Part 124: Low-Level Run - Chapter 6

Last time I skimmed over the most important part of the story and blew something up.

Jack White chose the colors red, white, and black for the White Stripes as he said it is the most powerful combination of colors. Coca-Cola and Nazi Germany were his examples. I find myself agreeing.

I fucking suck at joining the march.

I kinda like how this game gives so many choices that don't really matter.

I buy a Revive materia just in case. Also that -5% HP might make Taft easier to kill.

I also get some tranquilizers in case I need the damage reduction for a gambit.

I need all of these man, all of these. Enemy Skills are some of the greatest things.

I also get this then not use it for the part I should've.

Shit I failed.

The Force Stealer being the top reward makes no sense logistically.

This is available later and costs more. 5800 more.

Yeah I don't either man.

On the boat I tell the girls their ideas suck.

Anyway I take the only crew I really can and give Aerated the HP Plus materia, showing how the thing is so fucking valuable that I had to reset and game the system to get it.

I should've used the headband for this, but I still get a set of Shinra Betas.

Oh boy, by the time I get Yuffie I can get her her ultimate weapon, so this is free money!


JENOVA-Birth has a shitton of HP compared to previous bosses and her attacks are starting to sting. Stop would probably have been devistating if Aerated didn't dodge both of them.
God bless you Aerated.

I bust out the summons and limits at the start in an attempt to beat her down quick.

It didn't go so well.

However, at times her powerful attacks ended up aiding me. Mostly by killing Taft and CLOUD and indicating she's not casting Stop on Aerated this turn. Not like she had the MP for a third cast anyway.

ATB management, knowing the boss, shittons of grenades.

Aerated finally picks up Seal Evil and hits level 11.

Costa Del Sol only has a few things of interest.

400 ethers? No way.

But the ring's free. This will be incredibly handy in the future, I can just feel it.

I buy a few of these in case I need more damage than a grenade can provide in a pinch. I should've known they'd be instantly outdated.

I keep 4 of each status healing item on hand, don'tcha know?

For Mt. Corel I go with earth tones and beige! Browns and beige! Light browns and dark browns and browns and beige!

Mt. Corel is so earth-toned the lens flare is green.

Bombs, a FF classic.

I steal their arms.

I steal so many I bring along Rex Ronan, as he has 4 levels over Taft so he can steal slightly better.

I uh... I don't know why I get so much of the treasure.

This bridge is an important screen.

It's mostly Bombs for arm theft.

Except for the pincher attacks. Getting out of this one is annoying.

I just have no idea why this is the top reward.



Fuck this backstory shit I'm gonna go play games.