The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 163: Lissa C

Ogre's teeth! Where in blue blazes has Chrom gone to?! ...Say, Lissa! You ain't seen that brother or yours skulkin' around, have ya?

If I had, I wouldn't tell YOU.

Oh, come on! It's nothin' serious! Why ya gotta take his side all the time?

Because he's my brother and I know you just want to hit him with something! Gods, you're like children, the both of you.

I could try explainin' it, but ya wouldn't understand. It's a warrior thing.

More like an idiot thing. You know, there ARE other ways to communicate! Besides bopping each other on the head with blunt axes, I mean.

Look, Lissa. The Vaike doesn't hate your bro. Heck, I like him! Most of the time... But we've gotta fight! Fate made us rivals, and who are we to deny fate?

Oh now, that is just absurd. So why, exactly, are you "rivals"?

Huh? Well, you know. ...Stuff.

No, I don't know! I think you have a grudge against Chrom, and that's all there is to it!

A grudge? No way! I RESPECT the man! He's the greatest warrior in the realm! But if you wanna be the very best, ya gotta beat the very best...


...B-but don't go tellin' him I said that! If he knew I was praisin' him, I'd never hear the end of it every time we squared off!

Tee hee, don't worry, Teach. I'll keep your little secret.