Part 63: Climax
Chapter 63 - ClimaxIf you thought last chapter was intense, this chapter will BLOW YOUR MIND.

Cue one of the best musical themes in the game.

How many times is that? 8? 9? It's like every theme is one of the best themes in the game.

We've reached the final destination. Everything in the game built up to this place. From the original President Shinra's aspirations to Cloud's inhuman call.

Hojo is not amused.

Maybe if Shinra invested A LITTLE BIT in education they'd have better scientists.


So yea, Weapons. The gigantic monsters we heard about in the videotape back in Icicle Inn.
Once again, Professor Gast was right. Honestly, I wonder what was the process behind Gast's "disappearance".

"The top scientist in the world disappeared and we're left with this clown wanting to breed things, should we investigate to find out what happened to Gast?"
"Hmmm nah, who cares about science anyway, it doesn't help us like the Weapons department."

That eye is blinking, throughout this scene. It's creepy and unsettling.

Meanwhile, back to the guy holding the most important object in the world.

Yea. We're pretty much fucked aren't we?

I mean, don't look now guys, but we're kinda within the active radius of an Eldritch Horror of Beyond who wiped proto-mankind who also happened to be psychic unlike us.

Incidentaly, we just left the

Oh, good. For a moment I thought we were gonna be tempted by the Devil or something.

After all with this game being full of religious allegories and what not.

That's perfectly normal. I saw on Discovery Channel that this kind of stuff happens a lot once you start drinking or using drugs.

Also, when you visit remote places filled with crazy magic powers and terrors right out of Lovecraft's mind.
It's a good thing that Tifa isn't acting suspicious at all.

So, yea.

We're screwed.

Not to mention the only possible opposition to Sephiroth's plan has been mindfucked to oblivion.

And, for once, Scarlet is saying something right. Then again, you can never go wrong paraphrasing Han Solo.

Ladies and gentlemen, grab your popcorns.


Now, let's not do anything stupid, buddy.

I mean, sure your entire life has been a lie and no one even knows who you are, and your love interest has died horribly, and you're an outlaw living in a global dictatorship, and your one childhood friend has been lying her guts to you but this is no reason to be depressed, no sir.

See? Barret is here. He's your friend too, and he's here to help!

Yes Cloud. Come on and open up your heart, buddy. Everyone's cheering for you.


Oh fuck, wait a second.

Oh, no.

No Barret don't do it.



Cmon Cloud, snap out of it.

I think we can all safely say "Fuck you Hojo".

I like how Scarlet just stays there, watching in awe at the freakshow going on. She's not paid enough for this shit. Nobody is.

Yep, we've reached maximum breakdown. At this point Cloud is completely messed up in the head and optimized for maximum EU performance.

Deceived by his best friend. Rejected by Doctor Hojo. Who came up with Cloud man? Degraded man. Cloud man.

Why, Cloud does the only logical thing anyone would do in his situation. He flies off to the ceiling.

I always read this in Simon Cowell's voice, as he stares at Cloud flying away he looks befuddled and asks - "What the bloody hell was that?"
The white background are his teeth reflecting light.

This is interesting, albeit a bit late. It does confirm that Sephiroth "died" five years ago, to Shinra too. It wasn't just a public stunt.

More on "Why Jenova tosses her parts away like it's no big deal".

I bet this is why Hojo kept the thing locked in right next to him. He wanted to see crazy things.

Pay attention to this, because this ends up being the official version of events, namely the debate "Who was controlling whom?"

Essentially, the answer is "Sephiroth". Ultimately this is all Sephiroth's doing.

And while all the useless clones died on their way to here, this ended up being an interesting reunion of sorts, indeed. Unfortunately, Hojo's "theory" was right.

It's amusing how this brings a whole new light to the previous events.

The second Jenova started moving, so did Cloud. And why? He didn't even know, since his memories were fuzzied out.

He who started with no motivation (being all snarky and whatever about things) had this fire burn inside him suddenly, and everyone followed him.

And now everyone's in a pretty bad spot.

If you guessed he's on the coccoon in the middle of this trunk-thing, you guessed right.

Here we are guys.

The REAL Sephiroth.

And Hojo goes WIIIILD.

Not that the previous music was cheerful but the music here isn't helping much.

And this dude's absolutely going bananas on an apocalyptic event.

I don't think that he cares. Dude's moving his hands crazily during this sequence.

But just in case people haven't got the stakes, Tifa's here to put it plainly and bluntly like someone who's realizing how absolutely fucked up they are.

At some point they must realize they have to fire Hojo.

There we go, guys.

The point of no return. As Cloud said, the beginning and the end.





With the solidified Lifestream breaking and the danger sensed, the Weapons are released.

"Holy craaaaap"

I refuse to say anything about this other than stating how I refuse to say anything about this.

So, yea, there are more Weapons. All being released furiously.

Five, in total, are released.

Because we clearly don't have enough issues already.

And with this, we conclude this update.
More crazy stuff! Godzilla! Explosions! The World of Ruin Mk 2!
Awesome music we've listened in this update:
Those Chosen by the Planet - Sephiroth's theme, again. It's eerie and screams doomsday.
Reunion - Name is pretty self-explanatory. I love this damn song, it's one of my favorites.