Part 98: Looting
Chapter 97 - Looting
Last time we were just going ahead through the Shinra sewers.

Just a friendly reminder that we have to stop Hojo from blowing up the city by overloading the reactors trying to send energy to Sephiroth through the cannon. But we have something more important to do.

If we go right (the wrong way) we'll reach these stairs, which leads us to...

The Shinra Building!

This is pretty much the only change we have to get back to the place. We won't be able to go back after we're done here and we couldn't get here before. So let's enjoy our ri-

-Oh wait no not this way don't go this way noooo

Oh lord not again.

Right, we can eventually get the [Behemoth Horn] if we're masochistic enough to climb the stairs up again.

Which is one of the very few Red XIII weapons that doesn't look like a hair clip.

Either way let's get back. Now that the place's evacuated, there's stuff to do.

Remember the counter girl who didn't let us open up these chests during our first raid? Well no one's here now, so we can get the [Master Fist].

Now the Master Fist is a pretty unique weapon. Remember the [Powersoul] back in Nibelheim, a Tifa's weapon that increased in power when her health was low?
The Master Fist is like that but crazier. The damage can get up to a x11 modifier because it scales with pretty much very status ailment in the game. Shit's bananas.
Of course that's far less impressive for us right now since we already have Knights of the Round and other insane shit but it has its place in the list of stupid stuff you can do in this game.

On the other hand, this is a Barret weapon.

Nothing else needs to be said. Let's move on.

Going up!

Nothing in this floor but this is still one of my favorite looking places of the game. Unlike some other places you can just perfectly image this floor rendered in, say, Unreal Engine 4. You know, in the FFVII remake. That's never gonna happen.

This place has so many mistranslated chest messages. The Pile Bunker is named Pile Banger in game.

And the "Glow Lance" is the Grow Lance, which I was totally expecting to have Double-Growth Materia slots. I feel deceived.

Last but not least, the [HP Shout], which is Cait Sith's Ultimate Weapon.

As the name implies, the damage scales with how much relative health Cait Sith has. It's a pretty boring weapon overall.

You might remember our friend here, the vending machine. We'll bang, ok.

There you go. It drops a bunch of sources. I don't get as excited for sources in this game as I would in, say, FFX, where each point in an attribute increased your power in such a crazy exponential way it was bananas.

We can keep climbing up but the next floors are strange. They don't have new instances, so they're basically the same as they were before.

Which is >especially< weird in the upper floors because they still have the blood trail.

Eventually we reach a deadend (can't open the door), but -

You still have access to the low-level random encounters from within that room.

Well, time to go back.

Aaaaall the way back to the sewers. Going the proper way now. The first time I came here I actually found the Shinra Building by mistake.

We climb out of the sewers, just under the cannon.

However, we're prevented from going further, due to a huge clunky noise coming from behind.


Hey, Reeve was right. They were looking for us.


Cmon dude, you guys literally sentenced us to death by choking.

Fine. You know, this is actually a pretty scary thought. Those two bozos are in charge of the military. I mean, even though Scarlet is from the Weapons division, she sounds like she was in charge of the SOLDIERs. Those two right there? Serious anger management issues. No wonder the world is in such a shitty shape. Reeve should have been in charge of the army.

We just did pretty well against the Weapon that obliterated this city. Just saying. Maybe this isn't a good idea, guys. You should have listened to the Turks, follow their example you know.


Well, aren't you two special.

Let's bring down the Anti-Weapon weapon.

Proud Cloud is a very easy boss with a lot of Health. Not particularly exciting. He barely does anything and his skills aren't very damaging. You can run through Quadra Magic + Contain like I do and pretty much destroy him with just those two materias.
He also likes to fall down on the ground a lot.

Oh, and also:

Japanese do love their Star Wars references in Final Fantasy games.

Anyways, let's just say the Proud Clod has pretty much no chance of defeating a Weapon. We simply did our job as Beta Testers. Now get lost.

That thing literally just melted. While we're at it, I actually wonder who would win in a mod, Diamond Weapon or Proud Clod. Or Ultimate Weapon for that matter. Maybe Proud Clod in the latter scenario.

And we're finally off to the cannon!
Hojo being crazy! Cannon! Power levels!
Fuck, I just decided to google for it and look what I found.