The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 518: Maribelle B


Eeeeeek! M-Maribelle?!

Heavens! You're as twitchy as a single count in a room full of unwed dowagers.

Oh, I know. I'm sorry...

Well, I suppose it's partly my fault. I do walk with dainty, stealthy steps.

But never mind that. On to business! You first lesson is about to begin.

Oh, already? That was quick. So, er, what do I have to do?

I want you to initiate a conversation with a gentleman.

Pffft! Is that all? That'll be easy! I talk to my fellow soldiers all the ti-

I said a gentleman! Not some knuckle-dragging oaf from the sticks! I want you to go to town, approach the first NOBLE you see, and make his acquaintance.

Huh?! N-no way! I can't talk to a stranger!

What you think you can or can't do is irrelevant. You simply must do it.

I know it seems like I'm pushing you into the deep end, but it's a proven method. It's called shock therapy, and it's the latest thing in all the finest courts.


Oh, stop with the pathetic stuttering! Look, this is no picnic for me, either. I did a lot of research for your sake. Are you going to waste all my efforts? You DO want a backbone, don't you?

W-well, I guess it wouldn't be so bad... if you came with me?

Darling, of course I shall accompany you! How else will I know if the deed is done? And this being your first time, a little moral support might be beneficial.

So! As soon as you are ready, we shall set out for town.

I c-can't believe she's making me do this... *gulp*