The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 668: Robin C

Robin! I want a word with you.

Oh, Khan Flavia. What can I do for you?

I just wanted to say... that I am very much an admirer of yours You are quick witted, bold, and decisive. Everything a superior tactician should be.

Oh, well... I'm honored by the compliment, Khan Flavia.

Though in truth, I'm unaccustomed to such high praise...

Please dispense with the humility. I find it terribly dull and, in your case, ill fitting. Besides, once this war is over, I want you to serve as my chief tactician.


Regna Ferox sorely needs military talent of your caliber. At my side, you'd be worth a legion or more of battle-hardened fighters!

Milady, I... I don't know what to say. Might I have some time to think on it?

Yes, of course. You mull it over, then return to me with an answer.

Th-thank you. I'll do that.