Part 96: Measures
Chapter 95 - Measures
Last time we found out Cait Sith is Reeve.

Understandable. Desperate times, desperate measures.

Seems like we're caught between a space rock and a very hard place.

We must stop Hojo, at all costs. Dude's pretty much the reason everything is this messed up, and we now have just cause for a direct attack.

It's amusing to see a Shinra member telling them not to interfere with our business but, alas, being reasonable with these two is a bad move.

Seriously, fuck these guys.

I bet it'll be more junk we'll smash in one limit break.

Seriously, fuck these guys.

Farewell gentle Reeve. You were a triple agent too good for this world.

Of course we'll go, you crazy furry puppetmaster businessman.

Our pilot is all grown up

This is a pretty big moment. The moment we get to officially return to Midgar. And now we're its only hope. Pretty crazy of a 180.
Lots of strange things to think about. Rufus is dead, and he died while doing something actually useful to the world. Sephiroth ended up being such a big threat that some of the major players ended up allying together to take him down.
Shinra is almost done for. Hojo has gone rogue. The last two big league members, Heidegger and Scarlett, are way out of their depth. With Rufus gone, AVALANCHE's goal to defeat Shinra is for all intents and purposes, reached.
And it's such a small victory right now that no one sees fit to celebrate it.

Floating above this post-Weapon crater is the Ultimate Weapon. Unlike Diamond, we can crash the Highwind into it to initiate the battle, but we're not doing it right now.

He's of course referring to the Highwind's paintjob. Stay classy, Cid.


Sometimes science is more art than science, Nanaki. Lot of people don't get that.

Something we can agree on, crazy old vampire.

It's, in fact, bizarre that someone like Hojo actually got an important job.

Yea, well, Lucrecia's in eternal damnation, Gast is dead, and ironically his daughter is dead thanks to Lucrecia's devil child. Good job.

Aw Cait, you're a great feller. Except when you kidnapped Barret's daughter and blackmailed us.

Yes, Yuffie, we're going to Midgar.

Oh, you pukey ninja. Don't worry, you're gonna love Midgar, you'll even get your own cinematic in it with Vincent someday.

Well thanks.

Side-quests! Just kidding. Midgar!