Part 31: Bartz vs. A New World

So now we're up to three, though sadly we're still lacking Reina's awesome physical prowess. Krile and Faris may not have dual-wielding capabilities, but they can still hit hard enough, while Bartz will ensure that nobody dies.

To the southwest of the Antolyon is this cave. Since we have nowhere else we can go, might as well go in here and start a rather lengthy plot dump.

Inside we find Gill. Wait, what.

So how did Gill also pop up into Bartz's world?

As you may have noticed, the Japanese love having a person simply repeat what someone just said, and the GBA version runs with it by having Gill repeatedly mock Bartz for doing so. It's one of the reasons Gill became much more memorable in that version than he is in the other two, where he's just a generic wise man figure.

The Void and Enuo remain consistent in the translations, but the N-zone has other names. In the RPGe translation, this is the cooler-sounding Cleft of Dimension, while in GBA Gill refers to it as the Interdimensional Rift. I have no fucking clue where the hell they got "N-zone" from.

In the RPGe version, Krile and Faris take some of Bartz's lines, while the GBA version has Gill take some of them. There's nothing really to analyze, it's just a weird thing I noticed that has no bearing on anything.

That...that's just...


The GBA version just has X-Death scream, "Turtle!" There's something to be said for the charm of simplicity.

And here's the very GBA-esque exchange in that version:
You think I sat around seven centuries munching on pizza?
Ha ha ha... Perhaps you should have taken the chance... You shall find no such tasty diversions in the afterlife!

And so X-Death just flings everyone out of the cave.


We automatically walk to the library.

GBA response:
Bartz, Bartz, Bartz... so enthusiastic and yet so stupid.

And, of course, I can't let that go without posting one of the best lines from the whole GBA translation:
Sometimes I wonder if you say things like this to spite me... Yes, the twelve legendary weapons. They are weapons. They are legendary. There are even twelve of them.

We sealed the weapons we fought Enuo with in Kuza castle. The key to the seals... are four hidden lithographs. With the spirit of the past, one is protected by the earth. In an island temple, one is protected by the wind. In a place deeper than the ocean floor, one is protected by flame. Behind the place where the water falls, one is protected by the water. We have also sealed up our servants. Once the lithographs are moved, our servants will revive... Black and White... powerful magic... Time Magic, Meteo, Leviathan, and the Bahamut... Throw this book into the gate, and the way to the seal will be shown to you...

To sum this up: We need four tablets (lithographs in this version, because why not) to unlock the twelve legendary weapons. This will also help us get the ultimate magic of the three main magic classes, as well as high-end summons, not to mention the buttload of other loot and stuff we'll run across.

So before we do that, let's chat up the scholars.

If you talk to this easy-to-miss scholar, you get another song! This one gradually boosts your magic power, useful for Bartz and Krile (even though Krile's the one that has to sing it anyway.

It's pretty hard to find this town unless you talk to the right NPCs or know where it is ahead of time. I'll be going there as soon as possible.

Oh, right, the Ids are still around. Bleh.

More on them next update, but each dungeon is guarded by a semi-annoying miniboss.

So there's justification as to why X-Death decided to be a thorn. Yeah.
Alright, enough talking to these guys. Let's get going.
First off, we have new overworld music, and I highly recommend listening:

So we need to move west to get to the desert.

The trees are Cowpokes. At this point, yeah, whatever.

L6 White Magic, though.

I switch Bartz to a Dancer so I get some more physical capabilities with Reina gone.

Anyway, the overworld music. It's haunting and shows how high the stakes are, where everything feels hopeless and the world is slowly dying. The music keeps playing for these next cutscenes as well.

As you may expect, Bartz says "many lives" in the other translations, since "several lives" doesn't suggest this to be very high-stakes.

It's a really nice touch having the overworld playing while having these mini-scenes to reinforce that the world's in a shit place right now. It just makes these scenes even more depressing and adds some emotional punch to a game that's generally breezy up to this point. This is the game's "shit just got real" moment.

So next time, we'll tackle the pyramids (or at least as much of it as my recording caught) and run into an old friend.