The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 704: Virion (Father) B


Kjelle, you seem to be training especially hard today.

If I can't do my share of the cooking, I'll have to do a larger share of the fighting

Oh, so... you're not cooking again?

Would you want me to, after the last time?! You saw that day's battle played out. All our soldiers clutching their guts, legs quivering like newborn deer... And the smell... Oh, gods, the smell... If the enemy hadn't been so horrified, we might all be dead!

Yes, it was hardly our most shining moment. But nobody's perfect-I'm sure it was just a fluke. I know I, for one, would like to try your cooking again.


...I'm sorry?

What if it WASN'T a fluke? What if my cooking gets you KILLED next time?! Another breakfast from me could bring our entire army to its knees! Literally! Don't ask me to do that to my fellow soldiers and my family.

Oh come now, it wasn't THAT bad...

I still remember the sound... that horrible sound... Dozens of people, all fa-

All right! Fair enough. ...Look, what if I gave you a few pointers? If we manage to come up with something tasty, we can share it with everyone!

Hmm... All right, let's try it!...And thanks.