Part 122: Low-Level Run - Chapter 4

Last time, I got rich off of theft and bought grenades which I used to blow up government employees. I am the protagonist.

Free stuff, you know?

An extra All can't hurt, and the Star Pendant is important for the next boss.

the Four Slots just ensures Taft has low defense with plenty of materia slots.

This puzzle makes no fucking sense.

The battles aren't issues as long as no pincer attacks happen.

Yeah! Except they happen other places as well!

Today I hurt Shinra's bottom line by flushing the toilet several dozen times, making their water bill skyrocket.

Reeve, by being the only Shinra exec who seems even slightly troubled by murdering thousands of innocent civilians and taxing who's left, must be the only one who isn't obstinantely evil.

Yes, the story is just a distraction for me.

Elemental+poison would be a waste. The only poison-elemental attack the boss has is just his status move. The twerps cast Ice and Fire sometimes and goddammit I am going to grenade this boss before he can even see.

God knows how much EXP he'd give!

People are all 'sedn tifa n use barret his logn range attak can hit the boss !!' but fuck that I've got grenades and Taft is staying as low level as possible.

You'll regret this.

So this guy is a joke as he has next to no offense and dies to grenades really fast. The poison didn't even do much to Rex Ronan.

You know, it's probably going to be a while before I have to try.

Grenades make early-game bosses die really easily.

Cloud gets the EXP today.

Aerated gets better armor, befitting the EXP sponge she'll become.

Why do they even let you select your party here when in 2 minutes you're getting captured.

Well whooooooooops looks like we got captureeeeeeeeeeed!

Rex is a

Let's say disappointing things to the ladies!

And prioritize hanging out with Barrel!
Keep this line in mind. Something else doesn't make sense because of it.

So new stuff is here and I don't want Cloud hit so he gets a fast turn against Rufus.

Game's over everyone! Shinra's been toppled!

It's like a gun that vincent uses but a really long sword and uh

I won't, you're worth 1800 EXP.

Damn Taft can yell.

I see no other way of conveying this scene so adequately.

This is one of the few battles where Taft is not allowed. Sadly, she'll gain levels.

The shooting is kind of annoying as Healing Wind will get Barrel and Rex Ronan but Hundred Gunner falls fast enough due to his lightning weakness.

This sounds worrysome so I just blow it up.

Like so.

Heligunner is polite enough to murder Rex Ronan for me.

So Barrel blows himself up and Aerated blows it up.
God I love grenades.

Aerated gets a level.
So does Taft offscreen.


Bio-All doesn't poison Rufus the first time but it gets his dog's HP low enough that Braver kills it even through Barrier.

And the lime-green paralyzed Rufus gets grenaded.

God I love grenades.

CLOUD gets a level.
And so does Taft offscreen.

Shut the fuck up Mr. Barrel sounds great.

Here's CLOUD riding a motorcycle down a staircase. How do people take FF7 seriously?

Elemental with Fire will help Aerated survive Motorball's meaner attacks.

which is good because I suck at the motorcycle game.

Thankfully Healing Wind solves my problems.

He hits hard but that's exactly what I want since it murders Taft. Again.

And Cloud murders himself and Aerated blows it up.

A large part of this is waiting until the boss attacks, having one dude murder him/herself then having Aerated blow up the boss, yes.

Yeah sure. I wanna spend time with my Barrel-chan.

Man I forgot how long ago I saved over one of these files.

Okay so I have Matra Magic in the menu. Right now.


But after running it isn't kept.
Which means the first enemy skill I can keep is Trine from the Materia Keeper. Welp.

Oh and here's a place that probably won't influence my challenge much.