Part 112: S Conversation

Um, Tharja? Why are you following me around?

I want to make sure the antidote continues to work.

Oh, right. That. Um, ha ha ha! Of course it worked! Of... course. ...Er, it DID work, right?

You are completely free of any spell, curse, or hex.

Huh. 'Cause you see, there's one little problem with that... I still find you incredibly attractive, and I think I'm in love with you.

Wow... Okay, that IS a problem.

There's only one cure for this condition. You must accept... this.

...A ring?

I had to be sure it wasn't your magic that made me fall for you.


Okay, look. You want the truth? I've been interested in you for a while. Long before you ever tried casting a spell, anyway. I just didn't know a way to chat you up that didn't end with you hurling fireballs at me.

...In that case, I accept.

What? You do?

You are a sarcastic and coarse man, but there is something... interesting about you. Plus, you let me test spells on you. That has to count for something.

Glad to be of service. But, um, you're not STILL going to use me as your guinea pig, are you?

Not unless you disappoint me. ...You WON'T disappoint me, right?

Not after that, I won't!