Part 133: Low-Level Run - Chapter 15

Last time, fuckin' Carry Armor ruined attempts by using Lapis Laser in the fuckin' AI setup.

So uh Rocket Town stuff is next.

I took this screenshot over two years ago and I don't think it made sense then either.

Clispaeth is the designated exp-getter because this is his rocket, dammit! Also I don't think he's been designated exp getter in forever.

Remember when I picked up all those elixirs in great glacier? Good times, man. I like being able to sling 'em.

Rude is not hard, per usual. Like most fights at this point he's only dangerous in that you have to down two party members to minimize EXP gains.

I think this sequence ends Clispaeth's tenure as a party member forever, unless I use him in the final dungeon for shits and/or giggles.

So then CLOUD and Clispaeth became the first living beings to go into space.
And Taft became the first well-preserved corpse.

Hey, if I can get shinies without getting exp, I will get shinies.

So, yeah, space events, etc. this is a screenshot to establish the narrative so the subsequent ones are contextualized.

CLOUD has his beautiful gown and accessories and his radical snowboard on his person still, by the way.

You guys sabotaged 3/4 of it, assholes.

"We went into space with it next to the panties for reasons. Space reasons."

Bahamut-ZERO will not be featured in this LP as he was the huge materia on the train.
I think if you miss any of the huge materia, it removes them in a set order, but I don't like missing things even if they are nonsense like Bahamut-ZERO, so it's only conjecture.

Being able to rename characters and the weird rules around possessives of nouns ending in s do not get along.

This is another screenshot to establish the narrative so that the audience knows I did this. My evidence is that CLOUD is in all capitals.

Finding it is more annoying than dangerous, though in the LLG that just means I don't have to knock off two members of the team for a little bit.

So yeah we discover that Aerated did something with all those levels she got in disc 1.
Everyone but Taft outlevels her now, by the way. That character juggling was meaningful I swear.

Warning: this name is cannon.

Then this fucker shows up. I wish he didn't.

"No one since I received no experience for the event, I suppose, unlike that time you guys cracked an icicle, for which I was not present."

But I don't want to fight it!

After getting to this point, Diamond WEAPON stops dead in its tracks, probably to catch its breath. It jogged all the way here from the northern continent!

The Diamond WEAPON plan is Trine, Trine, Trine, Trine! Trine. Diamond is weak to Lightning, and our best source of lightning is Trine. With 30,000 HP exactly, Diamond's immune to Sense.

Yoinkara. Not sure why but I've got nothing better to do between Trines.

Diamond WEAPON is not particularly dangerous. Just two single-target attacks and a silencing percentile move it'll never use because I am not using summons or limits.

This is why I didn't want to fight Diamond WEAPON. This is the single largest lump of mandatory experience in the entire game. Fourth or Fifth largest in the game as a whole, IIRC.

It's enough to give CLOUD seven levels by itself. This is the last EXP he will ever receive, though 29 is not exactly whining baby power levels.

And then Diamond dies, its greatest crime already committed.

The way to Sephiroth, to save the world, is open.

Obviously, it's time to fuck around in the woods.

Mysterious Ninja is not particularly hard, considering mid 20s is Nibelheim levels.

So yeah I bother to get her after the largest lump of exp is over and done with. She's got important work to do.

Sadly, her full name is too long for the entry screen.

So, affectionate nickname.

Besides being far more powerful than the rest of our shit, the Conformer has a special effect in that its multiplier is related to the enemy's level. Specifically, it is set to the enemy's level, where 16 would be the normal x1 multiplier. Against Carry Armor, for example, it'd have a x2.8 multiplier, rounded. Given this is the late game, everything is above level 50 and thus really get knocked around. Throw it together with Dobule Cut and the enemies really get pounded.

NEXT TIME: the great ninja Yuckie vs. the last mandatory exp!