
Okay, I'll be honest here, Final Fantasy Tactics is my favorite game. It's the best SRPG available because... I have no idea what makes it so good. It's also a fantasy War of the Roses and that makes it more awesome. I love this damn game so much. That is why I sometimes desire to smash it to bits.
This will be the PS1 original, completely patchless and otherwise unaltered.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 - The Meager
- Part 1 - Orbonne Monastery
- Part 2 - Magic City Gariland
- Interlude 1 - Pro Menu Navigator 1998, Ivalice Edition
- Part 3 - Mandalia Plains
- Interlude 2 - Grindtastic!
- Part 4 - Sweegy Woods
- Part 5 - Dorter Trade City
- Part 6 - Zeklaus Desert
- Part 7 - Thieves Fort
- Part 8 - Lenalia Plateau
- Interlude 3 - Ramza gets a huge dragon and its totally awesome
- Part 9 - Fovoham Plains
- Part 10 - Fort Zeakden
- Chapter 2 - The Manipulator and The Subservient
- Part 11 - Dorter Trade City, #2
- Interlude 4 - Ramza's Inscrutable Job Level Party
- Part 12 - Araguay Woods
- Part 13 - Zirekile Falls
- Part 14 - Zaland Fort City
- Interlude 5 - The only time Ramza shushes someone.
- Part 15 - Bariaus Hill
- Part 16 - The Legend of the Zodiac Braves
- Part 17 - Zigolis Swamp
- Interlude 6 - Those who seek the Holy Stone
- Part 18 - Goug Machine City
- Part 19 - Warjilis Trade City
- Part 20 - Bariaus Valley
- Interlude 7 - Roadblock? Get a tank!
- Part 21 - Golgrand Execution Site
- Part 22 - Lionel Castle
- Part 23 - The Truth of the Holy Stones
- Chapter 3 - The Valiant
- Interlude 8 - Poachstravaganza Pt.1
- Interlude 9 - Poachstravaganza, Pt.2
- Part 24 - Goland Coal City
- Part 25 - Lesalia Imperial Capital
- Part 26 - Orbonne Underground Book Storage
- Part 27 - The Shrine Knights
- Part 28 - The Germonik Scriptures
- Interlude 10 - Sister's kidnapped? No big rush.
- Part 29 - Grog Hill
- Part 30 - Yardow Fort City
- Part 31 - Yuguo Woods
- Part 32 - Gate of Riovanes Castle
- Part 33 - Inside of Riovanes Castle
- Part 34 - Roof of Riovanes Castle
- Chapter 4 - Somebody To Love
- Interlude 11 - Fat-Bottomed... Ramza
- Interlude 12 - Dragon Attack
- Interlude 13 - It's a Hard Life
- Interlude 14 - Funny How Love Is
- Interlude 15 - A Kind of Magic
- Interlude 16 - Dead on Time
- Part 35 - Doguola Pass
- Part 36 - Bervenia Free City
- Part 37 - Finath River
- Part 38 - Zeltennia Castle
- Part 39 - Bed Desert
- Part 40 - Bethla Garrison
- Part 41 - Bethla Garrison's Sluice
- Interlude 17 - I'm In Love With My Car
- Part 42 - Nelveska Temple
- Interlude 18 - Gimme the Prize
- Part 43 - Germanis Peak
- Part 44 - Poeskas Lake
- Part 45 - Gate of Limberry Castle
- Part 46 - Inside of Limberry Castle
- Part 47 - Underground cemetary of Limberry Castle
- Interlude 19 - Great King Rat
- Interlude 20 - Play the Game
- Part 48 - Igros Castle
- Interlude 21 - It's Late
- Part 49 - Zarghidas Trade City
- Interlude 22 - I'm Going Slightly Mad
- Part 50 - St. Murond Temple
- Part 51 - Hall of St. Murond Temple
- Part 52 - Chapel of St. Murdon Temple
- Interlude 23 - Don't Stop Me Now
- The First Floor: NOGIAS
- The Second Floor: TERMINATE
- The Third Floor: DELTA
- The Fourth Floor: VALKYRIES
- The Fifth Floor: MLAPAN
- The Sixth Floor: TIGER
- The Seventh Floor: BRIDGE
- The Eight Floor: VOYAGE
- The Ninth Floor: HORROR
- The Last Floor: END, 1st
- The Last Floor: END, 2nd
- Part 53 - Orbonne State Book Repository
- Part 54 - The Gate to the Dead City
- Part 55 - Murond Death City and Lost Sacred Precincts
- Part 56 - Graveyard of Airships
- Part 57 - The Bloody Angel
- Part 58 - Hero of the Lion War
Some of these contain spoilers! Click at your own risk!
Shaezerus accurately depicts Ramza's journey, right down to the use of miters. Why yes, I will be fording Finath River.
Zieker shows off Mustadio's amazing ability to snipe with his fists.
Did you know that you can use Break Weapon with bags? Artist unknown!
Zieker depicts the wonderful events of part 33.
The dramatic conclusion of the duel in part 6! Artist unknown!
T.G. Xarbala's dramatic reenactment of Flying Jumping Magical Gun Ninja (inspiration below)
Epee Em made a thing nobody should have to see. But I still named Worker 8 after it.
man listen, thieves, i am TELLING you (by Doomfunk)
Epee Em has significant issues if he made... this. Maybe he should stop making these things.
At least Rafa has self-confidence. By T.G. Xarbala.
Ramza has the Spear of Longinus, and finally uses it! By Taciturn Tactician.
Please do not click on this image by OurLivesOnline unless you have finished the ENTIRE LP. It's that big of a spoiler.
Maybe the fire gun is the Glacier gun in the same way that an Elephant gun shoots elephants? By Zeikier.
Perhaps you should look at the title of the book before throwing it? By Ziekier.
Job Dissections!
Here, I post the inner details of every job and discuss their strong points, weak points, and give blatant examples of my bias.
For the stats, the first number is Multiplier, the higher the better. The second number is Growth, the lower the better.
- Squire
- Chemist
- Knight
- Archer
- Wizard
- Priest
- Monk
- Thief
- Oracle
- Time Mage
- Lancer
- Geomancer
- Mediator
- Summoner
- Ninja
- Samurai
- Calculator
- Bard
- Dancer
- Special Jobs
- Holy Knight
- Engineer
- Divine Knight
It came from a hack!
FFT has a very active hacking community, with assorted patches and hacks about. Though I am playing unaltered FFT, here's a spot for things from these hacks.
Dis Astranagant fights another LFT battle full of things that hate you.
Other stuff!
Sometimes, the things we do don't make a damn bit of sense.
- Flying jumping magical gun ninja
- Let's Play Akumajō Dracula X: Gekka no Yasōkyoku (April Fools '11)
- Alucard eats peanuts in a pale pink cape (More April Fools '11)
- Cat damage? Mei Ling, do you know anything about Cat damage?!(Yet More April Fools '11)