The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 24: The Mad King Gangrel - Extrra

Starting Class: Dancer
Weapon Ranks: Swords (D)

Dancer Support Bonus: +3 Spd/Lck

Reclass options: Dancer, Myrmidon, Pegasus Knight

Base stats (Growths)

HP: 18 (75) Spd: 9 (70)
Str: 3 (40) Lck: 5 (60)
Mag: 1 (25) Def: 3 (25)
Skill: 8 (70) Res: 2 (25)

Olivia is the ultimate utility unit, since using her in combat is basically suicide for her. If you need extra healing, Rescuing, movement, attack, unlocking, etc. then Dancers will have a place for your army. Extremely fragile and a strong candidate for any Seraph Robes available.

Official Bio: A shy, introverted caravan dancer who goes above and beyond to help others. Despite her stage fright, she is unparalleled in her craft and has admirers around the world. The most mesmerizing singer.

Conversation after battle will not take place if Chrom already has an S-rank or married to Olivia

S Conversation: Holding... holding... and out... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

And the...oh god...confession video