, she's a Japanese beauty who looks wonderful in a kimono.
" Um, I think that Tohsaka-sama can hear you."
In contrast to Makidera's loudness, Himuro is the cool, steady type.
Not particularly surprising for a character with the kanji for 'ice' in her name.

"Ack, crap, Tohsaka heard that? Ugh, she's really glaring at me !"
"Uh, I-I don't think she's glaring at you, really "
"She is. She's scariest when she's smiling. Come on, take it easy Tohsaka. It's us we're talking about, right? I bought you taiyaki, remember?"
She waves her chopsticks, puffing out her cheeks.
The knowledge that this girl's hobby is collecting wind chimes just shows that the world is far too complex.
It'd be faster to just put a glowing neon sign on Rin's head that reads, "LESBIAN," with an arrow pointing to her head.
Anyways, it's not good for Saegusa-san to keep watching this.
She's panicking, seeing Makidera continually talking bad about me.
"Don't worry, Saegusa-san.
And Makidera-san? I'm the one who paid, and it was crepes, not taiyaki. You should fix that habit of yours of changing the facts you remember, or I might have to reconsider things next time, okay?"

"Ugh. That smile is really scary."
Makidera hides behind the lid of her lunch box.
Saying goodbye to the three of them, I leave the classroom.

Music: Stop

Music: Gentle Everyday

Music: Stop

"Well, lunch comes first."
I start on my tomato sandwich and hot lemon drink.
It's a simple lunch, but the taste is much improved in this peace and quiet.

I finish my sandwich and my hot lemon drink.
I'm a bit tired.
It's a difficult balance, being a good student while trying not to be too social.
It's my vanity no, my conviction, that I must be number-one both academically and physically.
If I am to be a student, I want to be the best, and it's unthinkable for me to dishonor the Tohsaka name.
So that's why I'm a perfect student, flawless in all aspects.
"I'm even the most humble. In fact, I might even be too humble, but that just makes me even more perfect."
But at the same time, I also have a dangerous job as a magus, so I shouldn't associate with normal people.
Normally, any magus whose identity is discovered has no choice but to eliminate the witness.
I don't want to do that.
So inevitably, my social life has become a shallow one.
I only hang out with Makidera on weekends, and I try to refuse invitations from friendly people like Saegusa-san.
Even though I'm the best honor student in the school, I live trying not to become too important to anyone.
Though, sometimes when I'm tired like this, it makes me think that this life is rather boring.
"Oh, it's time already?"
I finish my hot lemon drink and stand up.
I should stop drowning in sentimentality and go back to being the usual Tohsaka Rin once I go down the stairs

"Homeroom is at an end. Those of you on day duty, finish the daily report and check the locks.
Those of you without club activities are to go home quickly."
2-A's homeroom teacher exits after repeating his usual line.
As far as I know, this line hasn't changed all year.

"Tohsaka, you're going home already?"
"Yes. There was an event with Matou-kun this morning, so I'm heading home before it becomes a bother."

"Haha, I thought so. Matou was in a bad mood this morning, so I thought you must've given him a hard time."
"I see. Did I cause you any trouble, Mitsuzuri-san?"

"Not at all. It's normal for Matou to torment the younger students, and I think that kind of thing will be good mental training for him."
"I see, that's good. Well, I'll make up for it some other time."

"All right. Don't be put off and come by again!"