Part 44: The Conqueror - Battle
Chapter 19 Battle![](1-1.jpg)
Olivia makes a return on one of the worst maps to keep her safe, of course. Cordelia continues her role as the Donny replacement, arming herself with various effective weaponry since she's still only has D rank swords.
Even though it's a Kill Commander map, the mission starts the party off basically surrounded with Paladins up front. The best way to guard all fronts is to form two walls under the middle tower.
First order of business is to have Robin Rally Spectrum the middle party, then Tiki running up and smacking a Paladin with her renewed spirit.
Chrom begins the final steps toward being a Rightful King, abusing that poor Noble Rapier like it's a club all day.
Cynthia clears some space as she finishes off Tiki's Paladin. Henry and Owain once again combine forces and make way to distract the western forces.
Tharja saps the life out of the middle Paladin with Lucina's assistance.
Gregor joins Cordelia as she takes on the eastern forces, gaining a level that involves everything but magical stuff.
Yarne catches a ride with Cherche, Morgan supports Cynthia, and the rest hang out in safety.
Cordelia holds the line against the remaining General.
Henry takes out a couple units on the western side, while Tharja eliminates any that goes near her area.
Better set up the wall in the middle quick before reinforcements start popping up from the forts.
Robin continues her job to boost the party, while Tharja runs up and eliminates a pesky Great Knight from advancing.
Looks like Cynthia heard my complaints as she gains everything but magic and resistance.
Tiki and Chrom form a zigzag wall to better protect the more fragile units on squad. Olivia gains a good level after dancing for Cynthia.
Morgan gets in the skirmish and blows away another Great Knight, giving Tiki and Chrom some extra support bonuses in the process.
Owain takes the lead and shines his justice brightly to defeat the foes. Brady levels up after Rescuing Cherche from getting free EXP from an Event Tile.
Justice!!! (The Bow Knight drops a Silver Bow).
Tharja and Morgan continue to hold the middle lines, the latter getting a Silver Sword after defeating a Paladin.
Morgan's magic is almost equal to his strength now, though his A rank tomes certainly closes the gap on any damage difference. Cynthia gains A rank lances after the battle.
Yarne kicks off the new turn with a quick shot and a decent level. Brady Rescues him afterwards.
Tiki takes out her prey with Tharja's help, while Morgan gallops a bit to take the winds out of a Wyvern Lord's life.
Owain moves up to eliminate a flanking flier, getting a great level as his reward.
Gregor improves his defense a bit. Could probably use more luck in the future, though.
Lucina gets on the healing-for-pain action as she Aethers the Wyvern Lord away.
Tiki and Chrom continue to develop patchwork walls for the right side, the latter eliminating a Dark Knight in the process.
Just because Robin is a support unit doesn't mean she still can't obliterate foes. The flier drops a Silver Lance.
Team Owain and Gregor defending just fine.
Owain treks back to the middle to help out on the walls, getting a Silver Axe in the process.
Gregor's target drops an Archwind.
Brady gains an excellent level as the party form around the available safe space.
Reinforcements arrive for the Valmese.
The Shepherds hold their own against the countless waves of enemies attacking them. It's very nice that Tiki can take on most of the enemies by herself right out of the box, unlike Nowi who struggled to take on the enemies on her recruitment map.
The chip damage gets Tiki her first level and it is a good one.
It's been a very eventful 4 turns so far. The 5th will be spent rebuilding the walls for the middle area to defend against the multiple reinforcements incoming.
Tiki chips the Paladin for Yarne to power through an Aegis for the kill.
I don't think Yarne has had any terrible levels like Brady or Cynthia had. Definitely better than Kjelle's "nothing but speed" phase and Laurent's..Ugh.
Yarne reaches 20 strength, but also gets C rank Bows. That gives him access to Steel Bows, Killer Bows, and most importantly Longbows, giving him 3-range access.
Tharja clears an enemy for giggles. Owain moves to form a zigzag wall for the left side.
Brady Rescues Gregor so Cordelia can fill in the gap for the right wall as more reinforcements pop up.
It's a weird formation, but it's working like a charm.
Tharja gains a level after a couple of battles, gaining some much-needed luck since Killer weapons are the biggest loopholes around Nosferatu.
The bare essentials. Also, Cordy has some weird clipping issues with the Hero model. Gregor masters axes after the battle.
One day, a game designer just went "I want giant collars for a class!" and it made it all dark that can't cast dark tomes. He drank a lot of coffee that day, I imagine.
Oh come on.
Tiki wears down a Great Knight for Yarne. Cynthia cleans up on her mortal enemy, A Bow User.
3-range is mostly useful for avoiding counterattacks from 2-range units, but having essentially an extra movement point is never a bad thing.
Lucy blows up a Paladin and gains D rank tomes. Gregor walks over and kills a Dark Knight while he fills in the gap.
Brady Rescues Olivia as the turn ends.
And a good reason so as Wyvern Lords spawn at the bottom forts to shank any weak units not hanging around that very specific safe area on the map.
Gregor busts out his growing biceps for more power and speed.
The final reinforcements fly toward the Shepherds, which are basically flying EXP tanks for Yarne to shoot down.
Finally, Chrom learns Rightful King. Oh yeah, and a bunch of good stats.
Tiki and Cynthia get some kills in, too.
Bad Cynthia! Yarne already has 20 strength and he's had far less levels than you!
Make that 21. Yarne learns Prescience which gives +15 Hit/Avoid when attacking AKA Hey Numbnuts, don't miss.
A couple more battles with the mooks.
Those are some pretty absurd stats for being the son of two parents that have seen like maybe 4 bouts total. He's already stronger than Sully, who's a promoted Paladin if you've forgotten (the voters certainly have).
Alright, just need to clear out that General and
Oh goddamnit
Okay, it could've been much worse but these idiots will just have to learn how to behave in the afterlife.
Yarne picked a good time to be a wielder of bows.
Yarne snipes another Wyvern Lord as Cherche stretches her axe arm a bit on the lone General.
Tiki finishes off the target for another good level, gaining luck and defense in the process.
Hmm, this plan to force Lucina into a tome user isn't working out too well.
Brady's level after healing Cynthia. He also acquires Rally Luck, an ability he will never, ever use.
Tiki gets fed Rally Spectrum and Speed to gain an impressive amount of stat-stacking.
Tiki will run up in the middle to bait out the rest of the enemies while Olivia gains another level.
You were probably wondering why Walhart was never mentioned until now. Well, he literally does not move as long as you avoid his surrounding troops' range. He just chills there until someone challenges him.
Tiki didn't exactly have a great time against him.
The two Paladins she ate on the other hand were quite delicious.
Cordy and Yarne takes care of the remaining General mooks, leaving Walhart by himself.
Yarne is going to be a beefy Sniper.
Hmm, maybe I should've made Chrom use the Iron Lance to rub it in further.
Super powerful Conqueror of Conquerors; defeated by Owain chucking a sword at his face.
Sore loser.
Owain learns Swordfaire, which basically gives him +5 Mt whenever he has a sword equipped. I just hope his next class has swords involved.
Once a characters reaches over the 5 ability limit, you have to remove one to add to their reserve pool. Owain is the dodgiest of characters so the Avoid +10 can go hibernate now.
Owain receives Walhart's Sol sword.
*A crowd yelling is heard from the south and an army arrives*
*Meanwhile, inside the castle*
(Walhart approaches)
*At the entrance of the castle*