Part 29: Of Sacred Blood - Preparation
Chapter 13: Of Sacred Blood
Milord, we have word from Plegia. They have agreed to meet with us at their outpost on Carrion Isle. A poor venue should things go sour, as the island's name makes plain. But then I don't see we have much of a choice.
Cautious as ever, Frederick the Wary. Don't worry. We'll get our ships. This threat hands over all of usPlegia as well. They must see that.
Jackpot. Port Ferox is probably the best city in a long while for its wares. Unlimited Rescue Staves means incredibly easy levels for any Staff users. Any unit is free to promote once they're ready, too.
But right now, we have important business to attend to.
*Aversa meets them*
What can I say? It seems fate has designs for me yet.
You serve the new king, then? This...Validar?
Wait, didn't we kill him like twice or something?
I do.
They say he worships Grima...
Why yes, of course he is Grimleal. We are both believers. My liege often says it was his faith that got him through, after Gangrel's passing. It was a difficult time... But he kept order where there might have been chaos.
We had meant to arrange an official visit to Ylisstol, but Ah, here is my lord now.
The honor is mine, good king. ...Is it possible we've met before some...
Gods! It can't be.
Oh ho, I'm quite certain I would remember any encounter with Ylissean royalty.
(Psst! Robin!)
(I know! He looks just like the assassin that came after Emmeryn...)
And you must be Lady Robin.
You know of me, sire?
The whole world knows of Ylisse's master tactician!
And indeed, I see the sparkle of wisdom in your eyes.
(But we killed him, Robin!)
(I know but... The's uncanny...)
(How could he possibly)
My, the negotiations haven't even begun and already so much whispering...
...My apologies, King Validar. We meant no disrespect.
(Chrom? What should we do?)
(Nothing for now. But stay close, and be ready for anything...)
Then let us get to it.
Plegia can offer no soldiers, but will provide 800 warships and 200 transports. In addition, we would be pleased to fully fund the campaign against Valm.
What, so each party members get 5 ships or something? Maybe Nowi does...
That is...surprisingly generous of you, milord. We could not ask for more, quite literally. You offer most all your assets...
I would give troops as well, but our army remains in shambles from the last war. I trust the gold and ships will suffice as a sign of our commitment to the cause?
Of course it will. Thank you, King Validar.
The honor is ours, my prince. I look forward to building a strong bond between our two nations.
As do I. Then, if there's nothing else? My men and I must hurry back to Port Ferox.
Oh, so soon? But I have one more introduction to make.
...Yes? And who would that be?
A hierophant, the highest of her order in all Plegia.
...So you lead the people in worship? We were just discussing religion earlier...
...I'm sorry, have I said something to offend you?
...The heart still sleeps, but the blood flows through it. And the blood is strong...
...Huh? Beg pardon, were you talking to me?
Good hierophant, I would ask you lower your cowl. In Ylisse, it is a courtesy expected of one in the presence of royalty.
...You are a long way from Ylisse, sir.
...But very well...
*removes hood*
By the gods!
What manner of sorcery
She looks just
Why that IS rather curious, now that you mention it... What are the odds? In any case, I believe we are finished here. We will let you be on your w
Hold just one moment!
What is the meaning of this? Why do your hierophant and Robin
I'm afraid we've no time for such trivial matters now, Your Highness. We have aid preparations to attend to, and you have a long, hard journey ahead... Oh, and do be careful on your way back to Port Ferox. This time of year the highroads of Plegia can be quite treacherous...
*later, outside the castle*
It's no use. I can't sleep. Who was that woman? How could she bear my same face?
Huh? Who's there?! *looks around* Th-there's no one. I'm alone...
*A strong ringing noise repeats in Robin's head*
Why do you close your heart to him, Robin?
Have you truly forgotten?
You were...calling me... Augh! My head! Get out of my mind!
Heh heh. Such arrogance! You dare take such a tone...
...My what?
Liar. Her hair would've been black, then.
You are of my flesh, but of sacred blood. You are to serve a glorious purpose! Search deep in your heart. You already know it is your destiny...
No... Get...out...
Why do you resist us, Robin? Your rightful place is at my side. Not wasting your time with these doomed servants of Naga! Give yourself to Grima! Let me join your strength to the fell dragon!
*Chrom arrives*
...Pah! Not this one again... No matter. In time you will see the truth. And that is all it will bea matter of time...
Nngh... Ahh... Ahh...
I-I think so... Yes, Chrom, thank you. I'm...I'm fine.
"Fine" is a poor choice of words! What's happened?!
...King Validar, he... He spoke to my mind. He said I was his...his daughter...
What?! ...Is this true?
I don't know... But I also don't know it's a lie. Loath as I am to say it, I felt a...a strange connection, between us.
Oh, gods... That hierophant doppelganger... Could she be the king's daughter, as well? Are you twins?
Validar is the laziest parent in the universe if that's true.
I... I'm sorry, Chrom. I can't remember... But if I'm being would explain much... I'm not even sure I want to know the truth of my past anymore...
You are yourself, before you are any man's daughter. Remember that.
...Thank you, Chrom.
Can you walk?
Yes...yes I think so.
But...we posted sentries! How did this happen?
They made a stealthy approach, milord. I've never seen Risen behave like this.
Either they are learning our ways, or someone is commanding them...
Validar! This is his doingI'm sure of it.
Equip anyone who can bear arms, and tell them we fight for our lives!
Not good. Surrounded everywhere, including reinforcements that will pour out from the forts. Now there is some mercy with this mission being a Kill Commander map, so some Dancing/Rescue shenanigans can end this map in one turn. Of course, then Kellam will be stuck wielding terrible weapons forever and we don't want that, now do we?
Voting time. Characters already in: Chrom, Robin, Cherche, Lissa
Vote HERE. Voting will end in about a day or so. No spoilers beyond what we know.