Part 95: Crossfire
Chapter 94 - Crossfire
For a creature made by the planet to get rid of humans this shoulder looks suspiciously like a missile launcher.

Ah it's just the standard laser barrage. Carry on.

Midgar is definitely screwed.


These are pretty nice lasers, though.

By the way, that's the Sister Ray's laser, coming from Midgar.


That looks incredibly nasty.

Goodnight sweet prince. He was too gentle for this world.

Right. The Weapon was very conveniently aligned. Which means...

And FINALLY we catch a break. The barrier's gone!


Rufus knows he's in trouble.

And with that, Midgar is officially wrecked.

The biggest anime.

"Well at least I did something good before dying, that must count."

Goodnight sweet prince.

He was too kind for this world.

Midgar has to be the most dangerous city possible. It's like everyone's hobby to make sure Midgar gets reduced to a pile of rubble.

FFVII characters never cease to ask the right questions.

You know Barret, impending doom notwithstanding, I'm pretty sure you've killed more people than Sephiroth both directly and indirectly.

It's very likely the meteor will still be falling.

Oh no, no, don't do it -

Goddamn it, Vincent.

The same thing he does every night, Cait. Try to take over the world.

I'm sure he will be delighted and not puzzled at all.

Enough chit-chat, let's take a look at the crater.

Well, that's it. That's the moment we've been waiting for.

What now?


So, we know Cait Sith is not Heidegger or Scarlet. Which leaves us to the obvious conclusion.

Cait Sith is Reeve. Reeve is Cait Sith!

Oh good lord.

Wait, again, what now?

Oh, cmon.


Reeve has the worst job.

Everyone's looking funny. Seems like Cait wasn't aware everyone was listening...

Reeve has the worst job.
A crazy plan to stop Hojo's crazy plan! Cait Sith! Hojo! Text!