Part 24: A Trivial Matter


People: Hope Estheim
Hope is a high-level advisor for the Academy. He proposed, and came to direct, the New Cocoon Project started in 10 AF.
To oversee the completion of the project, Hope and Alyssa Zaidelle entered a time capsule in 13 AF, and awoke in the year 4XX AF.
A charismatic figure overwhelmingly popular with the people, Hope feels a duty to protect the project's founding ideals. Even more so, he is consumed with a need to rescue Fang and Vanille from their slumber within the crystal pillar.

Society: The Academy
The Academy is the institute that governs the world's people, and has its headquarters in the city of Academia. It is a research-based organization founded with the aim of promoting human independence from the fal'Cie, and has rebuilt society based on the pursuit of that ideal.
The scientists of the Academy are currently moving forward with a plan to relocate the entire human race to a new, man-made Cocoon by the year 500 AF. For that purpose, the provisional government has granted the institute various administrative powers.
Important policies are decided by a joint staff committee. Each person involved in the decision making, however, must gain a vote of confidence from the general populace. This system has proven popular with the great majority of citizens, and has contributed to the smooth running of society.

Society: Time Capsule
The time capsule designed by Alyssa Zaidelle, is a device that enables a limited version of time travel. A powerful gravitational field is produced within the capsule, significantly decelerating the flow of time. This results in a phenomenon where a single day for the occupant translates to the passage of several centuries in the outside worldfor all intents and purposes bringing the capsule's interior into the future.
Considering a passenger cannot return to the past, and substantial risks concerning life-support system failure have been projected, the time capsule has yet to progress beyond experimental trials.

Society: Graviton Cores
A Graviton Core is an extremely rare material discovered within the Thirteenth Ark. The Ark is kept aloft by the buoyant force produced through the cross-reaction between the crystal ores clustered within the core. This system provides a semi-perpetual energy source, eliminating the need to rely on outside power supplies.
The man-made Cocoon and its massive population will require far more power to stabilize than the floating fortress. In order to maintain constant levitation, scientists calculate that at least five separate Graviton Cores will be needed.

Society: The New Cocoon
The New Cocoon Project, proposed by Hope Estheim, entails constructing an entirely new shell that will house the relocated human race.
This project began based on predictions that the crystal pillar supporting Cocoon will eventually collapse. A proposal to re-float the current Cocoon was also considered but subsequently rejected due to the necessity of reviving the fal'Cie to provide a compatible power source.
Construction of the man-made Cocoon began in 10 AF, and is scheduled for completion in the year 500 AF.