The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 592: Ricken C

Hey, Cherche! Can I ask you for a big, humongous favor?

Well, you can ask, but I can't make any promises.

Can I pet your wyvern?


Aw, nuts. I can't, right? I knew it...

Hold now. I was just surprised, is all. You can pet her as much as you like. Minerva IS very cute. I'm surprised more people don't ask to play with her.

Cute? More like utterly terrifying!

Terrifying? MY Minerva?!

Er, uh, right! Cute it is, then! ...Also totally scary.

Well. I suppose she is a little bit scary. But you still want to pet her anyway?

Yep! I love animals. I'm like a monster whisperer or something. I've never touched a wyvern before, but I bet we'll be best friends anyway. In fact, I think I have the makings of a first-class wyvern rider!

Oh, do you now?

Yep! For a monster whisperer like me, riding a wyvern should be easy as pie!

Ah, the arrogance of youth...