Part 87: Module 5 Summary
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Module 5 Summary
- The party successfully navigates the Tomb of Raithwall and defeats the Esper Belias, set there to protect the Dawn Shard by Raithwall himself. Ashe reveals that Belias is the treasure she promised Balthier, and that the Esper is now sworn to their service, to Balthier's disappointment. Ashe receives the Dawn Shard, seeing a ghostly apparition of Rasler.
- As they leave with the Dawn Shard, the team is ambushed by the Imerial 8th Fleet, which has somehow managed to navigate the Jagd Yensa. Judge Ghis reveals that the Dawn Shard is actually a piece of deifacted nethicite, and that Vossler has secretly negotiated a deal in which Ashe would be allowed to reclaim her throne in exchange for the Dawn Shard and cooperation with the Empire.
- Ghis attempts to test the power of the Dawn Shard using the Leviathan's engine, but inadvertently triggers a chain reaction that drives Fran berserk, allowing the party to free their bonds. Vossler attempts to stop Ashe from escaping, but is defeated. The party manages to escape the blast radius just as the Dawn Shard explodes with Mist, killing Ghis and Vossler and destroying the Leviathan and most of the 8th Fleet.
- Vayne is recalled to Archadia by the Senate to answer for the loss of the 8th Fleet. Ondore takes advantage of the distraction to begin unifying resistance groups, and Rozzaria mobilizes their military in response to Archadia's perceived weakness.
Esper - a powerful being created by the gods to serve some purpose, but then rejected by the gods and bound to the mortal plane. Defeating an Esper grants their fealty and the ability to manifest them for a short time.
Deifacted Nethicite - nethicite created by the gods, as opposed to manufacted nethicite. Deifacted nethicite has a higher potential to absorb Mist, and can also release its collected energy violently. Three pieces of deifacted nethicite are known to exist, and direct descendents of their original holder, King Raithwall, can use them to verify their bloodline.
Bazaar Packages
Light Spear (2x Foul Flesh, 2x Horn, 3x Wind Stone)
Iron-forged Blade (3x Earth Stone, 2x Foul Flesh, 3x Iron Scraps)
Rain of Tears (3x Green Liquid, 4x Water Stone, 1x Yensa Scale)
Forgotten Grimoire (Open any weapon shop 30 times)
Bestiary Entries
031 - Zombie
056 - Seeker
058 - Lesser Chimera
061 - Lich
062 - Ragoh
262 - Belias, the Gigas
281 - Demon Wall
Rare Game
43 - Barmuu