Part 47: Five Gemstones - Preparation
Chapter 21: Five Gemstones
*Robin approaches*
I know that face... "Dueling with unpleasant thoughts," are we?
You know me well, Robin.
Hey, remember when Lissa first brought me here? When I met all the Shepherds? And Sumia... Ha ha! Oh, what a day! ...Actually, that's my first memory, in a way.
Heh. I suppose so. I wish all our memories since could have been as joyful.
I know... So much needless bloodshed. So many days of pain and doubt and fighting... We would have never made it without you there to guide us, you know.
Funny. I was going to say the same to you.
I guess we really are two halves of the same whole.
I've sent Frederick to search for Sable, the final Gemstone. And I've been reading more about the Awakening ritual. It seems that whoever attempts the rite must brave Naga's fire. If both body and spirit survive the agony, they are blessed with the dragon's power. Otherwise, the candidate...dies.
What?! No! ...Er, that is... Father, must you attempt this?
*Lucina enters*
Forgive me, Father. I didn't intend to... I came to speak with you, but I couldn't find the right moment and
It's all right, Lucina. And yes, I'll be all right, too. I will withstand Naga's fire. I'm sure of it.
Milord, I have returned.
*Frederick enters*
I believe so, sire. King Validar has extended an invitation.
He says Plegia has been guarding Sable, and now he wishes to return it to you.
They sent word to me, milord. They must have caught wind of my search... In any case, Validar asks that you visit him in person, that he might formally present it.
Perhaps needless to say, milord, but I don't like this one bit.
Neither do I, Frederick the Wary. Neither do I. At best, it's selfish political maneuvering at a time when the world can ill afford it. At worst, our run-in with those Risen last visit was no accident... But we will meet with him. Send word at once.
Milord, are you...certain that's wise?
No, but we haven't time to be certain. ...And my sister never refused a diplomatic gesture, no matter how foul smelling.
If he doesn't give us the stone, he may at least reveal where it is. ...Don't worry, Frederick. I'm not walking into this blindly. We will make certain everyone is armed to the teeth.
Then the Fire Emblem, milordyou ought at least leave it behind.
Unless that's what Validar expects, and he comes to steal it with my best men away... No, it's safest with me, for now. We'll learn the truth of Validar's motive soon enough...
The wares for beating Walhart and taking his castle. Not exactly anything amazing by now.
Chrom and the Shepherds return to Plegia Castle after the Valm campaign to prevent a new war.
What's wrong, Lucina?
That great skull. I saw it once before, when Emmeryn was sentenced to die. Even then it reminded me of...him...
You mean...
A cataclysmic war ushered his return... It's said he fed on the souls of the fallen before turning upon the living...
Cutscene flashback!
We'll stop him, Lucina. I promise. The future can be changed. You've proven it already.
And with all of us together, we can turn the course of history.
I want to believe that, Father.
I want to believe that, more than anything...
*The trio enter the castle*
(I saw armed soldiers hiding in the shadows as we were shown in...)
(Then it sounds like we have our answer already...)
*Validar and Aversa enter*
Prince Chrom! Welcome.
...I was told you had something you wished to give me.
My my! No time for courtesy, milord? Such impatience... Do you really want it that badly? This concerns me. The Gemstones and the Fire Emblem can be...treacherous artifacts. A fact Plegia and the Grimleal sadly know all too well...
"Sadly"? You speak ill of when the first exalt used them against the fell dragon?
Yes I do, intruder!
Music: Run all you like. You can't escape fate!
You are not supposed to be here. You must be destroyed!
You wouldn't dare!
Give me the Fire Emblem... Give it to me!
You mad scoundrel! This is a declaration of war!
I will only ask one last time: give me the Emblem. Now!
Then this parley is over. Guards! Seize them!
Just as we thought...
How preciously clever of her. You should be proud.
Hmph. If she had half the wits of her father, she would know they've already lost.
This is actually a race against time type of mission, as those stairs on the far sides of the map will spawn Mire Sorcerers every turn.
The enemies aren't screwing around, as you can tell from the forged weaponry they're carrying.
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