The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 125: Robin B

Hello, Robin. I've thought about your previous offer.

The favor? Oh, good! What'll it be? Just say the word.

I recall seeing you eat bear with great relish shortly after we first met. I should like you to teach me this skill....Eating bear, that is.

I remember that night! Lissa was in a froth. Said it smelled like...old boots, was it? Wait, so you didn't eat any, either?

I fear I've rarely been able to choke down wild game, and bear least of all. But as the war grows harsher, I can no longer afford to be picky. There may come a day when bear is the only food available to us. Best I train to overcome my aversion now, when our situation is not so dire.

All right then, you're on. Let's get you eating some bear!

Yes, I will train till I can consume anything, without concern for taste or decorum. Like an animal, or a savage...or like you, Robin.


Er, Robin? ...Did I say something wrong?

Um, no, nothing. Don't worry about it. So, Frederick. You don't have a problem with more common meats, do you?

Beef and pork are fine. I also enjoy a good chicken on occasion.

Then let's start simple. Take a bit of this jerky.

I shall tear into it with gusto! *munch munch*

BLEAGH! G-gamey! S-so gamey! What...*cough* What IS this?!

It's bear. Leftovers from the same bear we ate that night, in fact! I saved some.

Eeeaaaaagh! Healer! I need a healer! *flees*

Animal or savage, indeed. How rude of him...Guess he wasn't joking about his aversion to bear, though...