Part 73: Winds of Change
Chapter 72 - Winds of ChangeSo, after a seemingly endless sequence of shit, we've got some good news.

Cait Sith decided to stream a live reunion of Shinra's head executives.

And look, they're actually planning good things.

Huge Materia. We haven't seen one yet, but there are some things to say right now.

You might not remember, but the first time we went to Gongaga, Scarlet was already pursuing Huge Materias.

You can see how happy she is.

Sounds like a good plan, I approve.

Anyway. The Huge Materia are a reference to a common theme amongst older Final Fantasies - the Crystals.

Crystals are perhaps the strongest recurring theme in the series, since they're usually tied to the central plot of the games.

They've been there since the very first Final Fantasy. The very Final Fantasy prelude is often called Crystal Theme.

Usually monoliths responsible for either Life or the Elements, the overall Crystal theme is present throughout FF7 as the materia, with the huge materia being a more direct nod.

Well, I gotta say -

Sounds like Shinra got it covered.

Fine let's go back a bit.

I'm not sure they're gonna do anything, buddy. They'll just go there, say "hey guys think your life is bad? Just watch In Time, at least you can procrastinate", take the huge materia and get out.

Of course he means the huge materia. He just said it. People in this game have trouble understanding materia.

"An even larger thing crashes down from the sky and kills us because we didn't destroy it in time."


You know what's the best thing about Cait Sith?

He's a smug, self-conscious bastard. And he's always so blase about it.

That will show him, Barret.

Uh-Oh, I've seen this before.

And that, folks, is Barret's character development.

Welp, we're screwe...



I love this game.

Well, gotta say, Barret sure learned how to appease to people's ego after all this time with Cloud.

Hell yea.

"Our plan to save the planet involves ruining the current plan to save the planet. We got it covered."

I know, right? That's how my friends convinced me into playing Diablo 3.

And we've got a new leader again. Hooray!


I feel Barret isn't being entirely honest about giving up the leader spot.

Oh for fuck's sake.

Alright, we got our first two destinations. Corel and Fort Condor.

Gated content.

Every time I read this "eeeaaagh" it reminds me of the Gut-Wrenching Scream.

Amusingly enough, as Cid, the crew is much less prone to be chit-chating around as with Tifa.

At long last we can go with a proper masculine team, with an appropriate level of beard. I label it Hellgroomers.

"Hah hah! Hahahahahah!"

"But it takes me much time and effort to do the make-up."

There's no way in hell Vincent isn't first on Cid's "GET RID OF" list now that Cloud and Tifa are gone.

Off we go guys!
Not going to Corel or Fort Condor! Side-Quests! Exploration!