Part 50: [Temple of the Ancients]
Chapter 50 - [Temple of the Ancients]It's a pity I can't color the thread title in cyan.

Back last time Aeris and Cloud were interrupted by a Cait Sith sitting misteriously in the lobby.

Oh no.

After calling him out he just runs away to the Battle Square. OH GOD WE'VE BEEN FOOLED!

Curse you sudden but inevitable betrayal!

So yes, we have to follow Cait Sith all throughout the Gold Saucer as he runs away from us.

Cue the Benny Hill Theme.

There's no way I can display the silliness in still images, but I'm sure the Benny Hill theme gave you the correct idea.

Ahh the box is fading things are happening


The clues

They've been there all along. I'm pretty sure by now you must have guessed that he was the spy.

How THE HELL can you trust a stuffed toy that talks and follows you?

That's why I just gave the key to the temple to Shinra. But don't worry, I can't get any lower.

Oh wait, nevermind. It CAN get lower.

Yes, that's Marlene.

In other words, we're being blackmailed.

Fuck you Cat Shit.

The [Temple of the Ancients] forces Aeris into your party, as she's obviously interested in knowing more about her lineage. I'm going with Team Don Corneo for good measure.

As we draw closer... I feel an ancient force...

Ughh... it's too strong.

Something crazy is happeni-

The most famous color test pattern is the SMPTE color bars. Contrary to what most people think, these bars are not arbitrary. The seven main bars are composed of primary and secondary RGB colors plus white.
Although a screen may emit the same intensity for each base color signal, our eye doesn't perceive them equally. Our most sensitive color cone is for Green, then Red, then Blue. This serves an evolutionary purpose. The main source of blue in nature is the sky. The light intensity of the sky is orders of magnitude greater than most objects we see during daylight, so we're less sensitive to blue in order to compensate for the blinding light refracted from the atmosphere.
Likewise, green is the predominant color in the jungle. With a higher sensitivity to green, we can have an easier time distinguishing shapes in the shade, an useful trait when you evolved in the wilds.
Because of these traits, the secondary RGB color with most strength is the yellow (which is green + red, the two most sensitive cones), then cyan (green + blue). Red and blue together are less sensitive than green. The color bars are displayed in such a way that they're organized from brightest (white) to darkest (blue).

Holy crap guys I just had the weirdest dream.
Chapter 50 Bugs & Bytes
Today's Update
Wow, that did take me a long time to make.
The past 5 images are an homage to video-game magazines of the old. I tried to keep everything there - the mash of all sorts of font types together; the multitude of colors; the crazy formatting (multiplied by the fact I never did this sort of thing before); the puns and obscure references (which I'm personally proud of in this update). While I cannot speak for the magazines in the US, I researched into it and took a look at how they looked like.
This is an idea I've had for a long time, since about Chapter 10 or so. I don't often indulge in nostalgia but while I'm still a subscriber of game-related magazines, these are magazines devoted to developers - here, the video-game magazines ended with the advent of the Internet circa 2000-2001.
I thought the Temple of the Ancients was the perfect dungeon for it. The first part of the temple is a huge scary maze, but there's not really much happening in it. I thought the crazy map would be a nice way to show how convoluted the thing appears to be in a screenshot let's play.
Since we did keep the images to a minimum (we don't have the same resolution as a paper, so I couldn't simply throw screenshots at it), let's get a bit deeper into the...
Date with Tifa

I told you I'd be showing all the dates and by God am I showing it.

The date with Tifa is the second "most official" date.

It's not as easy to get as Aeris' (because that's where the normal game events lead you to) but it's not hard to get it either, even without a guide.

The other two dates are CONSIDERABLY harder to get and are more like Easter Eggs, really.

Meanwhile, Tifa and Aeris dates offer you some plot progression. Aeris more so, but this one is also very interesting.


Cloud seems confused. Stop friendzoning her, Cloud.

This dialogue is later reused in another Final Fantasy game.

It's called Final Fantasy 8 and the dialogue is "almost everything the protagonist has (not) to say".

All jokes aside this is a really sad development.

We got confirmation of what we already know - that Tifa likes Cloud, but the thing goes nowhere.

I do like the soul that the characters have, even in a translation as bad as this.

Anyway that is it for Tifa's date. I hope you enjoyed it!