The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 276: Lon'qu A

You put on quite an impressive show today, Lon'qu.


I would have been in a terrible bind had you not been close by to defend me. Though you would have been in a similar fix had I not healed you afterward. Regardless, it was quite chivalrous of you. And proof you've overcome your problem! This is a celebratory day indeed. Perhaps you'll join me for a cup of--

TOO CLOSE! Er, I mean... Please step back.

I'm sorry, did you just shriek at me like some kind of ill-mannered lout?

My problem is not gone. It's better in combat, but... At times like this, I can't... I can't. I'm sorry.

I see.

Go on. Laugh at the craven.

I'll do no such thing! I owe you all the more knowing you defended me despite the discomfort. I should dearly like to help you work through this issue.

I don't see how.

Oh, there has to be SOME way. Hmm, perhaps it's best to have you jump in headfirst. I could bring you to an establishment where a pack of lovely ladies wait on you?

Pass. ...Wait. How would you know about such a place?

Rude! A woman must have her secrets.

Perhaps there is another way. A normal way.

Quite right! And I won't rest until I've come up with it, my dear. Anything for a friend, I always say.

Are we friends?

Would you disagree?

Most friends stand closer than twenty paces from one another. But yes. I would like to be friends.

Good, because it's a done deal regardless.